Karl Rosie - Scottish National Party - Thurso & North West Caithness
9th April 2017
I was born and educated in Thurso, and worked locally in the nuclear industry for sixteen years prior to working for Transocean Ltd for 14 years in the oil industry, and I currently hold the position of Constituency Manager for Dr Paul Monaghan, MP for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross.
I am standing for election because the people of Thurso and North West Caithness clearly feel that they are being forgotten by the Highland Council and let down by the incumbent councillors. The community recognise the challenges that we face, but also realise the huge potential of our area in that we live in a resource rich community that is complimented by a fantastic range of innovative and highly skilled businesses including tourism, food and drink, agriculture, fishing, forestry, renewables and engineering industry. We must be able to attract people with a range of skills and expertise to remain and live in our area, convincing our young people and future generations that choosing to live in Caithness will place no ceiling on their ambitions.
We cannot accept our location as being a barrier to creating wealth or success in our community and we will only achieve this by providing a safe, healthy, prosperous environment with first class services and infrastructure that meets our community needs.
The reality for the people of Thurso and Caithness West has meant a steady erosion and decline of our local services to the extent that schools are having to reduce the working week, public transport services being cut rendering them not fit for purpose, additional charges for refuse collections being imposed and even grass cutting on pathways and verges not happening.
We have the ability to introduce real change and local democracy that people decide is most appropriate for our area by utilising the powers within the Community Empowerment and Land Reform Acts, both brought forward by the Scottish Government. These Acts are where the commissions on local democracy, participatory budgeting and empowering communities to purchase undeveloped land or derelict buildings in their communities originate, dispelling the myth of centralisation that you read from other candidates.
The city region deal with a value of £315 million and at the disposal of the Highland Council can present an opportunity for the people in our communities, businesses and voluntary organisations to transform our area. That is what creating local democracy can and should mean.
If we are going to attract and retain people we need to progress and develop our area and we cannot continue to accept the substandard local services that have been provided over the last five years if we are going to achieve this aim.
If elected my priorities will be to work with partners:
To improve Health & Social care provision.
To improve the integration of Public transport services across the Highlands and ensure that our road, pavements and transport network are fit for purpose and meeting the community needs.
To achieve greater and meaningful local democracy which delivers for the people.
To further develop a festival culture in our area that can showcase our natural environment, heritage, sports, culture and food and drink industry.
To ensure that first class mobile and broadband connectivity is available to all of our community as soon as possible by examining innovative alternatives.
To ensure that generated renewables revenue is shared across the community for the benefit of all.
To ensure that education will see all of our children reach their full potential.
Please do not hesitate to contact me using the following contact details at any time:
Email: vote@karlrosie.scot
Mobile: 07871043775