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Sounds Of Our Lives
As Noise Action Week sets to roar (22 -26 May), the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) today recommends some top tips for industry on sound.   Measured in decibels (dB), sound affects us all - from everyday household sounds to traffic and industry noise.  
Town Hall Refurbishment in Full FlowThumbnail for article : Town Hall Refurbishment in Full Flow
The building enabling work for Caithness Horizons has begun, with the contract for the first phase of work being awarded by Highland Council to local firm MM Miller (Wick) Ltd.   Caithness Horizons has held its first annual general meeting and is delighted to announce that directors Paul Cariss, the company's chairman, and Tina Wrighton of UKAEA have both been co-opted back onto the board.  
One Click To Green Law Updates
Do you want to save your business money by going green? Are you finding it hard to keep up with the environmental legislation that affects your business? Do you want your business to be more environmentally friendly but have no idea where to start? Yes? Register for e-alerts on the NetRegs website and get news direct to your inbox on the latest changes to environmental legislation as well as innovative examples of good practice.   News on forthcoming environmental legislation, like the new Water Environment Regime in Scotland, which comes into force on 1 April 2006, and the new Oil Storage Regulations are among the issues that will be covered by the e-alerts.  
Good News As Caithness Firm Gets Contract At Dounreay
A £2.5 million contract has been awarded to M M Miller (Wick) Ltd to construct the containment building needed to safely remove the last of the radioactive breeder elements from the Dounreay Fast Reactor.   The contract has been let by ALSTEC Ltd on behalf of an alliance of companies working with UKAEA on behalf of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority to remove the breeder from the sphere.  
UKAEA Chooses Johnson Controls For Facilities Management Contract
UKAEA today announced it has selected Johnson Controls as preferred bidder for its facilities management contract at Dounreay following a competitive tendering exercise.   The contract covers a wide range of site services to support the decommissioning programme, including building, roads and ground maintenance, catering, cleaning and laundry, transport and industrial waste disposal.  
Five Consortia Short-listed For 100 Million Contract
Five consortia have been short-listed by UKAEA for the largest single construction project yet in the Dounreay Site Restoration Plan.   Subject to formal Ministerial approval, they will be invited to tender for the construction of a plant to condition and store a variety of liquid and solid intermediate-level wastes that are a legacy of Dounreays role as an experimental reactor establishment.  
Ukaea Awards £3 Million Reactor Clean-up Contract
The UK Atomic Energy Authority has awarded a contract to ALSTEC Ltd for the construction of a new plant to clean up radioactive effluent that will arise during the next phase of decommissioning the Prototype Fast Reactor at Dounreay.   The effluent will be produced during cleaning of components and facilities that are coated with sodium liquid metal which was used as a reactor coolant.  
North Eyesore Gets Major Facelift
A north industrial estate which has lain derelict for years is set for a major overhaul and clean-up.   The £341,000 investment is being made to the site at Janetstown on the outskirts of Thurso in a joint collaboration between Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise (CASE) and local firm JGC Engineering and Technical Services Ltd.