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News Archive

Review of Grass Cutting In Highland
A paper going to Community Service Committee next week on 3 November, will recommend the establishment of an in-house operation that can provide Amenity Services, including grass cutting throughout the Highlands from next year.   Members of the Community Services Committee agreed on 18 August to the preparation of an options appraisal for the Council's grass cutting services.  
Highland Council agrees motion for taxes raised in Highland to stay in Highland
The Highland Council today agreed the following motion to Council by Leader of the Council Margaret Davidson and Provost of Inverness Helen Carmichael: "The Highland Council believes that local taxes raised locally should stay locally and this is in accordance with the European Charter of Local Self-Government.   The Highland Council calls on the SNP Scottish Government to ensure that the full amount (£5m) of Council Tax multiplier will stay in Highland for Highland Education and will not be redistributed to other Local Authority areas.  
Final stage of works on the A82 at Tomnahurich Bridge
Following work starting this week on the Inverness West Link route at Tommahurich Bridge in Inverness, road users are being advised that next week the project enters the final stages although a further two overnight closures with local diversions and temporary daytime traffic control measures are required.   The first of the overnight closures will be on Monday evening when the A82 at Tomnahurich Bridge will close to all road traffic from 7pm and not reopen until 7am on Tuesday 1 November.  
Council agrees motion to request free personal care for under 65's with specific conditions
Highland Council has agreed the following motion on free personal care:.   "The Council notes that, currently, legislation enables personal care to be provide free for people in Scotland aged over 65, provided they are assessed as needing it.  
Council agrees the Redesign Board's recommendation for future of janitorial and catering services
The Highland Council agrees the recommendation of the Redesign Board to retain Catering, Cleaning and Facilities Management/Janitorial Services (CCFM) within the Council.   The Council will continue to manage these services in-house under a new Property Management Service within the Council.  
Third sector funding decision put onhold
A paper on Funding allocations for third sector culture and leisure services went to The Highland Council's Education, Children and Adult Services Committee on Wednesday 26 October 2016.   Previously, the Council agreed reduced funding for third sector culture and leisure services at its meeting in December 2014.  
£1.4m Surfacing And Bridge Maintenance Improvements On A9
A9 remains open while work carried out at ten locations on the A9 between Perth and Dalmore.   A major programme of resurfacing work and bridge joint repairs are planned for a number of locations on the A9 between Perth and Dalmore throughout November.  
£2.5m for sustainable aquaculture projects
A £2.5 million European funding boost to support sustainable growth and investment in Scottish aquaculture will be announced today by Rural Economy Secretary Fergus Ewing.   £1.7 million from the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) will go to the Scottish Aquaculture Innovation Centre at Stirling University to promote environmental sustainability, and bring industry and research together to provide innovative solutions to sector challenges.  
Migrants vital to economy
Workers contributing to Scotland's financial growth.   Scotland's 369,000 migrants from outside the UK are mostly young, economically active and highly qualified, according to new research and statistics.  
Characteristics of migrants in Scotland, compared with people born in Scotland
Analysis of the characteristics of migrants in Scotland, compared with people born in Scotland.   Scotland's Chief Statistician today released new analysis of migrants in Scotland, based on 2011 Census data.  
State of the Economy
The Scottish economy was growing in the run up to the EU referendum and unemployment has continued to fall, the latest State of the Economy report published today shows.   In the report, the Scottish Government's Chief Economist, Dr Gary Gillespie, sets out the key trends in the Scottish economy in the first half of 2016, the emerging signals in the immediate aftermath of the EU referendum and the outlook for the coming year.  
Insolvencies in Scotland stabilise
Accountant in Bankruptcy figures for second quarter of 2016/17 show little movement after sustained decline.   Personal insolvencies in Scotland have remained largely stable for the second quarter of the year, according to the latest figures from Accountant in Bankruptcy (AiB).  
Tackling fuel poverty
The definition of fuel poverty is to be reviewed to ensure help is targeted at those who need it most.   This is one of over 100 recommendations, made in two reports published today, to address the issue of fuel poverty which will now be considered in full by Ministers.  
Business boost
More than 20,000 businesses will benefit from a £60 million investment, with EU money being used to grow Scotland's small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).   The European Regional Development Fund support will bolster the business growth pipeline, allowing companies to access the help they need to expand.  
Scotland's forests grow
Plans to plant 1200 hectares of new woodland across Scotland have been backed with £6.5 million in funding.   At over twice the amount awarded in any previous month, this is the highest level of funding awarded since the Scotland's Forestry Grant Scheme was set up in 2015, as land owners prepare for spring planting in 2017.  
Supporting veterans into employment
A project to recruit veterans into the private sector and harness their unique skills and experience has been launched today [Monday, 24th October] by Veterans Minister Keith Brown.   The Supporting Veterans into Employment initiative encourages businesses of all sizes and sectors to proactively recruit and benefit from employing veterans in the civilian workforce and will be delivered by Business in the Community, with funding from the Scottish Government.  
Alcohol Minimum unit pricing upheld
Scotland's Court of Session has given its approval to Scottish Government plans to introduce a minimum unit price for alcohol.   In a landmark ruling today, the court has rejected the legal challenge from the Scotch Whisky Association, ruling for the second time that the policy is lawful.  
Highland Council contributes views on the future delivery of social security in ScotlandThumbnail for article : Highland Council contributes views on the future delivery of social security in Scotland
The Highland Council welcomed a visit from Jeane Freeman MSP, Minister for Social Security, on Thursday 20 October.   The purpose of the visit is to discuss the Scottish Welfare Fund and Universal Credit and the visit presented an opportunity for senior members and officers to demonstrate best practice in Highland and to put forward views towards the consultation on devolved Social Security in Scotland.  
Caithness Business Gateway CoursesThumbnail for article : Caithness Business Gateway Courses
Check out these business related courses in Caithness..  
The rise and rise of the UK's Muslim mumpreneurs
The UK is seeing a huge rise in female Muslim entrepreneurs opening new businesses whilst juggling hectic family lives.   From fashion to toy stores, cosmetics to mocktails - female businesses now operate in a wide range of sectors.