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Revised nitrates regulations take effect

14th May 2013

A revised action programme to tackle nitrate loss from agricultural sources in Scotland comes into force today.

The European Union’s Nitrates Directive aims to prevent or minimise nitrate pollutants draining from farmland and into surface waters and groundwater.

The Scottish Government must, under the EU guidelines, review and revise the action programme at least once every four years.

Every effort has gone into minimising the impact of European bureaucracy and farmers in Scotland are being urged to comply with the new programme.

Eight amendments have been made following a consultation - these include:

Revising the organic manure nitrogen efficiency standard values
Extending the closed period (when manure with a high nitrogen content may not be spread) by two weeks on heavier soils (soils that are not sandy or shallow)
Reducing the time for which records need to be kept from five to three years
Areas most at risk of water being polluted through nitrates are designated as Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs) – fourteen per cent of Scotland is currently designated as NVZs.

The Scottish Government will shortly be writing to those farming in NVZs outlining the full details of the changes.

Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead said:“The loss of nitrate to the water environment from farmland can be a substantial environmental issue. Efficient fertiliser use can not only protect our water quality and our fantastic countryside from the adverse effects of pollution but can also mean savings for farmers.

“The Scottish Government will continue to strive to minimise the effect of European bureaucracy on our farmers and in revising the nitrate action programme has taken the opportunity to clarify and simplify some of the rules.”

More Information on NVZs