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News Archive

Covid Scandal - Good Law Project Uncovering Many Dodgy Government Contracts Awarded To Friends
Dominic Cummings revelations might seem bad enough but follow the money to some of the huge scandals of PPE contracts.   The Good Law Project a charity funded by many donations has taken the government to court to reveal the scandals.  
Coronavirus COVID-19: daily data for Scotland - 29 May 2021
583 new cases of COVID-19 reported.   24,532 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 2.5% of these were positive.  
Promoting Tourism
New £3 million fund to help industry rebuild.   Tourism organisations will be able to apply for funding to promote key visitor destinations in a responsible and sustainable way, helping the sector to recover from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.  
Funds Open For Drugs Services
Applications can be made for a share of £18 million.   Four separate funds - worth a total of £18 million - to support improvements to drugs services are open for applications.  
Lived Experience Of Long-term Covid-19 On NHS Workers In Scotland
Robert Gordon's University is leading a £294,000 study to understand the impact of the longer-term effects of COVID-19 on the lived experiences, health, and wellbeing of NHS workers in Scotland.   Funded by the Scottish Government's Chief Scientist Office, this study will explore the effects of COVID-19 on the personal and working lives of NHS staff; their self-management strategies, use of healthcare resources, and seek to uncover any unmet health care needs.  
Majority Of UK Offshore Workforce To Be Delivering Low Carbon Energy By 2030Thumbnail for article : Majority Of UK Offshore Workforce To Be Delivering Low Carbon Energy By 2030
A new UK Offshore Energy Workforce Transferability Review by RGU highlights that the offshore energy workforce mix will change significantly in the next 10 years, with roles in decarbonised energies projected to increase from 20% to 65% of all jobs in the offshore energy sector (oil & gas, offshore wind, carbon capture utilisation and storage and hydrogen).   The Review also indicates that over 90% of the UK's oil and gas workforce have medium to high skills transferability and are well positioned to work in adjacent energy sectors.  
Coronavirus COVID-19: daily data for Scotland - 28 May 2021
641 new cases of COVID-19 reported.   25,939 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 2.6% of these were positive.  
Protection Levels Update
Glasgow will move to Level 2 from next weekend as long as key indicators remain stable or fall.   In line with the recommendation of the National Incident Management Team (NIMT), the First Minister said there are signs that the situation is stabilising in the postcodes at the heart of the initial outbreak and across the city generally, and that, if that trend continues, the city can move to Level 2 from 00:01 on Saturday 5 June.  
Final Proposals For Councillor Numbers And Wards For Na H-eileanan An Iar, Orkney Islands And Shetland Islands Council Areas Submitted To Scottish Ministers
Boundaries Scotland has submitted its final proposals for councillor numbers and wards in Na h-Eileanan an Iar, Orkney Islands and Shetland Islands council areas to Scottish Ministers.   The Islands (Scotland) Act 2018 required the Commission to review the six councils containing inhabited islands (Argyll and Bute, Highland, North Ayrshire, Orkney, Shetland and Na h-Eileanan an Iar) as soon as practicable.  
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 26 May 2021
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (May, 26th) sold 220 store cattle, 149 adult head of breeding cattle and 78 OTM cattle.   Bullocks (102) averaged 250.8p and sold to 323.1p per kg for a 195kg Limousin cross from 6 Bracara, Morar and £1,460 gross for a 660kg Limousin cross from Bog of Auchterflow, Munlochy.  
Highland Council Develops Bids For Levelling Up Fund
The Council is continuing to work at pace to submit bids into the UK Government's Levelling Up Fund and Community Renewal Fund.   The Highlands can submit one transport bid and one bid for each Westminster constituency.  
Highland Council Issues Reminder As EU Settlement Scheme Deadline ApproachesThumbnail for article : Highland Council Issues Reminder As EU Settlement Scheme Deadline Approaches
The Highland Council is encouraging anyone who has not yet applied to the EU Settlement Scheme to do so before the 30 June deadline to ensure they can continue to work in the UK and have access to public services.   The UK Government Home Officed have just released the latest quarterly figures for the EU Settlement Scheme and these figures show that 10,950 EU/EEA/Swiss Citizens, residing in the Highland area, have now applied for Settled Status.  
Tender for the delivery of Green Health Community Activities in the Summer of 2021 are now OPEN!
Highland based Community Groups, Charities and Third Sector organisations are invited to tender to run a Green Health Event/ Activity for project up to £5000 in the summer of 2021.   Deadline for Tenders is 7th June 2021.  
Councils And Communities Worked Well Together, But Impacts Of Covid-19 Are UnequalThumbnail for article : Councils And Communities Worked Well Together, But Impacts Of Covid-19 Are Unequal
A report by Audit Scotland.   Scotland's councils reacted quickly, working alongside communities and partners, to address the unprecedented challenges created by Covid-19.  
Covid-19: Tracking the implications of Covid-19 on Scotland's public financesThumbnail for article : Covid-19: Tracking the implications of Covid-19 on Scotland's public finances
An Audit Scotland report setting out the spending by both Scottish and UK government as it affected Scotland.   Since our last publication, Covid-19: Implications for public finances in Scotland, the devastating impact of the pandemic has continued to affect people across Scotland.  
Carbon Planet: a journey into the science of peatlands - An online lectureThumbnail for article : Carbon Planet: a journey into the science of peatlands - An online lecture
Professor Roxane Andersen's free, public seminar on 2nd of June - World Peatlands Day (at 4 pm).  The online talk will explore the science of peatlands, touching on subjects including climate change, biodiversity and restoration.  
Coronavirus COVID : daily data for Scotland - 26 May 2021
546 new cases of COVID-19 reported.   28,674 new tests for COVID-19 that reported results 2.1% of these were positive.  
Scottish Salmon And Sea Trout Fishery Statistics For The 2020 SeasonThumbnail for article : Scottish Salmon And Sea Trout Fishery Statistics For The 2020 Season
Salmon Reported rod catch of salmon (45,366) is the third lowest since records began, and 92% of the previous 5-year average.  Catches have decreased from a high in 2010 and the 2020 records are consistent with a general pattern of decline in numbers of wild salmon returning to Scotland, although the impact of the coronavirus pandemic complicates comparisons with previous years.  
Scottish Monthly GDP Estimates For March
Scotland's onshore GDP grew by 2.1% in March, according to statistics announced today by the Chief Statistician.  Output remains 5.4% below the pre-pandemic level in February 2020, and has fallen by 0.9% during the recent restrictions since October 2020.  
Changing Politics In Scotland - Talks On Co-operation Agreement With Green Party Announced
Scottish Ministers will enter structured talks with the Scottish Green Party, supported by the civil service, with a view to reaching a formal Co-operation Agreement.   The initiative is part of a refreshed pledge to change politics in Scotland for the better by working with opposition parties to find the best solutions to the toughest of problems, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said.