Advisory / Counseling Services News
Small businesses and entrepreneurs throughout Caithness and Sutherland are being urged to grasp a unique opportunity to help boost future company growth, by tapping into a ready-made resource based within UHI Millennium Institute that helps companies crystallise opportunities to move the business forward. This free service - a ground-breaking university-based initiative called HI Links, is a three-year project funded by a SEEKIT grant from the Scottish Executive, Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and UHI.6/2/2007
To tax or not to tax - a guide to trading online
A new internet-based guide, accessible via the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) website for people who trade online is being launched this week. It outlines the rules for people who trade online for a profit, as opposed to others who are just clearing low value items from the attic.1/2/2007
HM Revenue & Customs - Business Support Team - Free Learning Events
Are you newly Self Employed or thinking of becoming Self Employed? Do you have a Self Employed tax return to complete? Are you a New Employer? Do you have an Employers Annual Return to complete? Do you want to know about the changes to the Construction Industry Scheme? If you can answer "YES" to any of the above questions & would like to learn more, you may be interested in attending one of HM Revenue & Customs free learning events. The following events will take place in Thurso; 13th March 2007 AM/PM Paying Your Employees 14th March 2007 AM Becoming Self Employed PM Self Assessment for the Self Employed 15th March 2007 AM Employer's Annual Returns PM New Construction Industry Scheme To book a place in one of our sessions, please telephone 01355 275 207.31/1/2007
Unemployment At December 2006
UNEMPLOYMENT DIGEST SUMMARY The December 2006 unemployment figures were released on 17th January 2007. During the month, November 2006 to December 2006, the number of people claiming unemployment benefit in Great Britain rose by 0.2%, from 895,833 to 897,758 (1,925 claimants).31/1/2007
Unemployment By LEC Area At December 2006
NUMBER OF UNEMPLOYED BY LEC AREA The table below traces changes in the numbers (not rates) of unemployed people claiming benefits in the Highlands & Islands LEC areas between November 2006 and December 2006. A yearly comparison between December 2005 and December 2006 is also provided.31/1/2007
Long-Term Unemployment By LEC Area - December 2006
LONG-TERM UNEMPLOYMENT BY LEC AREA For the purpose of this analysis, long-term unemployment (LTU) is defined as 'all those who have been unemployed and claiming benefit for over 6 months'. The table below shows the number of people who are on long term unemployment benefit for December 2006 in each of the LEC areas.22/1/2007
Caithness Partners Agree Structure For Regeneration
A taskforce drawing on the area's three key public agencies will be charged with delivering an action plan for the regeneration of the Caithness and North Sutherland economy. The Far North has specific economic hurdles ahead with the prospect of decommissioning work at Dounreay's nuclear reactor coming to an end in the early 2030s with the eventual loss of around 2,500 jobs.17/1/2007
Chamber Of Commerce Demands Answer To Supremo For Dounreay Run Down Question
The Caithness & Sutherland Chamber of Commerce is urging the lead Agencies in the decommissioning of the Dounreay site and the economic regeneration of Caithness & North Sutherland to make clear without further delay their acceptance or otherwise of the proposal, put forward six months ago at a Meeting of the Dounreay Stakeholder Group, for the appointment of a 'supremo' to oversee and drive the process forward. If the proposal has been rejected by the Agencies what are the objections to it and what plans do the Agencies have to take matters forward? Whilst acknowledging that the lead role is the responsibility of the Agencies concerned the Chamber considers it essential that any proposal/plan has public confidence and support.12/1/2007
HIE Invites Public To Consult On Potential Environmental Impacts Of Draft Operating Plan
There are still two weeks left for the public to respond to a consultation by Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) on its draft operating plan and associated environmental report. Under the provisions of Regulation 16 of the Environmental Assessment of Plans & Programmes (Scotland) Regulations 2004, HIE has its first strategic environmental assessment to gauge the potential significant effects its draft operating plan may have on the environment.22/12/2006
Caithness And Sutherland Enterprise - Approvals List - November 2006
The following are funds approved up to the last day of the month. Please note that the sums relate to approvals, not payments.21/12/2006
New Apprenticeship For Local Food Growers - A Great Opportunity
Highlands and Islands Local Food Network (HILFN) is to set up a food apprenticeship to train a new generation of food growers in the area - the first course of its kind in Scotland. More and more consumers in the Highlands and Islands are choosing to eat healthily and shop locally which is leading to a shortage of locally grown fruit and vegetables in many parts of the north.11/12/2006
Hothouse Youth Challenge 2007
The search continues to find the Highlands and Islands' answer to Richard Branson as the ICT Hothouse Youth Challenge 2007 enters its final month for entries. The challenge is looking for young entrepreneurs with bright ideas to submit their ideas for information technology and communications of the future.25/11/2006
Contractors Supplier Event 29 November 2006
CONTRACTORS SUPPLIER EVENT 4 pm 29 NOVEMBER 2006 Pentland Hotel Thurso Caithness & Sutherland Enterprise is hosting a supplier event in the Pentland Hotel Thurso on 29 November at 4pm to provide information to local companies on current business opportunities. Presentations will be made by:- Dan Mistry of UKAEA Culham who will provide information on the prospects and opportunities for locally based businesses arising from the construction and commissioning of ITER at Caderache in France.16/11/2006
Project Manager Sought For Proposed Nuclear Skills Academy Scotland
A project manager is being recruited to take forward proposals for a Nuclear Skills Academy Scotland. The proposed skills academy is being drawn up in partnership between the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, Caithness and Sutherland Enterprise, North Highland College UHI Millennium Institute and UKAEA Dounreay, which are jointly funding the project manager role.16/11/2006
Another Big Heat And Power Plant For Highland
A PROPOSAL to create a £24million Combined Heat and Power plant at Invergordon has won wholehearted support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) with its board agreeing to a £5.5million contribution to the project. Northern Ireland-based company Balcas Ltd plans to develop its operation on the former Alcan smelter site at the Cromarty Industrial Park.15/11/2006
HIE Approves Funding for Biggest Community Land Sale In History
HIGHLANDS and Islands Enterprise (HIE) today agreed to contribute £2million to the purchase of 92,000acre South Uist Estate by its residents - the biggest community land purchase in Scottish history. The decision secures a £2million contribution to the £4.5million purchase approved by the BIG Lottery Fund's Growing Community Assets Fund last week.15/11/2006
HIE On Course To Meet Annual Targets
The Highlands and Islands Enterprise network (HIE) is on budget and in line to meet or exceed most of its annual performance targets, according to its half-year results announced on Tuesday 14 November. In light of the considerable headway already made in two key areas of its activities, HIE board members have agreed to increase targets for the number of new business start-ups in the region and of assistance given to strengthening community groups.7/11/2006
Public Participation In Options For Dounreay Site End State
ISSUED BY UKAEA, ON BEHALF OF THE DOUNREAY STAKEHOLDER GROUP Options for the Dounreay site end state are the subject of a public consultation announced today. While a final decision on the future use of the land does not need to be made for a number of years community views are being sought now to allow the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and its contractor, UKAEA, to finalise their plans for decommissioning the site with greater certainty.7/11/2006