Options For New Wick High School
20th June 2010
The public is being invited to a "drop in " session and a public meeting later this month to consider the options open to the Council for the upgrade/replacement of Wick High School.
The "drop in" session is being held on Monday 28 June at the Assembly Rooms, Wick, between 10 am and 5 pm. This will be followed by a public meeting at the same venue, commencing at 7 pm.
The options are:-
1. Construction of a new school on the current playing field to the rear of the school with community facilities including a 25 meter, 6 lane swimming pool, a community library and a performance venue;
2. Building a new school at Bignold Park with community facilities including a 25 meter, 6 lane swimming pool, a community library and a performance venue.
Council officials and representatives of the independent company, who conducted a feasibility study, will be present to explain the options, which will be displayed at the Assembly Rooms.
Councillor Bill Fernie, Chairman of the Education Culture and Sport Committee, encourages the public to attend the "drop in" session and the public meeting and have their say about the options.
He said: "This is the public's chance to have their say and we are looking forward to a good turn out at both events at the Assembly Rooms. This is an exciting opportunity to provide Wick with a tremendous community facility that puts the school at the centre of the community, providing a new swimming pool, library and performance venue. "
Recently, the Council received confirmation from the Scottish Government that Wick High School is to attract �18.4 million of funding, which will help provide a new community school.
The grant represents 66.6% of the anticipated costs of the new school building - and is likely to be forthcoming to allow work to start in 2012-13. The Highland Council will be expected to meet the balance of the costs.
The school is one of 14 secondary schools in Scotland to attract funding from the Scottish Futures Trust in recognition of its condition and suitability, which were highlighted in the Council's annual report on the condition of its school estate to the Scottish Government.
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