Local Authority News
Supporting Headteachers - £520 Million To Help Close Attainment Gap
Scotland's headteachers will receive more than half a billion pounds of secured funding over the next four years to help close the attainment gap. Pupil Equity Funding (PEF) totalling £520 million will be distributed to schools in every council area to help headteachers put in place more support for children and young people.29/3/2022
Still Time To Have Your Say In May In Local Council Elections
The Electoral Registration Officer for Highland is reminding anyone who wants to take part in the May local government elections to make sure they are registered to vote by the deadline of midnight on Monday 18 April 2022. The Scottish Local Government Elections for The Highland Council are taking place on Thursday 5 May 2022 to elect 74 Local Councillors in 21 wards.15/3/2022
Night-time Closure Of A9 At Inshes This Weekend 19 - 20 March
The A9 will be closed in both directions during the night this weekend (19/20 March) between the exit for Inverness Campus and Inshes, and the Raigmore interchange. This is to allow access for a scheduled maintenance inspection of the ‘Golden Bridge'.14/3/2022
Personal Safety Audits For Councillors After May Election In Highland Following A Man Convicted
Highland Council has agreed to a proposal for personal safety audits for members after the May local elections. Councillor Lobban said that councillors could be more at risk then MP's or MSP's as they were often more available in the community Two councillors Councillors Pippa Hadley and Bill Lobban tabled a motion.12/3/2022
Highland Council maintains its ambition for steady improvement in service performance
The Annual Report of Statutory Performance Indicators (SPIs) and Best Value for financial year 2020-21 set against the context of COVID, was considered by members of The Highland Council when they met on 10 March 2022. The report tells the story of how COVID has impacted significantly across the Council's SPIs and this context, combined with a change in the way the Scottish Government has measured some performance indicators, means that an overall assessment of Council performance cannot be made.12/3/2022
Highland Council Puts Communities And Region First By Maximising Potential Benefits From Green Energy
Following discussion in private (due to commercial confidentiality requirements) The Council has agreed to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with H2 Green Ltd. The agreement explores opportunities to develop a regional green hydrogen network across the Highlands.12/3/2022
Council To Invite Participation In Citizens' Panel
Highland Council will shortly be sending out letters to randomly selected residents across the Highlands, inviting individuals to participate in the Council's Citizens’ Panel. A Citizens' Panel is a group of residents within a Local Authority area which is asked for their views on a range of topics and subjects to help inform policy and priorities.12/3/2022
Working With Partners To Build Healthy, Sustainable Communities
Highland Council has been updated on collaborative work between the council and partners to address skills gaps, attract key workers, retain young people and build healthy, sustainable communities. Members noted the progress of the Strategic Partnership Priority "People - Living Healthy, Thriving and Inclusive Lives, which is the third priority of the “Future Highlands" strategy considered by the Council in September 2021.11/3/2022
Highland Council Update - Working With Partners To Build Healthy, Sustainable Communities
Highland Council has been updated on collaborative work between the council and partners to address skills gaps, attract key workers, retain young people and build healthy, sustainable communities. Members noted the progress of the Strategic Partnership Priority "People - Living Healthy, Thriving and Inclusive Lives, which is the third priority of the "Future Highlands" strategy considered by the Council in September 2021.11/3/2022
Annual NHS Highland Report Focuses On Mental Health And Suicide
Members, at their final meeting of full Council today, welcomed the annual report by Dr Tim Allison, NHS Highland's Director of Public Health, which focuses on mental health and suicide within the local population. Stark figures and statistics throughout the report highlight the enormity of the issue within the NHS Highland area, alongside the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 in intensifying the matter.10/3/2022
Public Sector And Business To Benefit From New Multi-million-pound Full Fibre Broadband Investment - Thurso, Wick, Fort William, Inverness
A multi-agency investment into digital infrastructure in Highland will ensure the public sector and businesses are equipped to deliver next generation connectivity. Today, The Highland Council and partners within the Highlands, UK Government's Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Capita and CityFibre announced the completion of a four-year project across Inverness, Fort William, Thurso and Wick, as part of the Building Digital UK (BDUK) Local Full Fibre Networks (LFFN) programme.10/3/2022
Scotland's Councils Face A Financially Uncertain Future
Scotland's councils have increased reserves over the last year but must address the impacts of an overall reduction in funding and ongoing challenges caused by Covid-19. An overview of local government finances in Scotland 2020/21, published today by the Accounts Commission, captures the full-year impact of Covid-19.10/3/2022
Council Agrees Proposals For Second Round Of Levelling Up Fund
Council agrees proposals for second round of Levelling Up Fund Highland Council has agreed proposals for Round 2 of the Levelling Up Fund bid, with submissions expected to be submitted in June 2022. Three bids including projects in Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross; Ross, Skye and Lochaber; and a NC500 transport bid, will be submitted.8/3/2022
HERO scheme helps Highland business expand
A Highland-based virtual assistant company is reaping the benefits of two new skilled members of staff thanks to support from the Highland Council Employability Service's HERO employment scheme. Behind the Scenes VA Ltd was set up by Emma Mulraine in 2018 to provide a quality and affordable support service to start ups, small businesses and the self-employed.1/3/2022
£2m investment proposed to enable more investment in climate action & retain skills in Highland
A £2m investment in action to tackle climate change, in Highland Council's budget proposals, are expected to benefit long term employment, skills development and career opportunities for people to remain and work in Highland. Despite a challenging financial settlement and significant inflationary pressures the Council has exercised prudent financial management which has enabled a new £10m investment programme to be developed for 2022/23.28/2/2022
Further £5.5m Proposed In Budget Would Bring Total Additional Investment In Roads To £31m
The Highland Council is set to consider additional £5.5m investment in the roads infrastructure as part of its collaborative £10m investment plan for 2022-23. The additional £5.5m proposed is on top of £25.5m already agreed for roads in recent months, and would bring the total to £31m.28/2/2022
Highland Council Using Cyber Scotland Week To Stress Importance Of Business Continuity
Highland Council is using Cyber Scotland Week (28 Feb - 6 Mar 2022) to remind businesses across the region about the importance of business continuity in the face of new and emerging threats from cyber criminals. Business continuity planning can give your business the best chance of coping should the worst happen.26/2/2022
Scheduled Flights Are To Restart Between Wick John O' Groats Airport And Aberdeen
The Highland Council and Transport Scotland, who have been working with local stakeholders to reinstate flights from Wick John O'Groats Airport, are delighted to announce that Eastern Airways have been awarded a contract to provide a year-round service to Aberdeen. The service, which will operate under a Public Service Obligation (PSO), will provide a direct connection to the airport hub at Aberdeen for 3 years.26/2/2022
Strategy ‘sows seeds' for communities to grow their own food
Communities across The Highland Council region who want to grow their own food are to be ‘inspired, empowered and supported' by a new strategy that was approved by Members of the Council's Communities and Place Committee on 23 February 2022. Councillors have agreed to adopt ‘Growing our Future - Highland Community Food Growing Strategy' and that an annual progress report on the implementation of the strategy will be presented to the Communities and Place Committee.25/2/2022