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Local Authority News

Council Calls for 4th Scottish Parliamentary Boundary for Highland
Highland Councillors are calling on the Boundary Commission for Scotland to reconsider proposals for new Scottish Parliamentary boundaries in the Highlands so that the area is represented by four directly elected constituency MSPs instead of the current three.   The Commission is consulting on a proposal to establish three constituencies, called North Highland, West Highland and East Highland.  
Highland Focus on Scams Awareness Month
Trading Standards Officers of The Highland Council are taking part in a national campaign ~ Scams Awareness Month - to crack down on the misery and heartache caused by unscrupulous scammers, whose sole aim is to persuade consumers to part with their money.   Working jointly with the Office of Fair Trading, they are focusing on consumer education to help the public spot a scam and are encouraging the public to hand in to designated Council offices scam literature received this month.  
Council Commitment to Keeping Highland Communities Cleaner
The Highland Council is set to spend an additional £1 million in the new financial year in keeping Highland communities cleaner and tidier.  The commitment to community works is a priority of the Council Administration and, subject to confirmation by the full Council on 14 February, communities will see:- - Increased levels of education and enforcement in littering and dog fouling by employing three enforcement officers (£90,000); - Increased standards of litter picking and street cleaning by employing an additional 17 street cleansing staff (£500,000); - Increased standards of grounds maintenance by employing the equivalent of 34 additional seasonal grounds maintenance operatives (£410,000).  
Highland Council Invests £431,000 In Home For Elderly At Pulteney House, Wick
Pulteney House, Wick, a care home for 18 older people, was officially reopened today (Friday 1st February) following a £431,000 refurbishment.  This is the sixth Highland run care home to be refurbished under the Council's programme of improvements at a total cost so far of £2.3 million.  
Thurso Cemetery Footbridge to be ReplacedThumbnail for article : Thurso Cemetery Footbridge to be Replaced
A footbridge, which forms an important pedestrian link to Thurso Cemetery, is to be replaced by The Highland Council at a cost of £400,000.  The bridge was lost in the floods of October 2006 - and with it went one of the town's most popular walks.  
First Ward Forum Meeting For Wick - 11 September from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
The first Ward Forum for The Highland Council electoral ward of Wick will take place in the Norseman Hotel, Wick on Tuesday 11 September from 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm.   The meeting will be held in public and there will be a 20 minute session at the close of the meeting for the public to ask questions.  
Council on Line to meet Energy Management Targets
Energy management measures are beginning to pay dividends for The Highland Council and further investments are proposed to meet targets set by the Council's Administration to reduce energy use and carbon emissions by 15% and increase renewable energy sources by a minimum of 4,000 kw by 2010.   The Highland Council's Resources Committee was told this week that at the end of the first year of the Council's energy management performance plan, an overall decrease in energy consumption of 16% was achieved and almost £1 million of costs avoided.  
Meeting Demand for Building Warrants
To help meet the increasing demand for building warrants and completion certificates, The Highland Council's Resources Committee has agreed to create three additional posts of building standards officer.   The new staff will be based in the Council's offices at Dingwall, Fort William and Kingussie.  
Council Seeks Extra £1.6 Million To Meet Storm Damage BillThumbnail for article : Council Seeks Extra £1.6 Million To Meet Storm Damage Bill
A bid is to be made by The Highland Council to the Scottish Government for a further £1,668,000 of grant aid to fully fund the repairs to council properties/infrastructure and community assets caused by the storm damage of October last year.   In March, the Council has received a grant of £4 million towards the repair bill.  
Regeneration - A New Web Site On The Future Of Caithness & North Sutherland
A new section of website focusing on the regeneration efforts in Caithness and North Sutherland has been launched.  The importance of the work now going on cannot be underestimated and a look at the bottom of this page shows the bodies involved in this new process to find a new future for the far north post Dounreay.  
Highland Council's new leadership team visited Dounreay on July 20 to see how Scotland's biggest nuclear clean-up project is changing the face of the north Highlands.   Recently-elected convener Councillor Sandy Park was accompanied by the authority's new chief executive Alistair Dodds on a tour of the £2.9 billion project to decommission the fast reactor experiment.  
Council Warns On-line Buyers To Beware!
Trading Standards Officers at The Highland Council are calling on consumers to be on their guard when buying on the internet after a survey highlighted that 40% of on-line business failed to fully comply with the Law.   A recent in-depth survey has uncovered a variety of problems for consumers such as hidden costs and denial of cancellation rights.  
Romanian Street Traders Selling Fake Gold Jewellery
Public Urged To Be On Their Guard Against Romanian Street Traders Selling Fake Gold Jewellery The Highland Council's Trading Standards Unit and Northern Constabulary are urging the public to be on their guard against Romanian street traders who are operating in the Highlands.   Trading Standards officers within the Council's TEC Services and Northern Constabulary have received complaints regarding street sellers approaching members of the public and businesses offering "fake" gold rings, chains and bracelets.  
New Council Office For Caithness
The process for the development of a new Highland Council office in Wick took a step further forward this week when members of the Council's Resources Committee agreed to ask four developers to submit outline solutions for the development to the Council.   At the end of 2006 and early 2007 the Council advertised its requirements for a new office to provide accommodation for between 150 - 200 staff currently based in a number office buildings in Wick.  
Highland Council To Use Firms Registered With Constructionline In Future
Highland councilors will be asked at a meeting of the Resources committee on 14th February 2007 in Inverness to approve the use of contractors who are registered with Constructionline, an Approved List register of assessed companies.   See Several councils and other public bodies in Scotland already require contractors and consultants in the construction industry to be registered with Constructionline as part of the pre-qualification requirements when applying for property-related construction tenders.  
Before you Spend, Spend, Spend this Christmas - Know Your Shopping Rights
With only two weeks before Christmas Day, The Highland Council's Trading Standards Service is advising shoppers during this busy time to be aware of their consumer rights.   Head of Trading Standards, Nigel MacKenzie said: "Some shoppers have taken the option to shop on-line this Christmas in order to beat the car park queues and crowds thronging around the busy towns throughout the Highlands.  
Only Santa Should Be In The Red This Christmas
Christmas could break the bank for the more than 6.6 million people already behind on payments, the Legal Services Commission (LSC) warned today launching its Christmas debt awareness campaign.  The campaign asks shoppers to think of the debt they may be racking up ahead of January when the bills arrive.  
Highland Council's Fraud Awareness Training System SuccessThumbnail for article : Highland Council's Fraud Awareness Training System Success
An E-learning system developed by The Highland Council to train staff on Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit fraud awareness is such a success that it is now being used by 270 other local authorities across the UK.   The training package entitled "Focus on Fraud Awareness" makes the process of delivering quality training to a large number of front-line staff spread across a large geographical area both effective and efficient.  
Council Introduces New Taxi Tariffs.
The Highland Council's TEC Services has approved increased taxi fares following consultation with the trade and public and these will take effect from Monday 18 September.  The Council undertook a review of the maximum level of charges for the hire of taxis or private hires cars fitted with taxi meters in accordance with the requirements of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.  
Update On Enforcing The Smoking Ban In The Highlands
A report going to The Highland Council's TEC Services Committee on Thursday (I June) will show that following the introduction of the ban on smoking in enclosed places, the enforcement strategy adopted by the Council, has been effective, and compliance by businesses and customers in Highland has been extremely high.   Councillors will be told that of the 778 premises inspected so far, 572 have been found to be fully compliant and the remaining 206 required advice in meet the strict requirements of the legislation.