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Scam Warning From Royal Bank

27th April 2020

Current Fraud Trends.

Criminals are always looking for new ways they can get you to part with your money and personal details, so it's really important you know how to spot these fake requests.

They are currently sending fake emails or text messages, pretending to be from companies you trust such as the TV Licensing authority, subscription services or even the Bank. They want you to click on links in order to get your personal information. You should never take an unexpected request at face value and should always look to verify it independently. Some of the ways you can do this are as follows:

Looking for personal identifiers in emails. We'll always use at least 2 pieces of information (such as your name and partial postcode) to show it's us contacting you.

If you receive an unexpected request from a trusted company, you should contact them independently on a different number or check their website for the latest scams.

To protect yourself and your money always think twice before clicking on any unexpected emails or texts.