Other Public Services News
Dounreay 2022 - Brochure about Dounreay including the history
Dounreay 2022 A Colour Brochure about Dounreay including the history has been published. It has lots of pictures and is an easy read.
New Treatment And Conditioning Framework Worth £41Million
Nuclear Waste Services has awarded a four-year framework contract worth up to £41 million to three suppliers for the treatment and conditioning of radioactive waste. The new service has been hailed as offering additional value to radioactive waste producers as in addition to the core elements of incineration and supercompaction routinely used to dispose of waste streams, it will also enable access to a wide range of other technologies such as encapsulation and de-tritiation.
Dounreay Socio Economic Review 21 - 22
In April 2021, Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) became a subsidiary company of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) Group. The Cavendish Dounreay Partnership ceased.
Criminal Proceedings In Scotland 2020-21
The total number of people proceeded against in Scottish courts fell by 46% to 46,497 in the year to 2020-21, according to National Statistics published by Scotland's Chief Statistician today. The number of people convicted fell at a similar rate, down 44% to 42,532.9/6/2022
NDA Group Employees Honoured By Her Majesty The Queen
Three long-serving NDA group employees have been awarded honours by Her Majesty The Queen in the Platinum Jubilee Honours List for services to the nuclear industry and their local communities. Cath Giel, Communications and Stakeholder Relations Director at the LLW Repository Site in Cumbria until her retirement earlier this year, was made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE).
Meeting The Robots At Dounreay On Innovation Day
A celebration of innovation at Dounreay held recently, recognising how innovation is part of everything they do at the site to achieve our mission. On the day, we celebrated the many successes we have achieved in our approach to decommissioning.
Alternative Waste Route Found For Dounreay's Bulk Metal Items
Two large redundant items that were removed from Dounreay's facilities have now left the site for disposal or diversion, opening up new waste routes. Dounreay in partnership with Nuclear Waste Services and its contractor Cyclife first trialled an alternative treatment option for the site's metallic waste in 2019, when 66 tonnes of redundant metal equipment were sent to Cyclife's specialist facility for recycling.
Robot Goes Underground At Dounreay
A robot has successfully surveyed an underground radioactive ventilation duct in Dounreay's redundant laboratories. Dounreay Site Restoration Ltd (DSRL) and the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Nuclear (RAIN) Hub are working together to develop a robot capable of accessing areas that are inaccessible or unsafe for humans to work in.
The NDA Group Sustainability Strategy 2022
This strategy sets out the NDA group's five-year path to becoming a leader in sustainability. Transforming nuclear legacies into sustainable opportunities is the focus of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) group's new Sustainability Strategy 2022.
NDA Group Gender Pay Gap Report: 2020 To 2021
This report published on 28 March 2022 summarises the gender pay gap for the NDA group as a whole. Within the individual organisations that make up the group: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority Sellafield Limited Magnox Limited Dounreay Site Restoration Limited Low Level Waste Repository Limited Radioactive Waste Management Limited International Nuclear Services Limited Direct Rail Services Limited.29/3/2022
Evolution Of Fire And Rescue Services In Scotland
Framework to reduce harm for Scottish communities. Improving safety for Scottish communities is at the heart of a new Framework for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS).
Vulcan Nuclear Decommissioning May Be Taken Over By NDA
A new approach to decommissioning the Vulcan nuclear site next door to Dounreay by the Ministry of Defence has been been indicated. It was confirmed at Wednesday's meeting of Dounreay Stakeholder Group (DSG) that the Nuclear Decommissioning Agency was being considered to take over the work.
Dounreay Foreshore Particle Finds Latest
The details of particle finds on Dounreay foreshore has been updated. See full details at - https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/radioactive-particles-in-the-environment-around-dounreay/dounreay-foreshore-particle-finds-2021.
Dounreay Foreshore Particle Latest Finds
Particles are fragments of irradiated nuclear fuel discharged to sea as a result of historic practices in reprocessing. Used fuel from the reactors on site and other research reactors in Britain and abroad was recycled in the site's reprocessing facilities.
Procurement At Dounreay - Updated Procurement Opportunities
Information about how to work with Dounreay as a supplier was updated on 15th February 2022. Businesses can check it all out HERE .11/2/2022
Lifting The Lid On The Dismantling Of Dounreay's Material Test Reactor
Original internal steelwork is being stripped out of the Dounreay Material Test Reactor (DMTR) as it continues preparations for a major skyline change. Original internal steelwork is being stripped out of the Dounreay Material Test Reactor (DMTR) as it continues preparations for a major skyline change.
The NDA Group Apprentices Helping To Build The Future With New Apprentice Programme
Over 700 apprentices who are currently training within NDA group businesses across the UK. Our apprentices are contributing to one of the most important environmental clean-up programmes in the world, and during the week we'll be sharing their stories.
Waste Metrics Dashboard For Nuclear Industry Including Dounreay - Lots Of Detailed Graphs
The National Waste Programme publishes a range of waste metrics to track progress and ensure that expected programme benefits are being delivered. The metrics demonstrate: the successful diversion of waste away from disposal to the LLW Repository the optimal use of key national assets, such as the LLWR Site and waste treatment facilities the safety and environmental performance of the National Programme.
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority: Draft Business Plan 2022 To 2025 For Consultation - Closes 31st January
The Draft Business Plan sets out what the main activities will be to advance our important clean-up and decommissioning work over the next 3 years, and what funding will be available for them. It also highlights some of the other essential work to enable us to carry out our mission-critical activities.