Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd - Sale 3 May 2022
3rd May 2022
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (May, 3rd) sold 12 prime cattle.
Prime bullocks (5) averaged 231.7p (-14.7p) and sold to 245.0p per kg and £1,743.75 gross.
Prime heifers (7) averaged 252.3p (+/- 0.00) and sold to 260.0p per kg and £1,625.00 gross.
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (May, 3rd) sold 12 prime cattle.
Prime bullocks (5) averaged 231.7p (-14.7p) and sold to 245.0p per kg for a 550kg Limousin cross from Teawig, Beauly selling to Messrs John M Munro Ltd, Dingwall and £1,743.75 gross for a 775kg Simmental cross from Crask Farm, Culbokie.
Prime heifers (7) averaged 252.3p (+/- 0.00p) and sold to 260.0p per kg and £1,625.00 gross for a 625kg Limousin cross from Burnside of Montbletton, Banff.
"The tale of the fat cattle ring today was started by some plainer sorts, some wonderfully finished heifers in the middle and finished with some heavier sorts which hindered the overall sale average. However cattle are grossing at grand returns for vendors and more are required on a weekly basis."
Other leading prices per kg:
Bullocks: Bridgend Farm, Dingwall, (AA), 235.0p, Crask Farm, (SimX), 230.0p, 228.0p, 225.0p.
Heifers: Burnside of Montbletton, (LimX), 258.0p, 254.0p, 246.0p, Teawig, (LimX), 254.0p, Alterwall, Lyth, (CharX), 253.0p, Bridgend Farm, (CharX), 241.0p.
Other leading prices per head:
Bullocks: Crask Farm, (SimX), £1,702, £1,698.60, Bridgend Farm, (AA), £1,433.50, Teawig, (LimX), £1,347.50.
Heifers: Burnside of Montbletton, (LimX), £1,612.90, £1,586.70, £1,562.10, Alterwall, (CharX), £1,505.35,
Bridgend Farm, (CharX), £1,446.00, Teawig, (LimX), £1,346.20.
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (May, 3rd) sold 1,316 prime sheep.
Old season lambs (885) averaged 249.4p (-17.6p) and sold to 300.0p and £145gross.
Feeding sheep (431) sold to £218 gross.
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd., (May, 3rd) sold 1,316 prime sheep.
Old season lambs (885) averaged 249.4p (-17.6p) and sold to 300.0p for a pair or 45kg Texel crosses from Easter Sheeppark, Balblair and £145 gross for a pair of 60kg Texel crosses from Fearn Farm, Fearn.
Feeding sheep (431) sold to £218 gross for a Texel cross ewe from Woodend, Killearnan.
“A severely mixed show for quality was presented to the usual full company of hogg buyers, which reflected in the sale average. Well finished sorts however cashed in at comparable rates on the week with the better shaped hoggs being a shade sharper.
With the recent festival drawing to a close the ewe trade, like in all centres at the end of last week and start of this week, would be easier. The bigger fitter end however are still cashing at grand returns. There were more of the leaner commodity around today which hindered the top prices in the report but all in all classes were keenly bid for.”
*Notice to Vendors*
Could all vendors of prime lambs please deliver their lambs to the Mart before 10.30 A.M. to allow us time to have them clipped prior to the start of the sale. Thank You.
Other leading prices per head and per kg
Old season lambs: Cross - Inshes Farm, Inverness, £144, Groam, £118, 259.3p, Achavrole Mains, £116, 246.8p, Teawig, £111, 252.3p, Fendom Farm, 253.2p; TexX – Fearn Farm, £141, 5c Balnabeen, Conon Bridge, £140, Easter Sheeppark, £135, £125.50, £123, £121, 20 Coll, Back, £131, Groam, Kirkhill, £123, 292.9p, Rosebrae Farm, Elgin, Kinchyle Farm, Scaniport, £123 twice, Fendom Farm, Tain, £123, Inshes Farm, £120, 279.1p, Teawig, 264.3p, 255.8p, 9 Back, Isle of Lewis, 254.8p, Keppoch Farm, Dundonnell, 254.4p; SuffX – Fearn Farm, £142, Fendom Farm, £134, 241.2p, Easter Sheeppark, £127, £124, 243.1p, Groam, £119, 258.7p, Kinchyle Farm, £118, 240.8p, 9 Coll, £118, 248.4p, 20 Coll, £117.50, 250.0p; Chev – Groam, £126, 264.0p, 247.1p, Easter Sheeppark, £126, 7 Kinerras, Kiltarlity, £119.50, 254.3p, Culrain Mains, Ardgay, £117, Rosebrae Farm, £116, 238 Rearquhar, Dornoch, £115.50, 251.1p, 249.4p, Druid Temple Farm, Inverness, 262.0p, 5c Balnabeen, 255.2p, Mossfield Croft, Invergordon, 253.9p, 9 Coll, 250.7p; BeltX – Achavrole Mains, Halkirk, £126, £115, 273.8p, 268.1p, Inshes Farm, £110, 247.2p; Zwb – Teawig, £121.50, £111, 243.0p, Easter Sheeppark, £111; BF – Easter Sheeppark, £118.50, £116, 252.2p, 241.8p, Teawig, £113.50, £108.50, 252.3p, 252.2p, Waterloo, Wick, £107, 243.2p, 239.5p, Druid Temple Farm, £103.50, 255.6p; CHM – Groam, £116.50, 270.9p; CharX – Fendom Farm, £115, 255.6p.
Feeding sheep: Char Ram: Clune Farm, Dores, £196; Tex Ram: Balloan, Muir of Ord, £185, Woodend, £110; Suff Ewe: Wester Moy, Muir of Ord, £165; TexX Ewe: Inshes Farm, £148, Greenlands, Arabella, £140, Glachbeg, North Kessock, £136, £133, Scotsburn Farm, Kildary, £133, £130, Kinchyle Farm, Scaniport, £130, Woodend, £130; Chev Ewe: Greenlands, £148; SuffX Ewe: Achavrole Mains, £146, Woodend £144, £139, 3 Kirktonmuir, Bunchrew, £142, £130, Cummerton Farm, £138, Bayhead, Munlochy, £136, Fearn Farm, £128; BTL Ewe: Milton Muie, Rogart, £146; Chev Ram: 21 Brookfield, Inverness, £128, 55/57 Rhue, Ullapool, £126; Cross Ewe: Woodend, £127; Dst Ewe: Carn Raineach, Applecross, £126; Chev Wdr: Fiddlefield, Muir of Ord, £122; Chm Ewe: West Bruiach, Kiltarlity, £118; BF Ram: 37 Vatisker, Isle of Lewis, £110; BF Ewe: 5 Aird, Sleat, £90.
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