Local Authority News
Highland Council welcomes next steps in education reform
Highland Council has always been committed to the empowerment of schools and the communities that they serve. Accordingly, the Council welcomes the announcement, by Deputy First Minister John Swinney, about next steps in education reform.27/6/2018
Cosla Calls For More Financial Power For Councils Starting With A Transient Visitor Tax
The President of COSLA, together with COSLA's Resources Spokesperson Councillor Gail Macgregor, today called for more financial power for Scottish Local Government. The COSLA team said that this call for more financial power should start with the discretion to introduce a Transient Visitor Tax, and called on the Scottish Government to grant Councils such a power.23/6/2018
Highland Council to tackle single use plastics
Within Scotland and the UK, there is now widespread understanding and acceptance that single use plastics have a detrimental impact on our wider environment. Within Council Headquarters, plastic cups were removed from nearly all water dispensers some years ago and the coffee machine with polystyrene cups has also now been removed from the Chamber area.22/6/2018
New Website Provides One-stop Shop For Postal Surcharge Concerns
The issue of parcel surcharging has long been a bone of contention for many internet shoppers. However, consumers across the United Kingdom, and especially those living in Northern Ireland and the Highlands and Islands of Scotland are now set to benefit from the launch of a new website which provides a one stop shop to acknowledge these concerns, which include:.21/6/2018
Caithness Councillor Steps Down From North Planning Review Body
Councillor Struan Mackie (Thurso and Caithness West - Ward 2) has stepped down from the North Planning review body citing pressure of work as the reason. No replacement has yet been announced.20/6/2018
Highland toilets to remain open until review complete
The process of carrying out a review of public toilet provision in The Highland Council area is underway and is due for completion by the end of October this year. Meanwhile, during the summer tourist season Highland Council toilets will remain open until the end of October.12/6/2018
Car Parking Charges Across Highland Getting Closer
The results of a recent car parking review requested by The Highland Council's Redesign Board have created a vision for car parking and a shift towards localism in the region. Members of the Redesign Board have agreed a common ground on recommendations for a new car parking policy and improvements to car parking processes in the local authority area.12/6/2018
Highland Council toilet provision review extended
After listening to feedback from communities across the Highlands, Highland Council's Administration have decided to take more time to rationalise toilet provision in the Highlands. Budget Leader and Chair of Corporate Resources Cllr Alister MacKinnon and Cllr Allan Henderson, Chair of Environment, Development and Infrastructure report: "In view of serious community proposals coming forward and being assessed, by groups such as North Coast 500 and others across the Highlands, through the Rural Tourism Infrastructure Fund, it is prudent to allow extra time for the review.2/6/2018
Car Clubs Help The Highland Council Drive Ahead
The Highland Council, in partnership with Enterprise Car Club an E-Car Club, have recently launched car clubs at multiple Council offices throughout the region. The scheme's newest location, Fort William, is being launched on 4th June 2018 and will form part of a 6-month pilot.2/6/2018
High-Fi for Fort William - Free WiFi is rolled out across 14 Highland towns
FORT WILLIAM now has access to free WiFi in and around the centre of the town thanks to a project led by the Highland Council and funded by the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. The free WiFi, called "High-Fi", is aimed at stimulating economic growth and will increase digital inclusion across the Highlands.30/5/2018
Expanding Early Learning and Childcare
The trial expansion of early learning and childcare in 6 centres in Highland was welcomed by Members of Highland Council's Care, Learning and Housing Committee today (30 May 2018). The aim of the expansion is to provide high quality, flexible early learning and childcare that is accessible and affordable for families.30/5/2018
Sustaining Education in Highland Communities
The work of Highland Council's Care and Learning Service to provide sustainable quality education in Highland communities was further endorsed today by members of the Council’s Care, Learning and Housing Committee. Members gave their approval to the reframing of the previous "Management in Schools Programme" to an updated and revised “Sustainable Education in Highlands” programme.24/5/2018
Highland Council Budget Leader warns of even tougher decisions to come
Speaking at Highland Council's Corporate Resources Committee today (24 May 2018), Budget Leader Cllr Alister Mackinnon said that the Council's reported overspend showed the extent to which successive budget reductions and council tax freezes meant the authority had no wriggle room to manage significant pressures in demand-led services like supporting children with additional support needs. He said:"We have done everything we can to protect front line services and particularly services to children and young people.21/5/2018
Public views sought for Taxi fare review in Highland
The public is being asked for its views on proposals by The Highland Council to review the maximum level of charges for the hire of taxis or private hire cars fitted with taxi meters operating under licence of The Highland Council. The Council has a statutory duty in terms of Section 17 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 to review its scales for the fares and other taxi related charges every 18 months.17/5/2018
High-fi For Aviemore - Free Wifi To Be Rolled Out Across 14 Highland Towns
AVIEMORE now has access to free WIFI in and around the centre of the town thanks to a project led by the Highland Council and funded by the Inverness and Highland City-Region Deal. The free WiFi, called "High-Fi", is aimed at stimulating economic growth and will increase digital inclusion across the Highlands.17/5/2018
Arms Length External Organisation Saved Highland Council £9million
A report published today by the local authority spending watchdog looks at how councils are using the estimated 130 ALEOs (arms-length external organisations) in Scotland, which have an annual spend of more than £1.3 billion, and the impact they are making. ALEOs can take many forms - such as companies, community organisations or charities.17/5/2018
New Chair For Caithness Committee
Councillor Matthew Reiss, who represents the Thurso and Northwest Caithness Ward, has been elected as Chairman of The Highland Council's Caithness Committee. He takes over from Councillor Donnie Mackay who has held the role since June 2017.17/5/2018
Shopfront Design Guidance approved
Members of The Highland Council's Environment, Development and Infrastructure Committee have given their backing to new shop front guidance aimed at ensuring high quality designs for traditional, replacement and new shopfronts throughout the Highlands. The Guidance sets out general principles for repair, reinstatement and replacement of shopfronts, as well as general principles for new shopfronts in new development.17/5/2018
Caithness area roads maintenance programme approved
Members of the Caithness Committee have on Wednesday 16th May 2018 approved the Council's 2018/19 structural maintenance programmes for roads in the area for the coming year which reflects both the strategic network and the importance attached to local roads by rural communities. The revenue budget for road maintenance activities in Caithness for 18/19 is £1.214M of which £0.539M is allocated for winter maintenance with a further capital budget of £0.785M The Highland Council's allocation to areas for structural road maintenance is based on the results of the annual Scottish Road Maintenance Condition Survey, safety inspections, service inspections and input from local members.17/5/2018