Other Public Services News
NDA Group Gender Pay Gap Report: 2021 To 2022
Data on the difference in employees' average earnings from April 2021 to March 2022 for the NDA group. Gender Pay Gap legislation introduced in April 2017 requires all employers of 250 or more employees to publish their gender pay gap data annually.3/3/2023
Sellafield Silo Installs Second Waste Retrieval Machine
The second of 3 machines which are set to safely remove waste out of the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo has successfully been assembled. Last month, another silo emptying machine was fully built inside the Magnox Swarf Storage Silo, with the final piece of equipment - the main control cubicle - being lifted into the silo and fixed into position.1/3/2023
Scotland's Firefighters Responded To More Than One Wildfire A Day During Spring Last Year
Scotland's firefighters responded to more than one wildfire a day during Spring last year. New statistics from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) show that during March and April 2022, 95 incidents of wildfire were recorded across Scotland.28/2/2023
60th Culham Plasma Physics Summer School Is Open To Applications
Applications now open for the UK Atomic Energy Authority's (UKAEA) Culham Plasma Physics Summer School. Celebrating its 60th year, the school will cover fundamental plasma physics, as well as important topics in fusion, astrophysical, laser and low temperature plasmas.19/2/2023
Caithness Jobs And How To Get Them - Event Back After The Covid Years
Join us on the 11th of March 2023 for Caithness' biggest and best jobs, careers, training and recruitment event. This event is free to attend and all are welcome! Meet real employers and hear about their industries and any vacancies they currently have.10/2/2023
Procurement At Dounreay - Information About How To Work With Dounreay As A Supplier.
Commercial pipelines provide a forward look at potential commercial activity within a department. The information presented is for reference only and reflects the Dounreay anticipated procurement pipeline.6/2/2023
NDA Group Showcase Skills And Expertise In Westminster
The NDA group are showcasing their contribution to the UK, including skills, community investment and career opportunities, at the NIA's Nuclear Week in Parliament. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group are showcasing their contribution to the UK, including skills, community investment and career opportunities, at the Nuclear Industry Association's Nuclear Week in Parliament.19/1/2023
New Police Commander For Highland And Islands Division Takes Oath
The new Highland and Islands divisional commander will take up post having been sworn in as a Police Scotland officer. Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone welcomed and thanked Chief Superintendent Rob Shepherd during a ceremony at Police Scotland Headquarters, Tulliallan, on Monday, 16 January 2023, overseen by Justice of the Peace Gillian Thomson.17/1/2023
NDA Launches New Group Graduate Programme
The NDA group calls on graduates to help deliver its mission and take part in the one of the most important environmental programmes in the world. The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group is calling on graduates to help deliver its mission and take part in the one of the most important environmental programmes in the world.8/12/2022
Dounreay's Robotic Collaboration Recognised By Time Magazine
A robot designed with help from Dounreay to safely inspect hazardous environments has been listed in Time Magazine's top 200 innovations of 2022. The robot, known as Lyra, has been used to inspect ventilation ducts and feedback radiological information.1/12/2022
Police Complaints, Investigations And Misconduct To Continue After Resignations
Gross misconduct proceedings against police officers should be allowed to continue after they resign from the force to promote transparency and maintain public confidence, according to a public consultation. The move, which would see proceedings continue even if an officer leaves during the course of an investigation into their conduct, was among the recommendations of Dame Elish Angiolini's independent review into how police complaints and allegations of misconduct should be handled.29/11/2022
Trainees Awarded Top Marks At Dounreay
Dounreay project control trainees all achieve high pass grades in their professional qualifications. Our latest group of 8 project control trainees has passed their Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) Level 3 qualification in Project Controls with flying colours.15/11/2022
Smart Meters Are A Smart Decision For Your Business This Winter
Firms of all sizes are currently confronted by a host of challenges, from soaring energy bills, labour shortages, spiralling inflation, and climbing interest rates. As a business owner, you need to ensure that your doors stay open and that your business can thrive no matter what the season brings. Did you know that a smart meter could help your business this winter and beyond? Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters currently being rolled out in homes and small businesses across Great Britain by energy suppliers.23/10/2022
Dounreay Recycles 98% Of Reactor Decommissioning Waste
The fuel element storage block has now been demolished. This steel tank was 4.7m high and 2.8m in diameter, surrounded by an iron-shot concrete cylinder, and was capped off by a thick steel top plate.10/10/2022
Executive Summary The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) commissioned this report. It provides an update to previous reports in 2006, 2012, and 2016 on the social and economic importance of the Dounreay site within its local area of Caithness and North Sutherland.10/10/2022
Dounreay Socio Economic Review - 2021/22
In April 2021, Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) became a subsidiary company of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Group. The Cavendish Dounreay Partnership ceased.6/10/2022
First Containers Sealed Into Dounreay Low Level Waste Vaults
Dounreay's waste team is carrying out the first in a series of campaigns to seal the waste into place in the low level waste vaults. As part of the waste disposal process, the spaces between the containers in the low level waste vault are being filled with grout.25/9/2022
UK Government Needs To Go Further On Energy Costs Says Caithness Chamber Of Commerce
Responding to the release of further details from the UK Government on the energy support plan for business, Trudy Morris, Chief Executive of Caithness Chamber of Commerce, said: "Whilst it is welcome that the UK Government has finally responded and stepped up to provide an initial support package for firms by capping wholesale energy prices for six months, it is simply not enough. We hope that the Chancellor's fiscal statement on Friday, will give more detail on support for businesses.22/9/2022
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority And National Decommissioning Centre Launch Research Partnership
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) and the National Decommissioning Centre (NDC) have signed a three-year collaborative research agreement - the first of its kind between the nuclear and oil and gas decommissioning sectors. The unique strategic partnership, supporting research with a potential value of up to £900,000, will see the NDA work with researchers from the University of Aberdeen in areas of mutual interest to both the nuclear and oil and gas sectors.24/7/2022