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MacTV Expands Team To Boost International Ambitions

20th November 2020

Photograph of MacTV Expands Team To Boost International Ambitions

An Isle of Lewis-based television production company has recently expanded its development team with support from Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE).

Catriona Lexy Campbell has been recruited by award-winning firm, MacTV, as a development researcher to help increase the company's global appeal and to build on its success to date.

She joins the team as the company expands its slate of ideas and grows its international ambitions, with several projects planned for next year. HIE has awarded £15,000 to MacTV to support the post for the first year.

With the help of Catriona, the company will be able to explore further new international markets and develop co-production and collaboration opportunities.

MacTV is the region's largest independent television production company with its main base in Stornoway. It is one of the biggest producers of programming for BBC ALBA. Among the programmes it makes, is ‘Trusadh’, the Gaelic language channel’s flagship documentary series.

Established in 2002, the company became employee-owned last year with support from HIE and Co-operative Development Scotland. Sixteen of its nineteen employees are based in the Outer Hebrides with staff also based in the central belt.

In recent years it has been involved in a variety of international co-productions, working with companies in Canada, Ireland, Iceland and Wales.

Although born in the Isle of Lewis, Catriona spent much of her life in Plockton, Lochalsh. She was the first Gaelic Associate Artist with the National Theatre of Scotland in 2011 and her first radio play for the BBC, based on her novel Samhraidhean Diomhair, was broadcast in December 2012.

John Macdonald from HIE’s area team in Stornoway, said: "MacTV is an important employer in the creative industries sector in Stornoway and we are pleased to support this development. In the current climate there are fewer industry pitching and networking events, and businesses are seeking innovative ways to collaborate and develop opportunities. With Catriona’s knowledge and strong relationships, she has a lot of experience, which will be vital for this job and is well placed to take on the role."

Catriona said; "I am delighted to be working with MacTV as part of their development team. This will be a chance to learn from a highly skilled and talented group of professionals, develop a wide range of dynamic new projects and contribute to the invaluable world of Gaelic broadcasting. I'm very grateful to MacTV and HIE for making this possible - particularly at a time of such great uncertainty - and I look forward to seeing what the future brings."

Seumas Mactaggart, head of production and development at MacTV said: "We are delighted to be able to add someone of Catriona’s calibre to our team. There’s a fantastic opportunity to connect with other ambitious companies across the globe, and in doing so we can showcase Scottish stories, and content from Gaelic communities alongside, Chinese, Canadian and European stories.

“As storytellers we create programmes that can resonate with people the world over. With this support from HIE, as well as our ongoing relationship with MG ALBA, and other funders and broadcasters, we are able to further enhance our reputation beyond Scotland, and bring these stories, ideas, and programmes to the international market."


MacTV a’ leudachadh an sgioba mar thaic do àrd-amasan eadar-nàiseanta

Tha companaidh riochdachaidh neo-eisimeileach telebhisean anns an Eilean Leòdhais air an sgioba leasachaidh aca a leudachadh le taic bho Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE).

Tha Catriona Lexy Chaimbeul à Eilean Leòdhais air a fastadh leis a’ chompanaidh MacTV, a choisinn mòran duaisean, mar rannsaiche leasachaidh gus togail air soirbheachadh na companaidh gu ruige seo.

Tha Catriona a’ tighinn don sgioba fhad ’s a tha a’ chompanaidh a’ leudachadh na sglèat de bheachdan aca agus a’ fàs an àrd-mhiannan eadar-nàiseanta, le grunn phròiseactan air am planadh don ath bhliadhna. Tha HIE air £15,000 a bhuileachadh air MacTV gus taic a chur ris an dreuchd sa chiad bhliadhna.

Le cuideachadh bho Chatrìona, bidh iad ann an suidheachadh tuilleadh mhargaidean eadar-nàiseanta ùra a rannsachadh agus cothroman co-riochdachaidh is co-obrachaidh a leasachadh.

Tha prìomh stèidh riochdachaidh na buidhne ann an Steòrnabhagh, Eilean Leòdhais. Tha a’ chompanaidh mar aon de na riochdairean as motha air prògramadh às leth BBC ALBA. Am measg nam prògraman a bhios iad a’ dèanamh, tha ‘Trusadh’, an t-sreath aithriseachd as cliùitiche air an t-sianail Ghàidhlig.

Air a stèidheachadh ann an 2002, fhuair an luchd-cosnaidh sealbh air a’ chompanaidh an-uiridh le taic bho HIE agus Leasachadh Co-obrachail Alba. Le sgioba-obrach de 19, agus sia-deug dhiubh stèidhichte sna h-Eileanan agus tha luchd-obrach aca cuideachd a tha stèidhichte ann am meadhan na dùthcha.

Anns na bliadhnaichean mu dheireadh tha iad air a bhith an sàs ann am measgachadh de cho-riochdachaidhean eadar-nàiseanta, ag obair le companaidhean ann an Canada, Èirinn, Innis Tìle agus a’ Chuimrigh.

Tha MacTV dèidheil air beachdan is suidheachaidhean ùra a leasachadh agus coimiseanan ùra a bhuinnig aig ìre na RA agus gu cruinneil.

Ged a tha i à Eilean Leòdhais, chuir Catrìona seachad mòran de a beatha anns a’ Phloc, Loch Aillse. B’ i a’ chiad Cho-phàirtiche Ealain Ghàidhlig a chaidh fhastadh le Theatar Nàiseanta na h-Alba ann an 2011 agus chaidh a’ chiad dealbh-chluich rèidio aice don BhBC, stèidhichte air an nobail aice Samhraidhean Dìomhair, a chraobh-sgaoileadh san Dùbhlachd 2012.

Thuirt John Macdonald bho sgioba sgìreil HIE ann an Steòrnabhagh: “Is e fastaiche cudromach a th’ ann am MacTV san roinn riochdachaidh telebhisean ann an Steòrnabhagh, agus tha sinn toilichte taic a chur ris an leasachadh seo. San t-suidheachadh a th’ againn gu làithreach, tha nas lugha de thachartasan lìonraidhidh is tagraidh rim faotainn agus tha gnothachasan a’ sireadh dhòighean ùr-ghnàthach air co-obrachadh agus cothroman a leasachadh. Bidh fiosrachadh agus dàimhean làidir Catrìona, tha mòran eòlais aice, deatamach don obair seo agus tha i ann an deagh shuidheachadh airson na dreuchd seo a ghabhail."

Thuirt Catriona: "Tha mi air leth toilichte a bhith ag obair do MacTV mar phàirt den sgioba leasachaidh. ’S e cothrom a bhios an seo ionnsachadh bho sgioba de phroifeiseantaich a tha àrd-sgileil agus tàlantach, gus raon farsaing de phròiseactan ùra brìoghmhor a leasachadh agus cur ri saoghal luachmhor craobh-sgaoilidh na Gàidhlig. Tha mi glè thaingeil do MacTV agus HIE airson seo a dhèanamh comasach dhomh - gu h-àraid aig àm a tha cho mì-chinnteach - agus tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ris na tha romhainn san àm ri teachd.”

Thuirt Seumas Mac an t-Sagairt, an ceannard riochdachaidh is leasachaidh aig MacTV: “Tha sinn fìor thoilichte gu bheil sinn comasach air neach de thàlant Caitrìona a chur ris an sgioba againn. Tha cothrom mìorbhaileach ann ceangal a dhèanamh ri companaidhean àrd-amasail eile air feadh an t-saoghail, agus ann a bhith a’ dèanamh sin faodaidh sinn sgeulachdan Albannach a mhòr-thaisbeanadh, còmhla ri susbaint bho choimhearsnachdan Gàidhlig taobh ri taobh le sgeulachdan Sìonach, Canàidianach agus Eòrpach.

“Mar sgeulaichean, bidh sinn a’ cruthachadh phrògraman a dh’fhaodas a bhith àrd-mhothachail do dhaoine air feadh an t-saoghail. Leis an taic seo bho HIE, a thuilleadh air ar dàimh leantainneach le MG ALBA, agus luchd-maoineachaidh is craoladairean eile, is urrainn dhuinn ar cliù a neartachadh barrachd taobh a-muigh Alba agus na sgeulachdan, beachdan agus prògraman sin a thoirt chun na margaid eadar-nàiseanta.”


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