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Council highlights the development potential of the North West Coast of Scotland

22nd August 2013

Members of The Highland Council have unanimously supported the response sent to the Scottish Government requesting that the North West coast of Scotland be recognised as an Area of Coordinated Action in the National Planning Framework 3 (NPF3).

NPF3 lays down the context for development planning in Scotland and sets out the Government’s development priorities over the next 20-30 years. By affirming national planning policies which reflect Scottish Ministers’ priorities for the development and use of land, the document along with the Scottish Planning Policy, will have implications for the preparation of local authority development plans and the determination of planning applications and appeals.

After being consulted, The Highland Council felt that the potential of the North West Coast of Scotland was not given enough prominence in the draft planning framework.

Leader of The Highland Council, Drew Hendry said: “While we welcome the identification of Areas of Coordinated Action for Orkney, the Pentland Firth and North Caithness in addition to Inverness and the Inner Moray Firth, we feel however that a large area of the North West Coast of Scotland needs much more prominence . Our response therefore highlights the amazing potential the North West coast of Scotland has to boost the economy not just for local communities, but for the whole of the country.

“The area we are looking at encompasses the whole of Comhairle nan Eilean Star and the coastal parts of Argyll and Bute and the Highlands from Oban in the south, through Mallaig and Arisaig up to Ullapool and Lochinver. Projects we have identified range from offshore renewables and the development of better transport links to initiatives to attract tourism and more use of the west coast ports and harbours. It is all about creating new opportunities that will unlock the huge potential for sustainable development and provide a welcomed economic boost to this part of Scotland.”

In its response to the consultation on NPF3 the Council highlights a number of specific development opportunities including:

· The regeneration and enhancement of ports and harbours at Kishorn, Arnish and Lorn Arc;

· Electricity grid reinforcements between Lewis to Ullapool and Tiree and Dalmally;

· Offshore renewables

· Oban and Skye Airports;

· Improvements to the A82 and A85 trunk roads;

· An enhanced sea link network and

· Strategic tourism related developments

West Coast based Highland Councillor George Farlow, Vice Chairman of the Planning, Environment and Development Committee said: “I’m thrilled that the North West coast has been recognised as an area of importance. This is a fantastic opportunity to stem de-population, promote regeneration and development which in turn directly benefits the local communities and the local economy. We want our young people to have jobs that allow them to stay in the Highlands and we also want to attract new people to live and work in this beautiful part of the country. Our response reflects the work already underway with our partners to create and promote development opportunities and we are happy to continue working with the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Argyll & Bute Council to bring this forward.”