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Planning For Sustainable Economic Growth

17th September 2012

Planning Minister Derek Mackay today updated parliament on progress towards planning reform, and outlined a major review of Scottish Planning Policy and the programme for delivery of Scotland's third National Planning Framework.

In a statement to Parliament, Mr Mackay stressed the importance of the planning system in creating sustainable economic growth for Scotland.

And he announced a programme of engagement on the National Planning Framework (NPF) - which will set priorities for national development over the next 20 to 30 years - as well as a review of Scottish Planning Policy, to spell out how that vision will be delivered.

As part of the review of the NPF Mr Mackay launched a call for Candidate National Developments to be considered for inclusion in the final document. The selected developments must make a significant contribution to Scotland's sustainable economic growth and be of national, rather than regional, significance.

Mr Mackay stressed he wants everyone with an interest in the future of Scotland to be able to have a say in developing the national framework and launched online the Participation Statement which set out how people can get involved.

Mr Mackay also updated Parliament on progress on the Planning Reform Next Steps measures he announced in March. Over the coming months the Scottish Government will introduce legislation to simplify the regulatory burden, extend the inclusive charette approach which involves communities in development plans, and use the first reports on planning authority performance to assess standards of planning in Scotland.

Planning Minister Derek Mackay said:"This Government has a clear commitment to addressing the impact on Scotland of current global economic conditions, directing all our efforts to making Scotland a more successful country, with opportunities for all to flourish by increasing sustainable economic growth.

"A modern, effective planning system plays a vital role in this. In March I outlined a comprehensive package of measures to drive improved performance, simplify and streamline the planning process, deliver development and promote a plan led system. Today I am updating Parliament on our progress on this, and announcing the programme for delivering the National Planning Framework and a review of Scottish Planning Policy.

"Over our lifetimes almost every single one of us will be engaged in the planning process in one way or another.

"I want the third National Planning Framework to reflect Scotland's ambition, to realise Scotland's opportunities for economic growth and to create more successful and sustainable places. This will contribute to supporting Scotland's economic recovery, particularly through the transition to a low carbon economy.

"Scottish Planning Policy must be up-to-date and focus on supporting sustainable economic growth, while creating good quality, successful and sustainable places where people want to live and work.

"Indeed the Government Economic Strategy is clear that the quality of Scotland's built and natural environments is vital to the success of the economy.

"These two documents, which focus on where and how Scotland will develop over the next 20-30 years, are vitally important to anyone who cares about Scotland's future.

"Today I have launched the NPF3 Participation Statement on how to get involved, and I would urge anyone with an interest in the way Scotland will look in future - the Scotland we will pass on to our children and grandchildren - to contribute to the debate.