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Scottish Government Considers Merging Desktop And Mobile Device Deals Into £200m Framework

18th September 2024

The Scottish Government is considering merging two existing frameworks for the provision of mobile and desktop devices to create a single £200m commercial vehicle.

The government currently has two separate agreements in place: a £125m agreement for mobile devices; and a £75m engagement for desktop machines. Both of these are held by HP and both currently run until 2025 - although the latter can be extended for two further years.

As the government prepares to go back to market and tender for a replacement for the mobile deal, it is considering taking this opportunity to unite the two discrete deals into a single framework, covering all kinds of end-user devices.

"We intend to explore incorporating the scope of the Desktop Client Devices Framework - [including] desktops, monitors, fixed workstations, associated accessories and services - into the new framework to bring additional benefits to... public bodies," the Scottish Government said, in a newly published engagement notice.

Read the full article HERE