20th September 2010
Am Mod N'iseanta R'oghail (The Royal National Mod), Scotland's premier festival celebrating Gaelic linguistic and cultural heritage, which is taking place in Caithness this October for the first time in its 118 year history, is inviting Gaelic and local exhibitors to showcase their products and services at The Mod Showcase.
The nine day celebration of Gaelic music, dance, drama, arts and literature, running from Friday 8th until Saturday 16th October, is set to attract thousands of spectators to the Caithness towns of Wick and Thurso, two of the most northerly points of mainland Scotland.
The showcase will take place in 'The Dome' which is situated within North Highland Business College, Thurso, and will see a fantastic display of Gaelic and local organisations such as The Gaelic Books Council, Tartan Bodices, DM Couture, Mackay Country Project, Felt Creations, Mey Selections and Scottish Natural Heritage.
The organisers of the showcase are calling out for more Gaelic and local businesses and organisations to come forward to showcase their wares at the event, from food and drink to locally produced crafts and services - products exhibited regularly at the National Mod include books, CD's, artworks, photography, crafts and food and drink. The Food & Drink element to the showcase is part of Scotland's Year of Food & Drink 2010, a year-long celebration which Event Scotland is supporting.
A larger exhibition space is available this year and will cost £100.00 per exhibitor for the week of the event, providing an excellent opportunity for visitors and competitors attending the Mod to learn more about Gaelic language and Gaelic-related products or services. Refreshments will be available throughout the week in Cafe [AT] Morven.
John Morrison, chief executive of An Comunn G'idhealach said: "This is an excellent opportunity for local businesses to showcase at such an important and historic event and put their brand directly in front of thousands of local, national and international visitors. We have had an excellent response so far from exhibitors looking to take part and are looking to build on this and hear from more businesses who would like to get involved".
Exhibitors who regularly participate at the Royal National Mod include Comhairle nan Leabhraichean (Gaelic Books Council), MG Alba, Sabhal Mor Ostaig, SNH and The Scottish Parliament. Highlands & Islands Enterprise will be on hand to talk about their work in the area and how they support Gaelic in the community.
The festival kicks off on Friday 8th October with a grand opening ceremony taking place in the early evening followed by a traditional energetic ceilidh to get visitors in the mood for the week long competitive festival. Competitions in Thurso begin on Monday 11th October, providing opportunities for people of all ages to perform in a range of competitive disciplines including Gaelic music, song, dance, drama, sport and literature. The grand finale will take place on Saturday 16th October when the Massed Choirs will gather and parade in Thurso town centre, led by local pipe bands.
For more information and to enquire about taking exhibitor space please contact Alison Henderson on 07552 167801 or email alison[AT]
For full festival programme and details, visit
Caithness Mod web site
Tha Am M�d N�iseanta R�oghail, pr�omh f�is na h-Alba a tha a' comharrachadh dualchas c�nain is cultarail na G�idhlig, a tha ga cumail san D�mhair seo ann an Gallaibh airson a' chiad uair anns an eachdraidh 118 bliadhna aice, a' toirt cuireadh do luchd-taisbeanaidh na G�idhlig is luchd-taisbeanaidh ionadail na toraidhean agus na seirbheisean aca a thaisbeanadh aig Taisbeanadh a' Mh�id.
Tha d�il gun t�ladh an comharrachadh naoi latha seo le ce�l, dannsa, dr�ma, ealain is litreachas na G�idhlig, a' ruith bho Dihaoine 8 gu Disathairne 16 D�mhair, na m�ltean de luchd-�isteachd gu bailtean Inbhir �ige agus Inbhir The�rsa ann an Gallaibh, suidhichte anns an �ite as fhaide tuath air t�r-m�r na h-Alba.
Gabhaidh an taisbeanadh �ite anns an 'Dome' a tha suidhichte taobh a-staigh Colaisde Gn�omhachais na G�idhealtachd a-Tuath, Inbhir The�rsa, agus bidh deagh shealladh ann bho bhuidhnean G�idhlig agus ionadail leithid Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, Tartan Bodices, DM Couture, Mackay Country Project, Felt Creations, Mey Selections agus Dualchas N�dair na h-Alba.
Tha eagraichean an taisbeanaidh ag iarraidh air barrachd bhuidhnean is ghn�omhachasan G�idhlig is ionadail a thighinn don taisbeanadh gus na tha aca ri reic no ri shanasachadh a nochdadh aig an tachartas, bho bhiadh is deoch gu obair-ci�ird is sheirbheisean ionadail - tha toraidhean a th�id an taisbeanadh gu cunbhalach aig a' Mh�id N�iseanta a' toirt a-steach leabhraichean, CDn, obair-ealain, obair-dheilbh, obair-ci�ird is biadh is deoch.� Tha am p�irt Biadh & Deoch den taisbeanadh mar ph�irt de Bhliadhna Biadh & Deoch na h-Alba 2010, comharrachadh fad-bliadhna le taic bho EventScotland.
Tha l�rach taisbeanaidh nas motha ann am-bliadhna agus cosgaidh �ite d�reach �100.00 do gach neach-taisbeanaidh airson fad seachdain, a' toirt deagh chothrom do luchd-tadhail agus farpaisich a tha an l�thair aig a' Mh�d barrachd ionnsachadh mun Gh�idhlig agus mu thoraidhean is sheirbheisean le ceangal ris a' ch�nan. Gheibhear gr�im b�dh fad na seachdain aig Cafe [AT] Morven.
Thuirt Iain Moireasdan, �rd-oifigear A' Chomuinn Gh�idhealaich: "Is e f�or chothrom math a tha seo do ghn�omhachasan ionadail na toraidhean agus am brannd aca a thaisbeanadh aig an leithid de thachartas cudromach is eachdraidheil agus sin a chur gu d�reach fa chomhair na m�ltean de luchd-tadhail ionadail, n�iseanta agus eadar-n�iseanta. Tha m�ran de luchd-taisbeanaidh air �idh a nochdadh ann gu ruige seo agus tha sinn airson togail air an seo agus bhiodh e math cluinntinn bho ghn�omhachasan eile a tha airson gum bi iad mar ph�irt den taisbeanadh seo".
A-measg an luchd-taisbeanaidh a bhios a' gabhail p�irt gach bliadhna aig a' Mh�d N�iseanta R�oghail tha Comhairle nan Leabhraichean, MG Alba, Sabhal M�r Ostaig, SNH agus P�rlamaid na h-Alba. Bidh riochdairean bho Iomairt na G�idhealtachd is nan Eilean an l�thair gus innse mun obair aca san sg�re agus mar a tha iad a' toirt taic don Gh�idhlig sa choimhearsnachd.
T�isichidh an Fh�is air Dihaoine 8 D�mhair le cuirm-fosglaidh a' gabhail �ite tr�th san oidhche agus �s d�idh sin b�dh c�ilidh traidiseanta ann gus blas a thoirt do luchd-tadhail air na tha romhpa fad na seachdain a tha air thoiseach. Bidh farpaisean a' t�iseachadh ann an Inbhir The�rsa Diluain 11 D�mhair, a' toirt chothroman dha daoine de gach aois p�irt a ghabhail ann an raon de fharpaisean a' toirt a-steach ce�l, �rain, dannsa, dr�ma, sp�rs and litreachas na G�idhlig. Thig c�isean gu cr�ch air Disathairne 16 D�mhair nuair a chruinnicheas na M�r-ch�isirean le caismeachd ann am meadhan baile Inbhir The�rsa, le C�mhlain P�oba ionadail aig aghaidh na caismeachd.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh agus gus faighneachd mu bhith a' faighinn �ite taisbeanaidh feuch an cuir sibh fios gu Alison NicEanraig air 07552 167801 no air post-d aig alison[AT]
Airson l�n-fhiosrachadh mu phr�gram na f�ise tadhal air