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New Arts Index

14th May 2005

This should make life easier for anyone looking for people connected with Arts, Music, Drama Dance and other arts related activities in Caithness. The new section is for anyone whether professional artist, sculptor, musician, writer or community based. For some time it has been apparent that the huge wealth of talent in Caithness was not being seen and it could be difficult to find that ballet dance teacher for children. Now everyone connected can have a FREE page with contact details to make it easier to be contacted.

Caithness.Org has worked closely with Caithness Arts (the body in Caithness working to promote the arts in the county) and are combining the recently produced printed guide with information already held on the main web site to build the most comprehensive guide to who is doing what in arts in Caithness.

The new section will also have news items about anything connected to Arts and Music and items can be submitted by individuals or groups using the online form in the section. Shortly photographs will also be added to the new section. The new section also has avery easy to remember domain name -