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Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle a' toirt aithne do dhòigh-obrach chom-pàirteach airson solar Foghlam tron Ghàidhlig (FtG) a mheudachadh

6th November 2020

Aig coinneamh Comataidh Gàidhlig na Comhairle an-dè, chaidh aithne a thoirt do dhòigh-obrach chom-pàirteach airson a bhith a' meudachadh solar FtG ann an sgoiltean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd. Tha Sgioba na Gàidhlig, oifigearan foghlaim is coimhearsnachd, agus com-pàirteachasan roinneil eile a' togail ceangal le chèile gus cothroman Luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig agus solar FtG a chur air adhart air feadh na sgìre.

Thuirt Cathraiche Chomataidh na Gàidhlig, an Comhairliche Calum Rothach: "Tha an ìre chom-pàirteachaidh a tha a’ dol air adhart an-dràsta eadar seirbheis an fhoghlaim againn, coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig, agus buidhnean saor-thoileach a’ toirt misneachd dhuinn gum bi an cànan againn maireannach airson nan ginealaichean ri teachd.

"Tha a’ Ghàidhlig na pàirt riatanach dhen dualchas is dhen dearbh-aithne nàiseanta againn. Le bhith a’ meudachadh a’ chom-pàirteachais againn eadar coimhearsnachd na Gàidhlig agus na sgoiltean againn, faodar cothroman fhosgladh do luchd-obrach agus leigeil le luchd-ionnsachaidh com-pàirt a ghabhail agus ionnsachadh mu iomadh rud co-cheangailte ri cultar na Gàidhlig. Tha e cudromach gum bi luchd-ionnsachaidh a’ faicinn a’ chànain, chan ann dìreach mar chuspair sgoile, ach mar phàirt dhen dearbh-aithne aca fhèin".

Bidh Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd a’ toirt aoigheachd gach bliadhna do In-Seirbheis Foghlam Gàidhlig a bhios a’ lìbhrigeadh chothroman is eòlasan trèanaidh a’ buntainn ri ionnsachadh is teagasg thar FtG agus Foghlam Luchd-ionnsachaidh Gàidhlig do phroifeiseantaich ann an Tràth-bhliadhnaichean, Bun-sgoil agus Àrd-sgoil. Bidh luchd-obrach ionadan com-pàirteach agus ùghdarrasan san nàbachd cuideachd a’ gabhail com-pàirt anns na seiseanan seo.

Cuideachd, thathar an dùil àrd-ùrlaran bhiortail a chleachdadh airson trèanadh ‘Bitesize’ FtG san àm ri teachd. Tha Hub Didseatach Sgoile na Comhairle a’ toirt seachad seiseanan Leasachadh Dreuchdail Leantainneach a tha a’ cur taic ri Ionnsachadh Cànain 1+2. Chaidh stòrasan a chruthachadh cuideachd ann an co-bhann eadar Sgioba Leasachadh Foghlaim na Comhairle agus Sgioba na Gàidhlig gus taic a thoirt do dh’ionadan ma bhios glasadh-sluaigh eile ann.

Thuirt Lena Walker, Manaidsear Leasachaidh Gàidhlig airson Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd: “Bidh Oifigearan Ionnsachaidh is Leasachaidh Coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig a’ lìbhrigeadh phrògraman do dh’ionadan foghlaim a’ cleachdadh sheirbheisean ùghdarrais ionadail, roinnean saor-thoileach, luchd-obrach òigridh agus com-pàirteachasan roinneil eile gus a’ choimhearsnachd anns an urrainnear an cànan a chleachdadh a thogail is a neartachadh airson gach ionad foghlaim.

“Bidh mòran sgoilearan a’ faighinn buannachd às na pròiseactan is na h-innleachdan, a’ gabhail a-steach cleasan taobh a-muigh a’ churraicealaim, agus bheir seo cothrom dhaibh a’ Ghàidhlig ionnsachadh is a chleachdadh ann an dòigh nach biodh aca mura biodh sin. Tha an obair chom-pàirteach eadar foghlam, buidhnean air an taobh a-muigh agus Oifigearan Ionnsachadh is Leasachadh Coimhearsnachd Gàidhlig a’ meudachadh na buaidh air adhartas is coileanadh an luchd-ionnsachaidh".


Partnership approach to increase Gaelic Medium Education (GME) provisions recognised at Council’s Gaelic Committee

A partnership approach to increase GME provisions in schools across Highland was recognised at yesterday’s meeting of the Council’s Gaelic Committee. The Gaelic team, education and community officers, and other sector partnerships are engaging with each other to promote Gaelic Learner opportunities and GME provisions across the region.

Chair of the Gaelic Committee, Cllr Callum Munro, said: “The level of engagement which is currently being undertaken between our education service, the Gaelic community, and voluntary groups is very inspiring and encouraging towards the sustainability of the language for our future generations.

The Gaelic language is an essential part of our heritage and our national identity. By increasing our engagement between the Gaelic community and our schools, this can help open opportunities to staff and allow learners to immerse themselves in the Gaelic culture. It is important that learners do not only see the language as a subject to study at school but as a part of their identity”.

The Highland Council annually hosts the Gaelic Education In-Service which delivers training opportunities and experiences associated with learning and teaching across GME and Gaelic Learner Education for professionals in Early, Primary and Secondary settings. Partner Centre staff and neighbouring Authorities also engage in these sessions.

In addition to the above, it is proposed that virtual platforms will be used for future GME Bitesize training. The Council’s School Digital Hub hosts digital Continuing Professional Development (CPD) sessions which support the delivery of the 1+2 Language Learning. Resources have also been created in partnership between the Council’s Education Improvement Team and the Gaelic Team to support settings during a potential future lockdown.

Lena Walker, Gaelic Development Officer for The Highland Council, said: “The Gaelic Community Learning and Development Officers deliver programmes to education settings utilising local authority services, voluntary sectors, youth workers and other sector partnerships, to build and strengthen the community within which the language can be used for each education setting.”

“Often, many of the pupils who benefit from the projects and innovative initiatives, including extra-curricular activities, have opportunities to learn and use Gaelic that would otherwise not have been available to them. The partnership working between education, external agencies and the Gaelic Community Learning and Development Officers in turn maximises the impact on learner’s progress and achievement.”


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