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Funding Boost for Autism Services in Highland

5th October 2012

The Scottish Government has announced the results of the second round of the Autism Development Fund. As part of a strategic commitment to improve the lives of people with autism spectrum conditions, Cantraybridge College has been awarded £22,000 to deliver an autism-friendly project that aims to improve employability for young people with autism by making workplaces more open to and understanding of people with autism.

Phase one of the project will work with young people with autism to understand their experiences of employment and their fears and concerns about workplaces in general. These experiences will then be incorporated into a training programme for employers who sign up to the programme. Chief Executive, Lisa Buchanan comments “we already work with many employers in the area and we know that they are extremely generous in giving their support to young folk with ASC [Autism Spectrum Conditions]. Yet, we recognise that the private sector cannot be expected to provide all the support required to enable young people with autism to play a full and equal part in the labour market. This is why the project will offer face to face
and telephone support to back up the training programme and will also include legal advice on making reasonable adjustments in the workplace.”

In year two of the project employers will host students undertaking work experience for up to four weeks and the project team will be writing up a good practice guide for use among future employers and supporters of people with autism.

The project launches on the 17th October and will be marked by Dr Wendy Lawson who will deliver a training session to college staff and stakeholders entitled “Delivering Autism-Friendly Services” at the college’s base in Croy.