UHI Rated Best In Scotland For Postgraduate Student Satisfaction
5th August 2022
Postgraduate students at UHI have rated their study experience as the best in Scotland in a UK-wide survey.
UHI received a score of 95% student satisfaction in the 2022 Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey. The result means that UHI achieved the highest rating of any Scottish university and has been ranked fourth out of the 91 participating institutions across the UK.
Coordinated by Advance HE, the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey invites students to have their say on taught postgraduate university programmes. Students are asked about areas including teaching, assessment and support.
Over 120 students from across UHI completed this year's survey. Respondents rated UHI particularly highly for organisation, engagement, teaching, assessment and support.
Commenting on the results, Dr Iain Morrison, Dean of Student Experience, said: "These are exceptional results. Students are the best judges of what makes a good education and to be rated highest in the country is to the great credit of our wonderful staff. Coming so soon after our extremely high undergraduate student satisfaction results, this survey confirms that UHI really should be the first choice for anyone considering postgraduate study this year."
UHI's postgraduate courses reflect the unique environment, culture and heritage of the Highlands and Islands and are often linked to academic research carried out by its staff and students. Courses are taught locally from the UHI region but are also available to study online across the world. Places are available to study from September 2022. To apply, visit select your course and use the ‘apply' tab.
For more information about the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey, visit www.advance-he.ac.uk/reports-publications-and-resources/postgraduate-taught-experience-survey-ptes
Case studies
Alice Mainland completed a BA (Hons) history degree with UHI in 2020 and a MLitt history of the Highlands and Islands in 2021, studying from her home in Orkney. She said:
"The progression from undergraduate to postgraduate taught required a higher standard of work, time management and self-motivation, but the support and encouragement from the brilliant teaching team meant that it was a smooth transition.
"While this master's requires a lot of hard work, determination and independent study, the skills and experience gained are invaluable and have prepared me well for my planned career in the education or heritage sector."
Adrian Allan graduated from UHI's MLitt history of the Highlands and Islands in February 2022. He said, "Everything about the MLitt matched my interests. I liked the fact that I could fit the qualification around my work schedule as a special needs teacher based in Manchester. I had the freedom to take units at my own rate and it took me just over three years to complete the MLitt. It reignited my interest in academia and has opened new opportunities for both teaching and further study. All of this is thanks to a well-designed course and a very supportive staff team."
UHI air a mheas aig an ìre as fheàrr ann an Alba airson sàsachadh oileanaich iar-cheumnach
Tha oileanaich iar-cheumnach aig UHI air an eòlas ionnsachaidh aca a mheas aig an ìre as fheàrr ann an Alba ann an suirbhidh air feadh na RA.
Fhuair UHI sgòr de 95% ann an riarachaidh oileanaich anns an t-Suirbhidh Eòlais Teagaisgte Iar-cheumnach 2022. Tha an toradh a' ciallachadh gun d' fhuair UHI an ìre as àirde de dh'oilthigh Albannach sam bith eile agus gu bheil e air a bhith sa cheathramh àite a-mach às na 91 institiùdan com-pàirteachaidh air feadh na RA.
Air a cho-òrdanachadh le Advance HE, tha an t-Suirbhidh Eòlais Teagaisgte Iar-cheumnach a' toirt cuireadh do dh'oileanaich am beachdan a thoirt seachad air prògraman oilthighean iar-cheumnach air an teagasg. Bithear a' faighneachd do dh'oileanaich mu raointean a' gabhail a-steach teagasg, measadh agus taic.
Chrìochnaich còrr is 120 oileanach bho air feadh UHI suirbhidh na bliadhna-sa. Thug luchd-freagairt rangachadh air leth àrd do UHI airson eagrachadh, conaltradh, teagasg, measadh agus taic.
A' bruidhinn air na co-dhùnaidhean, thuirt an Dr Iain Moireasdan, Deadhan Eòlas nan Oileanach: "'S e toraidhean air leth a tha seo. Is e oileanaich na britheamhan as fheàrr air na tha a' dèanamh foghlam math agus tha e na chliù mòr don luchd-obrach iongantach againn a bhith air an rangachadh aig an ìre as àirde san dùthaich. A' tighinn cho luath às deidh ar toraidhean fìor àrd de shàsachadh oileanaich fo-cheumnach, tha an t-suirbhidh seo a' dearbhadh gum bu chòir dha UHI a bhith mar a' chiad roghainn do dhuine sam bith a tha a' beachdachadh air ionnsachadh for-cheum am-bliadhna."
Dè an teachdaireachd a chanas sinn mu dheidhinn tagradh? Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu chùrsaichean for-cheum aig Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean, tadhail air www.uhi.ac.uk
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun t-Suirbhidh Eòlais Teagaisgte Iar-cheumnach, tadhail air www.advance-he.ac.uk/reports-publications-and-resources/postgraduate-taught-experience-survey-ptes
Rannsachadh Cùise
Chrìochnaich Alice Mainland ceum BA (le Urram) ann an eachdraidh le UHI ann an 2020 agus MLitt Eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean ann an 2021, ag ionnsachadh bhon dachaigh aice ann an Arcaibh. Thuirt i:
"Bha an t-adhartas bho fho-cheum gu for-cheum air a theagasg a' feumachdainn ìre obrach nas àirde, riaghladh ùine agus fèin-bhrosnachadh, ach bha an taic agus am brosnachadh bhon sgioba teagaisg sgoinneil a' ciallachadh gur e gluasad rèidh a bh' ann.
"Ged a tha feum aig a' mhaighstireachd seo air tòrr obair chruaidh, diongmhaltas agus sgrùdadh neo-eisimeileach, tha na sgilean agus an t-eòlas a fhuair mi air leth luachmhor agus tha iad air mo dheagh ullachadh airson a' chùrsa-beatha a tha planaichte agam ann an roinn an fhoghlaim no an dualchais."
Cheumnaich Adrian Allan bho MLitt Eachdraidh na Gàidhealtachd agus nan Eilean aig UHI sa Ghearran 2022. Thuirt e:
"Bha a h-uile dad mun MLitt a' freagairt air na h-ùidhean agam. Chòrd e rium gum b' urrainn dhomh an teisteanas a shuidheachadh timcheall air a' chlàr-obrach agam mar thidsear feumalachdan sònraichte, stèidhichte ann am Manchester. Bha saorsa agam aonadan a ghabhail aig an ìre agam fhìn agus thug e beagan is trì bliadhna dhomh an MLitt a chrìochnachadh. Thog e m' ùidh san t-saoghal acadaimgeach agus tha e air cothroman ùra fhosgladh dhomh airson an dà chuid teagasg agus tuilleadh ionnsachaidh. Tha seo uile mar thoradh air cùrsa air a dheagh dhealbhadh agus sgioba luchd-obrach air leth taiceil."
Alice Mainland
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