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New Vice-principal At University Of Highland And Islands

29th November 2021

Photograph of New Vice-principal At University Of Highland And Islands

Vicki Nairn has been appointed as vice-principal operations at the University of the Highlands and Islands. She will lead on the design, development and service delivery of the university's professional services which support both the academic and corporate areas, and the management of strategic change programmes.

Vicki Nairn joins from Robert Gordon University where she is currently vice principal corporate operations, leading the development, delivery and implementation of corporate, financial, commercial and resource strategies.

Professor Todd Walker, principal and vice-chancellor, was delighted to appoint this second vice-principal to his senior executive team: "It is a privilege, as a vice-chancellor, to welcome a second new vice-principal to our senior team during the course of only one week.

"Vicki Nairn brings significant experience to this new role. She knows our partnership and operating area well, having served as an independent member of the university court and having spent 11 years as a member of the leadership team at the Highland Council. Vicki has also been appointed by the Scottish Government to the board of NHS Education for Scotland, which designs and delivers education and training for our NHS. She is an experienced public sector leader, delivering award winning and innovative outcomes in large and complex organisations.

"Vicki will work with the rest of our senior team to lead our ‘daring to be different' ethos, harness our energy and set new ambitions to bring values of public service, integrity and a commitment to the transformative power of education."

Vicki Nairn lives in the Black Isle and is looking forward to starting in the new year: "I am honoured to have been chosen to join the university and am looking forward to working with colleagues across the university partnership to deliver the new ‘Daring to be different' strategic plan.

"I have lived and worked across the north of Scotland for many years. So, I am delighted to have the opportunity to collaborate with new colleagues, partners, stakeholders, business and communities to harness and enhance the amazing and transformational potential we have in our region.

Vicki Nairn will take up her post in February 2022.

In Gaelic
Chaidh Vicki Nairn ainmeachadh mar iar-phrionnsapal obrachaidhean aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean agus bidh i a' stiùireadh dealbhadh, leasachadh agus lìbhrigeadh air seirbheisean proifeasanta an oilthighe, a bheir taic do gach cuid raointean acadaimigeach agus corporra, agus riaghladh phrògraman atharrachaidh ro-innleachdail.

Bidh Vicki Nairn a' tighinn bho Oilthigh Robert Gordon far a bheil i an-dràsta na h-iar-phrionnsapal obraichean corporra a' stiùireadh leasachadh, lìbhrigeadh agus buileachadh ro-innleachdan corporra, ionmhasail, malairteach agus ghoireasan.

Bha an t-Àrd-Ollamh Todd Walker, prionnsapal agus iar-sheansalair, air leth toilichte an dàrna iar-phrionnsapal seo a chur an dreuchd don àrd sgioba gnìomha aige: "Tha e na urram, mar iar-sheansalair, fàilte a chuir air dàrna iar-phrionnsapal ùr don àrd-sgioba againn rè cùrsa dìreach aon seachdain.

"Tha eòlas mòr aig Vicki Nairn san dreuchd ùr seo. Tha eòlas math aice air a' chom-pàirteachas agus an raon obrachaidh againn, an dèidh a bhith na ball neo-eisimeileach de chùirt an oilthighe agus an dèidh 11 bliadhna a chaitheamh mar bhall den sgioba ceannardas aig Comhairle na Gàidhealtachd. Chaidh Vicki fhastadh cuideachd le Riaghaltas na h-Alba gu bòrd Foghlam SNS na h-Alba, a bhios a' dealbhadh agus a' lìbhrigeadh foghlam agus trèanadh don NHS againn. Tha i na stiùiriche eòlach air an roinn phoblaich, a' lìbhrigeadh bhuilean ùr-ghnàthach agus soirbheachail ann am buidhnean mòra iom-fhillte.

"Bidh i ag obair leis a' chòrr den àrd-sgioba againn gus ar feallsanachd ‘daring to be different' a stiùireadh, ar lùth a chleachdadh agus àrd-amasan ùra a stèidheachadh gus luachan de sheirbheis phoblach, treibhdhireas agus dealas a thoirt gu cumhachd chruth-atharrachail foghlaim.

Tha Vicki Nairn a' fuireach anns an Eilean Dubh agus a' coimhead air adhart ri tòiseachadh sa bhliadhna ùr: "Tha e na urram dhomh gun deach mo thaghadh airson a dhol dhan oilthigh agus tha mi a' coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair le co-obraichean air feadh com-pàirteachas an oilthighe gus am plana ro-innleachdail ùr ‘Daring to be different' a lìbhrigeadh.

"Tha mi air a bhith a' fuireach agus ag obair air feadh ceann a tuath na h-Alba airson grunn bhliadhnaichean. Mar sin, tha mi air leth toilichte an cothrom fhaighinn a bhith ag obair le co-obraichean, com-pàirtichean, luchd-ùidhe, gnìomhachas agus coimhearsnachdan ùra gus feum a dhèanamh de na comasan iongantach agus cruth-atharrachail a tha againn san sgìre againn.

Tòisichidh Vicki Nairn san dreuchd aice sa Ghearran 2022.


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