Local Authority News
Highland Trading Standards warns of fraudulent refund emails
Highland Council Trading Standards are warning consumers to be on their guard against phishing emails purporting to be from Apple iTunes following an increase in enquiries. The unsolicited email from fraudsters informs the recipient that they if they did not make the purchase in question, that they should click on the link provided to obtain a refund.27/11/2015
Benefits of being online could be worth over £1000 per year to individuals
Members of the Highland Council Resources Committee have noted research showing the benefits of being online and the work being done by the Council to promote digital inclusion. Research shows that across the UK 89% of adults have access to the internet at home, however 17.9% of people in the Highlands never use the internet.27/11/2015
Funding approved for carbon clever projects
The Highland Council has approved funding of over £250,000 for projects across the region that will improve transport links, reduce carbon emissions and save the Council money. The funding comes from Highland Councils Carbon CLEVER capital budget, which has supported a wide range of projects over the past 18 months, including the upgrading of streetlights in Highland to LEDs, improved cycling facilities, the installation of biomass boilers, and a grant fund which has allocated funding to more than ten community projects which reduce carbon emissions.27/11/2015
Projects approved for capital discretionary funding
Two projects have been approved for capital discretionary funding by the Councils Resources Committee. Members approved a contribution of £100,000 over 2 years towards the Falls of Shin Community Project, subject to full a funding package being in place.20/11/2015
Council Leader hits out at welfare cuts
The UK Governments ongoing changes to welfare, which began in 2010, will substantially reduce the amount of benefits paid to households and families. The Council continues to voice concerns about the impact that Universal Credit, and in particular the payment of housing costs, is having on Highland tenants and landlords alike.19/11/2015
Inverness Expansion - West Link Tenders Issued
The Highland Council will issue invitations to tender for the construction of West Link Stage 1, (Dores Road to the A82) and Canal Parks Enhancement Project, to eight contractors tomorrow, Friday 20 November 2015. A number of contractors expressed an interest and the eight contractors have been selected to submit tenders following a pre-qualification process.19/11/2015
Licensing of public entertainment activities
The Highland Council is inviting the public to submit written representations to the Council about proposed changes to public entertainment licensing activities. All representations should be made to the Council by Friday 18 December 2015.13/11/2015
Public contribution to Localism debate welcomed by Highland Council Leader
Leader of The Highland Council, Councillor Margaret Davidson has welcomed the level of public engagement that is helping the local authority plan to deliver its services through more localised decision making. The Highland Council approved a localism action plan at its meeting of the full Council on 29 October 2015 that will start to map out how to deliver decentralised decision making powers to local communities.12/11/2015
Garden waste kerbside collections stopping for winter
With the approach of winter householders are reminded that Garden Waste Collections will cease for a period of 3 months from the end of November. There will be no brown bin collections in December, January or February.12/11/2015
Council working with partners to maintain Highland roads
Highland Council has highlighted its successful joint working with BEAR Scotland and Transport Scotland. The Council's Head of Roads and Transport Richard Evans, BEAR Scotland's Operating Company Representative for the North West Eddie Ross and Transport Scotland’s Acting National Network Manager Jonny Moran delivered a joint presentation at last week’s Community Services Committee meeting.6/11/2015
Over 1,200 people take part in a facebook chat on Community Services in Highland
Over 1,200 people took part in the second of a series of Highland Council Budget Facebook Chats on Tuesday 3rd November. Chair of the Councils Community Services Committee Councillor Allan Henderson and Director of Community Services William Gilfillan took part in the event which focused on Community Services and ways in which savings could be made.4/11/2015
£505,000 for Coghill Footbridge, Wick Among Council Approved Capital Projects
Approval for significant programme of capital investment. The Highland Councils Planning, Development and Infrastructure Committee has today (Wed 4 Nov 2015 approved nearly £8 million of capital investment in Town and Countryside regeneration projects throughout Highland over the next nine years.4/11/2015
New Heathrow link receives warm welcome
The Highland Council has welcomed British Airways announcement this morning of a new Heathrow link with Inverness from May next year. Leader of the Council, Cllr Margaret Davidson welcomed the news saying This is excellent news for the economy of the Highlands.1/11/2015
Six Head Teachers appointed in Highland schools
The Highland Council has appointed 6 new Head Teachers at schools in the Highlands. The appointments include: Nigel Engstrand as Head Teacher at Inverness Royal Academy.1/11/2015
Map to Success - Orienteering events generate over £9 million for economy
Hosting two concurrent international orienteering events in the Highlands proved to be a run-away success bringing in £9.4 million to the Scottish economy, VisitScotland can reveal. The 2015 World Orienteering Championships (WOC) and Highland 2015, the 20th Scottish 6 Days Orienteering event, were held between 31 July and 8 August this year.1/11/2015
Appeal to private landlords to assist with housing Syrian refugees
The Highland Council is appealing to private landlords or people who own vacant houses who may be able to offer a house for rent to a Syrian Refugee family. The Council is expecting to take around 25 to 30 families from Syrian Refugee camps early in the new year as part of the UK Refugee Resettlement Programme.27/10/2015
Facebook Chat Today About Council Tax With Leader Of Highland Council - Begins at 5.30pm
For the eighth successive year, the Council has frozen the Council Tax. Like other Local Authorities, The Highland Council is facing a forecast budget deficit over the next 3 years.23/10/2015
Highland Council to hold a series of Facebook chats on budget issues
Highland Council is to hold a series of Facebook chats on budget issues, starting with a discussion on the council tax. For the eighth successive year, the Council has frozen the Council Tax.22/10/2015
Highland Council backs calls over maritime safety deficit
The Highland Council Leader, Cllr Margaret Davidson welcomed the call for reinstatement of ETVs by Highland MPs. She said: "The provision of Emergency Towing Vessels (ETVs) has been a vital issue for the Highland Council ever since the ETV in the Minch was withdrawn some years ago.22/10/2015