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Rhoda Grant MSP Welcomes Renewable Energy Move by UK Government

27th June 2013

Shadow Energy Minister, Rhoda Grant MSP has cautiously welcomed steps by the UK government towards special subsides for power generated on and around Scotland’s Islands by renewables.

In recent years the cost of connecting Island energy projects to the mainland electricity grid had slowed development.

The move by the Department for Energy and Climate change has already been welcomed by Highlands and Islands Enterprise who called the move ground-breaking and "hugely welcome".

The process would determine the "strike price". If the market price for energy is below that level, a subsidy system kicks in to ensure the producer has a minimum level of income.

The Whitehall department has also announced the strike price for future developments of wind power throughout Britain and offshore.

Mrs Grant commented:“This is welcome news for our Islands Community’s”
“The potential for renewable energy development on Scotland’s Islands is huge as they have large percentages of both the wind, wave and tidal energy resources.”

“We need to get projects on the Islands moving and this subsidy will help kick start this.”
“I am looking forward to seeing further detail, however I am cautiously optimistic.”

“The move sends a positive message to potential investors, renewables developers and should provide the reassurance required which will enable the necessary interconnectors to be built.”