News Archive
Find out more about the range of Community Services provided in your area
You can find out more about the local services which Highland Council provides at a series of events across the Highlands, beginning on 1 October. Community Services is a new directorate of The Highland Council that delivers many of the Council's everyday services, with staff in regular contact with the people of the Highlands.23/9/2014
Setting the direction for the future of Caithness and Sutherland
Highland Councillors have given the go ahead for a major public consultation to help prepare a new 20 year Local Development Plan for the Caithness and Sutherland area, to be known as CaSPlan. The Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee agreed the Main Issues Report which will be the first formal stage of preparing the new CaSPlan.23/9/2014
Highland Council Moves To Renew Schools In Tain
Still time to have say on Tain school consultation Around 80 members of the public turned out to a public meeting on the proposed new 3 - 18 school campus in Tain which would replace the existing Tain Royal Academy, Craighill and Knockbreck Primaries and St Duthus Special School. The meeting was held by The Highland on the evening of Monday 15 September at Tain Royal Academy.23/9/2014
Minimum wage increase for agricultural workers
A rise in the minimum wage rate for agricultural workers has been confirmed by the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board (SAWB). The wage rates agreed by the Wages Board on August 20, 2014 were in line with those announced at the SAWB's negotiation meeting held in May.23/9/2014
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 23 September 2014
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (September, 23rd) sold 26 prime cattle. Prime bullocks (8) averaged 218.5p (+1.6p) and sold to 234p per kg and £1,449.00 gross.23/9/2014
Annual Population Survey
Results for year to 30 June 2014. The latest APS data covers the year from 01 July 2013 to 30 June 2014.22/9/2014
Caithness & Sutherland Area Committee - First Meeting In Refurbished Wick Town Hall
The next meeting of the Caithness and Sutherland Area Committee of Highland council will be held in the newly refurbished town hall on Tuesday 23rd September 2014. the meeting starts at 10.30am and may last until 3.00pm depending on debates and presentations.22/9/2014
Innovation - the key driver to a successful marine energy industry
Innovation will be at the centre of this week's Marine Energy Conference in Inverness. With the recent green light for MeyGen - the world’s first tidal stream project in the Inner Sound of the Pentland Firth - marine energy is firmly at the heart of the expansion of the renewable energy sector in the Highlands and Islands.22/9/2014
The Scottish Police Authority (SPA) has launched its call for evidence on armed policing by inviting a wide range of interested parties to submit views and provide evidence. Views will inform the SPA's recently announced scrutiny inquiry which will assess the public impact of Police Scotland's decision to allow a number of specially trained armed response vehicle officers to carry visible firearms on routine patrols.19/9/2014
Caithness and North Sutherland Regeneration Partnership - Update
Period 25 August - 15 September 2014 Energy & Business services: Tidal energy plans for the Pentland Firth have received a massive boost with news that financial closure (UK leads marine energy revolution as world's largest tidal stream project agrees investment to begin construction in Scotland | MeyGen) was reached for Phase 1 of the build out of Atlantis resources' Meygen site in the Inner Sound of the Firth. Support for this has come from CNSRP partners HIE and Scottish Government (via the Renewable Energy Investment Fund) as well as The Crown Estate and the Department of Energy & Climate Change.19/9/2014
Highland Counting Officer announces votes cast in Referendum
The Counting Officer for The Highland Council area has announced the total votes cast for each answer in the Scottish Independence Referendum. A total of 78,069 votes were cast for Yes and a total of 87,739 votes were cast for No.19/9/2014
Electoral Registration Officers across Scotland have released an updated list of electorate figures for the Scottish Independence Referendum. The updated figures include clerical adjustments as EROs review the polling list to ensure everyone who is eligible to vote is on the list.19/9/2014
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 19 September 2014
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (September, 19th) sold 4,545 store lambs and sheep. Lambs (4,545) sold to £62 gross for Blackfaces from Old Croft House, Brae of Balnabeen.18/9/2014
Preparing for 4G at 800 MHz
John Thurso has recently been contacted by at800 who will shortly be carrying out specific activities in the constituency to ensure TV viewers, including the elderly and vulnerable, can continue to watch Freeview as new 4G mobile services at 800 MHz are activated. The company will also send postcards to some constituents to inform them that new 4G masts operating at 800 MHz may soon be activated and that there is a very small possibility these new mobile signals may disrupt Freeview.18/9/2014
NDA supply chain event proving popular once more
Almost 800 delegates have already signed up to attend the NDA estate's 2014 event for suppliers in November - but there is still room for several hundred more visitors. The exhibition hall meanwhile is approaching full capacity, providing delegates with the opportunity to meet with 260 companies from across the supply chain.18/9/2014
Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - 18 September 2014
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (September, 18th) sold 3,269 store lambs and ewes. Lambs (2,817) averaged £52.39 and sold to £110 gross for a Texel tup lamb from Teanluick, Beauly.18/9/2014
Mods and Coppers
It takes more than a gun to protect the nation's defences and National Infrastructure sites. Stamina, Vigilance, Resilience You'll need to arm yourself with all of these qualities.18/9/2014
Fluzzle With Alibaba
Got an idea then check this out?.17/9/2014
Leask Marine Collects Award
At the Fourth annual Energy North Awards held in Inverness saw Leask Marine collect the top award for the Best Renewable Energy Service Supplier. Organised by Energy North the event recognises the important contribution companies from across the region make to the success of the renewable energy and supply chain industries.17/9/2014