Highland Council Service Arrangements For Christmas And New Year - Emergency Contact Numbers
23rd December 2020
The Highland Council has notified its service users and customers of its opening hours and service arrangements over the festive period.
The Service Centre will close at 4pm on 24 December. It will be open on 29, 30 and 31 December (opening times 10am to 4pm). Closed 1, 2, 3 and 4 January 2021 and open 8am to 5pm from 5 January 2021
All council Service Points will remain closed to the public until further notice.
Inverness Registration Office will close at 4pm on 24 December. Staff will be available by appointment only on 29, 30 and 31 December (10am to 4pm). It will be closed 1, 2, 3 and 4 January and will reopen for appointments from 9am on Tuesday 5 January 2021.
Urgent death registration appointments will also be available on 29, 30 and 31 December at various offices across Highland, please contact your local Funeral Director who will advise.
Coronavirus Helpline
Call 0300 303 1362 for support including emergency food for those in crisis including those who have to self-isolate and have no other way of getting food supplies.
Online services
Contact the Council anytime online to report a problem, ask for something or make a payment:
Report - https://www.highland.gov.uk/report
Request - https://www.highland.gov.uk/request
Pay - https://www.highland.gov.uk/pay
Recycling Centres
Recycling centres will be closed 25 and 26 December and 1 and 2 January.
Christmas and New Year Collections:
If your usual collection for recycling or refuse falls on Friday 25 December or Friday 1 January 2021 you will have a different collection day. Please check the sticker on your bin for your alternative collection day. You can also find details on the Highland Council website www.highland.gov.uk/bincalendars
Boxing Day refuse and recycling collections remain the same this year.
For further information about recycling in the Highlands visit: www.highland.gov.uk/recycle
Council out of hours telephone numbers
Health and Social Care - 0845 769 7284
Roads, flooding, street lighting - 01349 886690
Housing - 01349 886691
Registration - 07818 588 203
Emergency out of hours telephone numbers
All trunk roads - BEAR Scotland - 0800 587 1107
Gas Freephone - 0800 111 999
NHS 24 - call free on 111 if you are ill and can't wait until your regular NHS service reopens
Police Scotland - 101 for all services
Scottish Fire and Rescue Service - 01463 240999 (24 hours)
Scottish and Southern Electric Freephone - 0800 300 999
Scottish Water - 08000 778 778 (24 hours)
SEPA Floodline - 0345 988 1188
SEPA Pollution hotline - 0800 807060 (24 hours)
The Highland Council and NHS Highland are reminding Highland residents of the importance of reaching out for help if this is needed over the festive period.
If someone is concerned about their own or someone else's mental health, then it is important to contact their GP or to call NHS 24 on 111.
If there is a concern someone is in immediate danger then emergency services should be called on 999.
There is also a range of other helpline support in place for people needing to speak with someone:
Samaritans - 116 123 (calls are free and do not show on a phone bill)
Breathing Space - 0800 83 85 87
Mikey's Line - 07786 207755
Ewen's Room - 0800 689 3317
National Scottish Domestic Abuse Helpline - 0800 027 1234
LGBT Helpline Scotland 0300 123 2523
Childline - 0800 1111
CRUSE Bereavement Care Scotland - 0845 600 2227
Should you be concerned about a vulnerable adult, whether for care, welfare or mental health reasons, you can contact the following numbers:
Adult Protection Concern helpline - 0800 902 0042 in office hours and out of office hours or during holiday periods – 0845 769 7284.
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