Thurso and Brora public events for CaSPlan
12th November 2014
Members of the public are being invited to an event in Thurso to consider the Main Issues Report for a new Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan (CaSPlan).
The first event is in Thurso on 18 November at Caithness Horizons, High Street. There will be a drop-in session between 2pm and 5.30pm and a round table discussion workshop which starts at 6.30pm. All are welcome to attend either or both parts of the event.
There has also been a re-scheduling of a workshop planned for Brora. This will now take place on Monday 12 January 2015 at 6:30pm in the Community Centre, Johnstone Place. The original event organised for Brora on 2 December will still go ahead however there will just be a drop-in session that day, from 2 - 5:30pm in the Community Centre, Johnstone Place.
Key aims for the new CaSPlan is supporting existing businesses to grow, attracting new businesses to the area and maximising inward investment.
Through partners working together the CaSPlan aims to achieve a strong and diverse economy characterised by a renowned centre for renewable energy, world class engineering, traditional land and sea based industries and a tourist industry that combines culture, history and adventure for Caithness and Sutherland over the next 20 years.
The first formal stage of preparing the new Caithness and Sutherland Local Development Plan is the Main Issues Report. People in the two areas are being asked for their views on issues such as how to help support a strong and diverse economy. Communities in Thurso and Wick have already been involved in producing town masterplans which have been used in the preparation of the report.
David Cowie of Highland Council's Development Plans Team explains: "The Main Issues Report sets out site options for discussion, such as potential sites for the focus and development of employment uses. This is the opportunity for communities to have their say on shaping their own future."
Caithness and Sutherland residents will now have received a leaflet through their letterbox giving information on the CaSPlan consultation and all those people living within 30metres of a site option identified in the report are receiving a neighbour notification letter through the post.
The Council is keen to get the views of as many people as possible at a series of consultation events where there will be information for various local towns and villages, not just for the place where the event is being held.
Alongside the CaSPlan consultation, the Council is also providing information about planning for wind energy development and providing opportunity for people to provide comment on the planning issues.
David Cowie explained: "At the CaSPlan consultation events we will also have with us some information about how we plan for wind energy. We will have a copy with us of the Cumulative Landscape and Visual Assessment which our consultants prepared for Caithness, which is also available on our website. We will be giving people opportunity to comment on issues for our planning guidance and will also make that information and consultation available on our website."
Copies of the CaSPlan Main Issues Report are available Council Service Points and Public Libraries in the area and online at: This interactive version can be used to submit any comments people have, using the online form.
David Cowie explains: "Many people used to working online should find it straight forward but there are two brief user guides that should be of help, particularly to anyone less used to online documents and forms."
Comments on the Main Issues Report should returned to The Highland Council no later than 12 noon on Thursday 29 January 2015.
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