Local Authority News
Historic Inverness bridge may need to close
The category B listed suspension Infirmary footbridge in Inverness which traverses the River Ness between Ness Walk and Ness Bank may need to close for public safety until The Highland Council considers and secures funding for necessary repairs. This was the message that the Council's Roads Operations Manager, John Taylor informed Members of the City of Inverness Area Committee this week.19/11/2020
New guide Worrying About Money highlights help available
A new useful guide has been produced to provide people across the Highlands with information and advice on the financial and other support that is available to them. The Highland Council, along with NHS Highland Public Health, Independent Food Aid Network and the Trussell Trust, have brought a wide range of relevant financial advice and support with contact details together in a user-friendly format aimed at people who are struggling to make ends meet.18/11/2020
Chair of Council's Education Committee thanks NHS Highland’s Director of Public Health for Covid-19 presentation
Dr Tim Allison, Director of Public Health for NHS Highland, opened today's meeting with a presentation on Covid-19, including a Highland perspective. Cllr John Finlayson, Chair of the Committee, said: "I want to take this opportunity to thank Dr Allison for his informative presentation on the virus that he delivered to Committee this morning." The presentation began by providing a brief background to Covid-19 before then providing an explanation of how the virus transmits between individuals and the presence of coronavirus in the Highland region.18/11/2020
Members Updated On The Ongoing Delivery Of 1140 Hours Of Early Learning And Childcare In Highland
At today's meeting (18 November) of the Council's Education Committee, Members were provided an update on the ongoing rollout of 1140 hours of funded ELC provision in settings across Highland. A report to the Committee outlined that of the 241 settings across the region, 202 Highland settings will be delivering 1140 hours by spring 2021.17/11/2020
Highland Council to consult on Common Good property list for Wick
The Highland Council is today (17 November 2020) launching a consultation giving the community until 12 March 2021 to comment on the proposed contents of the Common Good Fund Asset Register for Wick. The Highland Council does not currently hold a Common Good Fund for the former Royal Burgh of Wick.13/11/2020
Help us to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our communities
This week, The Scottish Government has confirmed that The Highland Council area will again be placed into Protection Level One in The Scottish Government's 5 tier framework. This means our communities will for now continue to able to operate with fewer restrictions for our hospitality, retail and leisure sectors than other parts of the country.11/11/2020
Teacher Numbers Boosted In Scotland
More than 1,250 new teachers and support staff have been recruited as a result of £80 million of support announced in the summer. Education Secretary John Swinney pledged the ring-fenced package of funding to help local authorities' recruitment for the re-opening of schools.6/11/2020
Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle a' toirt aithne do dhòigh-obrach chom-pàirteach airson solar Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig (FtG) a mheudachadh
Aig coinneamh Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle an-dè, chaidh aithne a thoirt do dhòigh-obrach chom-pàirteach airson a bhith a' meudachadh solar FtG ann an sgoiltean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd. Tha Sgioba na Gàidhlig, oifigearan foghlaim is coimhearsnachd, agus com-pàirteachasan roinneil eile a' togail ceangal le chèile gus cothroman Luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig agus solar FtG a chur air adhart air feadh na sgìre.6/11/2020
Council Leader writes to Minister pressing for early meeting to discuss Boundary Commission proposals
The Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson, has written to Kevin Stewart MSP, Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning to raise concerns following the publication of proposals by the Local Government Boundary Commission and to call for a meeting to fully discuss the issue. The Council established a Cross Council Working Group of members to consider these proposals.5/11/2020
Leader discusses impact of Covid Strategic Framework on Highland
In a review meeting of the national Strategic Framework yesterday evening (4 November), Leader of the Highland Council, Margaret Davidson (Independent) and Chief Executive Donna Manson met with Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government to discuss the impact of Tier one on the Highlands. Cllr Margaret Davidson said: "The low Covid numbers in Highland are due to very good levels of compliance and also the excellent partnership work across Council, NHS Highland and Police which has succeeded in successfully dealing with local outbreaks.4/11/2020
Council takes delivery of new snow ploughs to treat winter roads across the Highlands
The Highland Council has invested in 10 new winter gritting vehicles to replace some of the ageing fleet, which are ready to be deployed as soon as they are needed. The new vehicles, which have been dispatched across the Highlands, complement the Council's existing winter fleet that includes 99 gritters, 42 footpath tractors, 2 snowblowers with over 200 staff ready to provide winter maintenance services.4/11/2020
Committee welcomes extra Town Centre funding
The Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee have welcomed the extra funding made available from The Scottish Government to boost town centres and confirmed that the decision on how this will be spent will be taken at a local level by area committee members. The Council has been allocated an additional £1,066,000 ring-fenced to stimulate local construction activity and support employment across Highland.4/11/2020
Learning Through Lockdown highlights impact of Youth work
High Life Highland youth projects have been highlighted as part of a YouthLink Scotland report that recognises the impact of youth work during the summer. Examples of Highland activities are included in the report, one of which was supporting young people in Dingwall through the Activity Agreements programme, for those aged 16 and 17 who aren't in school, work or training.4/11/2020
Five year Draft Strategic Housing Plan approved
The Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee has approved a draft Strategic Housing Plan for 2021-2026 that sets out The Council's key housing investment priorities and demonstrates how they will be delivered for development across Highland. The Plan, which will be submitted to the Scottish Government for their approval, also identifies the resources required to deliver new homes and outlines the partnership approach with housing associations and developers to achieve the Council’s commitment to providing more quality affordable housing across the Highlands.4/11/2020
Importance of Biodiversity highlighted as Duty Report is approved by Committee
The Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee members have approved a report which highlights the actions taken by the Council to further the conservation of biodiversity. The Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011 requires public bodies in Scotland to produce a publicly available report every three years.3/11/2020
Council encourages staff to be aware of stress and its potential impact at work
Highland Council is encouraging its workforce to be aware of stress during working life and its potential impact as part of National Stress Awareness Day, which takes place on Wednesday, 4 November 2020. A key focus for National Stress Awareness Day this year is to tackle the anxiety and emotional pressure which many may be feeling as a result of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, ranging from concern for family and close friends to financial worries.31/10/2020
Update on Covis-19 Business Hardship Fund payments in Highland
The Highland Council has been making good progress with paying out grants on behalf of the Scottish Government's COVID-19 Business Hardship Fund. Since applications opened on 20th October 2020.30/10/2020
Short Term Lets To Require Licences - Fee Charges For Landlords To Be Decided Later
Members at yesterday's meeting of Highland Council homologated its response to the Scottish Government's consultation on the proposals for the regulation of short-term lets in Scotland. The response was submitted by the 16 October deadline following consultation with the chairs of the Tourism and Licensing committees.30/10/2020
Highland Council Appoints Chief Executive Officer Health and Social Care
Fiona Duncan has been appointed by The Highland Council as Executive Chief Officer for Health and Social Care, taking over from Fiona Malcolm who has been undertaking the Interim ECO role since early September. Ms Duncan is due to take up the position in January 2021.29/10/2020