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Broadband Improvement for Outer Hebrides - Faster Connectivity

7th July 2015

Digital connectivity is changing forever on the Outer Hebrides with the announcement today (Tuesday 7 July) that high-speed fibre broadband is live in Stornoway.

Around 3,600 premises in Stornoway will be the first to have access to the new services thanks to the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband project.

Customers connected to the network through the first 11 live street cabinets across the town and at Tong can order now, or very soon, as services become available through internet service providers. When connected they could have direct access to download speeds of up to 80mbps

*In addition to the local connections, the core network links to the mainland open up game changing capacity for access to previously unavailable business services. It's the first step in a £146m region wide roll-out which will see the majority of premises across the Outer Hebrides better connected by the end of 2016.

The project is being led in the region by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE), with work on the ground being carried out by Openreach, the local network division of private sector partners BT. Funding is coming from the Scottish Government and the UK Government as well as HIE and BT.

Deputy First Minister, John Swinney, commented: "This is a momentous day and a huge first step in transforming the future of connectivity for communities and businesses across the Outer Hebrides. This investment is designed to reach Scotland's remoter communities, none of which would have seen these kinds of connections through the commercial market. It marks more positive progress thanks to the Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband Programme.

"Every week we make strong progress with around 7,000 new premises having fibre made available to them. Thanks to this, and together with commercial work, we are creating an infrastructure which will see us fulfil the Scottish Government's commitment to deliver world class connectivity in Scotland by 2020, ensuring we are a world class digital nation."

Digital Economy Minister Ed Vaizey said: "This is brilliant news for homes and businesses on the Outer Hebrides who can now, for the first time, access superfast speeds. The UK Government is investing £120m in Scotland as part of its transformation of the UK's digital landscape that will see 95% of the nation have access to superfast speeds by 2017."

The delivery of fibre based broadband infrastructure to the Outer Hebrides and the wider Highlands and Islands has been hailed as the most complex undertaken in the UK.

Alex Paterson, HIE Chief Executive, commented: "The scale of the challenge to bring modern, fast and reliable broadband to our remotest areas is huge. On the Outer Hebrides the project has seen five sub-sea cables for inter-island and mainland links installed last year, and fibre cabling now runs the length of the islands.

“Over the course of the next year we will see the roll-out of this game-changing network reach at least 70% of premises across the islands. We won’t stop there and we are ambitious that the huge step up in capacity that it brings will help us find solutions for more and more people in even the hardest to reach areas."

The first services in Stornoway are being delivered by ‘Fibre to the Cabinet’ (FTTC) technology. BT Openreach has linked existing telecoms cabinets in the town to new fibre cabinets. Customers connected to these cabinets will be able to check online or with their internet service provider if they can benefit from the new services, and order. (Customers are not upgraded automatically to fibre.)

There are a number of customers in Stornoway who are currently connected direct to their exchange and Openreach will be back later this year to connect some of these premises. EO cabinets take a bit longer as the process is more complicated -the telecoms network has to be reconfigured and two new cabinets built.

In the short term those in Stornoway currently connected to EO lines will see an increase in speeds in the coming weeks as a result of the improved capacity to the island.

BT CEO Gavin Patterson described the Highlands and Islands broadband roll-out as by far the most ambitious and challenging BT has undertaken anywhere in the UK. He said: “This has been the most complex subsea project BT has tackled in UK waters and the first time we’ve laid so many seabed cables in a single operation. The whole team has knuckled down to face massive engineering challenges on sea and on land and I’m proud of the effort they’ve put in.

“Thanks to their hard work over many months, people in the Western Isles can now begin to enjoy the benefits that fast, fibre broadband brings to these shores."

Gavin added: “This spider’s web of submarine fibre optic cables is delivering a seismic shift in communications for Scotland’s island communities, bringing them in closer touch with the rest of the world than ever before.”

The announcement was made at the Creative Industries and Media Centre in Stornoway which opened in 2012 and which now houses MG ALBA (The Gaelic Media Service) and BBC Radio nan Gaidheal as well as STV while Moja TV and Corran Media, two local independent television production companies are also based in the Centre. The Creative Industries and Media Centre also hosts Pròiseact nan Ealan (The Gaelic Arts Agency), Greenspace Live Ltd and Community Energy Scotland.

Donald Campbell, MG ALBA Chief Executive warmly welcomed the investment being made in high-speed fibre broadband. He said: “For MG ALBA, the BBC and our other partners working in television here in Stornoway this new capacity is vital for us as we and the rest of the industry move to file-based HD digital workflows.

"For other creative partners in Stornoway and throughout the Western Isles who will benefit from the new high-speed fibre broadband this represents an opportunity to grow their businesses and collaborate in digital projects in ways not possible before. We congratulate the Digital Scotland partners on this major infrastructure development which I am sure will bring huge benefits to the businesses and communities throughout the Western Isles.”

The fibre roll-out for more areas of the Outer Hebrides is scheduled for next year.

*These are the top wholesale speeds available from Openreach to all service providers; speeds offered by service providers may vary.

Due to the current network topography, and the economics of deployment, it is likely that some premises within selected exchange areas will not be able to access fibre-based broadband at the same point in the roll-out. Further announcements will be made as more areas are able to access the growing fibre infrastructure.

Our deployment plans are subject to change. The expectations reflected in this plan are reasonable, but because our rollout involves risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ from those expressed or implied.

Tha atharrachadh mòr a’ tighinn air ceanglaichean didseatach sna h-Eileanan Siar leis an naidheachd ùir a nochd an-diugh (Dimàirt 7 Iuchar) gu bheil bann-leathann fìor luath a-nise ri fhaighinn an ann Steòrnabhagh.

Gheibh 3,600 de dh’àitean an Steòrnabhagh cothrom air an t-seirbheis ùir seo mar thoradh air a’ phròiseact Bann-leathann Fìor Luath aig Alba Dhidseatach. Gheibh daoine le ceangal chun an lìonraidh, tron aona chaibineat deug a tha a-nise beò air feadh a’ bhaile agus an Tunga, seirbheis fìor luath a cheannach - an-dràsta no a dh’aithghearr – le seirbheisean ùra gan tabhainn le companaidhean ISP a tha a’ solarachadh sheirbheisean eadar-lìon.

Aon uair is gum bi ceangal aig daoine chun an lìonraidh, bidh cothrom aca air astaran bann-leathainn suas ri ceithir fichead meaga-baidht san diog* A bharrachd air na ceanglaichean gan steidheachadh sna h-Eileanan fhèin, tha na ceanglaichean gu tìr-mòr a’ fosgladh dhorsan làn chothroman nach robh ann a-riamh roimhe do sheirbheisean gnìomhachais. Is e seo a’ chiad cheum de dh’obair leasachaidh luach £146m a tha a’ dol air adhart air feadh na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean, le toradh na h-obrach seo gum bi ceanglaichean nas treasa is nas luaithe ann air feadh nan Eilean Siar ro dheireadh 2016.

Tha am pròiseact seo ga chur an gnìomh fo stiùir Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE), leis an obair fhèin ga dèanamh le BT Openreach. Tha am pròiseact ga mhaoineachadh le Riaghaltas na h-Alba, Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte, HIE agus BT.

Thuirt an Leas-Chiad Mhinistear, Iain Swinney: “Tha seo na là mòr agus na cheum cudromach a chum mòr-leasachadh a dhèanamh air ceanglaichean didseatach aig coimhearsnachdan agus gnothachasan sna h-Eileanan Siar. Tha an iomairt seo ag amas air na coimhearsnachdan as iomallaiche ann an Alba, gun chàil a chothrom air a bhith aca air ceanglaichean dhen t-seòrsa seo tron mhargaidh choimearsalta. Tha sinn a-nise a’ faicinn adhartas mòr, buannachdail mar thoradh air a’ phrogram Bann-leathann Fìor Luath aig Alba Dhidseatach.

“Tha adhartas mòr ga dhèanamh gach seachdain le 7,000 aitreabhan a bharrachd a’ faighinn nan ceanglaichean ùra seo. Ri linn seo, agus an co-bhuinn ris an roinn choimearsalta, tha sinn a’ cruthachadh bun-structar a choileanas gealltanasan Riaghaltas na h-Alba gum bi ceanglaichean didseatach le inbhe eadar-nàiseanta aig Alba ro 2020, a’ dearbhadh gu bheil sinn nar dùthaich dhidseatach le inbhe eadar-nàiseanta.”

Thuirt Ministear na h-Eaconamaidh Didseataich aig Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte, Ed Vaizey: "Is e fìor deagh naidheachd a tha seo dha taighean is gnothachasan sna h-Eileanan Siar is cothrom aca a-nise, ’son na ciad uaireach a-riamh, air astaran bann-leathainn fìor-luath. Tha Riaghaltas na Rìoghachd Aonaichte a’ cur taic luach £120m a-steach a dh’Alba mar phàirt den leasachadh mhòr a tha ga dhèanamh air ceanglaichean didseatach air feadh Bhreatainn; le 95% de mhuinntir na dùthcha gu bhith le cothrom air bann-leathainn fìor luath ro dheireadh 2017.”

Chaidh an iomairt a’ cur bun-structar de bhann-leathann ùr a-steach sna h-Eileanan Siar is na Ghàidhealtachd a meas mar tè dhe na iomairtean is toinnte, duilghe dhe seòrsa a-riamh am Breatainn.

Thuirt Ceannard HIE, Ailig MacPhàdraig: “Tha an iomairt mhòr seo - a’ stèidheachadh cheanglaichean bann-leathainn luath, ùr-nodha agus seasmhach - chun nan sgìrean as iomallaiche againn le dùbhlain mhòra na lùib. Anns na h-Eileanan Siar chaidh còig càballan a chur air grunnd na mara eadar na h-Eileanan agus tìr-mòr an-uiridh, le caballan fibre-optic a-nise a’ ruith eadar na h-Eileanan gu lèir, bho Leòdhas gu Barraigh.

“Thar na bliadhna ri tighinn thèid an lìonra ùr seo a chur an sàs a chum ruigsinn air co-dhiù 70% de dh’aitreabhan sna h-Eileanan Siar. Cha tig stad air an iomairt aig an ìre sin ge-tà, agus tha miann mhòr againn gun toir na leasachaidhean seo cothrom dhuinn air fuasglaidhean fhaighinn chum ruigsinn air barrachd is barrachd dhaoine sna sgìrean as iomallaiche.”

Tha na ciad sheirbheisean an Steòrnabhagh gan libhrigeadh tron teicneòlas ‘Fibre chun a’ Chaibineit’ (FTTC). Tha BT Openreach air ceanglaichean a steidheachadh eadar na caibineatan a tha anns a’ bhaile mar-thà chun nan caibineatan ùra. Faodaidh daoine le ceangal chun nan caibineatan seo faighinn a-mach air-loidhne, no tron chompanaidh ISP aca, am faigh iad buannachd sam bith às an t-seirbheis ùir, agus ma gheibh, ’s urrainn dhaibh òrdugh a chur a-steach air a son. (Feumaidh daoine iarrtas a chur a-steach, chan fhaigh iad an t-seirbheis ùr gun iarraidh.)

Tha cuid ann an Steòrnabhagh a tha le ceangal dìreach chun ionaid-fòna agus bidh Openreach air ais a-rithist am bliadhna gus ceangal ùr a steidheachadh dha cuid dhe na h-àitean aig a bheil an ceangal seo. Bheir na caibineatan EO beagan nas fhaide oir tha am pròiseas beagan nas duilghe leothasan – feumar leasachadh a dhèanamh air an lìonra agus dà chaibineat ùr a thogail an toiseachd. Mas tachair seo, gheibh an fheadhainn le ceanglaichean EO astaran nas luaithe ri linn comas bann-leathainn nas motha a bhith san Eilean.

Rinn Ceannard BT Gavin Patterson mìneachadh air na leasachaidhean a tha a’ tachairt air a’ Ghàidhealtachd is na h-Eileanan is e ag ràdh gur i seo an iomairt as duilghe agus is àrd-amasaiche a tha BT air toirt air adhart an àite sam bith am Breatainn.

Thuirt e: “B’ e seo am pròiseact bu duilghe a-riamh aig BT is sinn ag obair air grunnd na mara far chosta Bhreatainn agus cuideachd a’ chiad uair a chuir sinn na h-uiread de chàballan air grunnd na mara aig an aon àm. Rinn an sgioba gu lèir obair ionmholta a’ dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain mhòra einnseanaireachd aig muir is air tìr agus tha mi fìor mhoiteil às an obair a rinn iad. “Ri linn na h-obrach mòire a rinneadh thar mhìosan mòra, bidh cothrom a-nise aig daoine sna h-Eileanan Siar air na buannachdan an lùib bann-leathainn fibre-optic.”

Thuirt e cuideachd: “Tha an lìonra mòr de chàballan air grunnd na mara a’ dol a thoirt fìor phiseach air conaltraidhean am measg muinntir eileanan na h-Alba; a’ steidheachadh cheanglaichean nas treasa na bha ann a-riamh roimhe eadar iad fhèin agus an saoghal mòr.”

Chaidh an naidheachd a chur an cèill aig Ionad nam Meadhanan agus Gnìomhachasan Cruthachail an Steòrnabhagh, ionad a dh’fhosgail an 2012 agus anns a bheil MG Alba (Seirbheis nam Meadhanan Gàidhlig), BBC Radio nan Gàidheal agus STV stèidhte. Tha an t-ionad cuideachd a’ toirt dachaigh do dhà chompanaidh mheadhanan neo-eisimeileachd, Moja TV is Corran Media, agus do Phròiseact nan Ealan, Greenspace Live Ltd is do Chumhachd Coimhearsnachd Alba.

Chuir Dòmhnall Caimbeul, Ceannard MG Alba, fàilte bhlàth air an taic-airgid ga cur mu choinneamh bann-leathann fìor luath, ag ràdh, “Dha MG Alba, dhan BhBC agus dha ar buidhnean com-pàirt an sàs an telebhisean an seo an Steòrnabhagh tha an t-seirbheis ùr seo air leth cudromach is sinn, maille ris a’ chòrr den ghnìomhachas, a’ gluasad gu sruthan-obrach didseatach HD stèidhte air faidhleachan. Dha na buidhnean com-pàirt eile sna gnìomhachasan cruthachail an Steòrnabhagh agus air feadh nan Eilean Siar a gheibh buannachd às an t-seirbheis ùir seo, bidh seo na chothrom mòr dhaibh fàs agus co-obrachadh a dhèanamh air pròiseactan didseatach mar nach b’ urrainn dhaibh a dhèanamh gu seo. Tha sinn a’ cur meal a naidheachd air na diofar bhuidhnean an sàs san leasachadh mhòr bhun-structarail seo; leasachadh a bhios le buannachdan mòra na chois dha gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan air feadh nan Eilean Siar.”

Thathas an dùil gun ruig bann-leathann fibre-optic air barrachd sgìrean sna h-Eileanan Siar an ath-bhliadhna.

*Is iad seo na h-astaran as luaithe ri fhaighinn tro Openreach aig companaidhean ISP; faodaidh na h-astaran air an tabhainn leis na companaidhean ISP a bhith eadar-dhealaichte. Ri linn cumadh na tire, agus nan cosgaisean an lùib na h-obrach, tha coltas ann gur dòcha nach fhaigh cuid de dh’àitean ann an raointean air am frithealadh leis an aon ionad-fòna bann-leathann fior luath aig an aon àm tron obair leasachaidh seo. Thèid barrachd fiosrachaidh a chur a-mach le barrachd sgìrean a’ faighinn ceangal chun a’ bhun-structair ùir fibre-optic. Faodaidh na planaichean mu choinneamh cur an gnìomh na h-obrach seo atharrachadh. Tha na h-amasan is dùilean againn sa phlana seo gam meas reusanta, ach leis is gu bheil cunnartan is mì-chinnt an lùib na h-iomairt, ’s dòcha gum bi fìor thoraidhean na h-obrach eadar-dhealaichte bho sheagh is bhrìgh nan targaidean air an ainmeachadh gu seo.


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