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Minister For Public Finance, Planning And Community Wealth To Attend Inverness 2035 Round Table Event

14th October 2022

Photograph of Minister For Public Finance, Planning And Community Wealth To Attend Inverness 2035 Round Table Event

On Monday, 17th of October, Tom Arthur, MSP, Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth, will attend an Inverness 2035 roundtable.

The meeting, to be held at Inverness Town House, will focus on discussions about the benefits of partnership working between the private sector, businesses, the public sector, residents and politicians for the betterment of Inverness and its people.

Drew Hendry MP, the Chair of the Inverness Futures Group, which set out the Inverness 2035 vision last year, will chair the event.

Highland Council recently agreed to adopt the Inverness 2035 vision alongside its ambitious Inverness Strategy that aims to better coordinate development and investment taking place across the City. They are joined by Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Highlife Highland, UHI and business organisations such as Inverness Chamber of Commerce and BID, as well as local business leaders and community groups, who have also signed up to the Inverness 2035 prospectus.

The Highland Council also noted its proposed engagement on the Inverness Strategy which will include consultation on a new City Centre Masterplan outlining exciting options for the future.

Commenting ahead of the roundtable, Mr Hendry said: "I'm delighted that the Scottish Government's Minister for Public Finance, Planning and Community Wealth, Tom Arthur MSP, will join us for this exciting roundtable to discuss the fantastic work already done on Inverness 2035 and the Inverness City Strategy. It's clear that working together, across agencies, across business, across our communities with a common purpose, is the best way to realise the opportunities and hope that people in the city and the wider Highlands need.

"Sharing a common vision of a welcoming, successful, green, sustainable city at the heart of a thriving Highlands will make realising our ambitions all the more likely. This has to be more than words written in a report; we need to put it into practice, and I look forward to showcasing our collective plans to the Minister.

"Working together with city residents and businesses, we can deliver real and lasting change for our city and its people."

Chair of The Highland Council's Economy and Infrastructure Committee, Cllr Ken Gowans said: "I am delighted the Minister will be visiting Inverness to endorse this important initiative. As a new session of Highland Council gets underway, we look forward to working closely with all stakeholders and partners, to bring benefits to every community. It has to be all about collaboration and inclusion and going forward with a shared vision and aspirations to develop our area in a way that provides sustainable benefits for all."

Drew Hendry MP