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UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides And UHI West Highland Have Voted Unanimously In Favour Of Merger.

8th November 2022

Photograph of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides And UHI West Highland Have Voted Unanimously In Favour Of Merger.

Boards of management vote in favour of college merger
Bùird rianachd a' bhòtadh airson co-aonadh cholaistean.

The boards of management at UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides and UHI West Highland have voted unanimously in favour of merger.

The boards met last week to formally approve the merger proposal and business case, which has now been submitted to the Scottish Government for approval ahead of a proposed merger date in August 2023.

The merger proposal and business case has support from UHI, as the Regional Strategic Body, as well as key bodies, organisations and political representatives including MSPs for the merged college area - Alasdair Allan MSP for the Western Isles, Kate Forbes MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, and Maree Todd MSP for Caithness, Sutherland and Ross - Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) and Skills Development Scotland.

By coming together, UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides and UHI West Highland will create a more sustainable organisation with combined capacity and resource to grow curriculum, research and innovation; develop our partnerships to support employers address the skills shortages in our area; and become more responsive to the social, cultural, and economic opportunities in our regions.

With 9000 students, 600 staff and 19 learning centres and campuses stretching from Caithness and Sutherland, Ross and Cromarty to Lochaber, Lochalsh, Skye, and the Western Isles, the merged college is ideally placed to respond to the region's key growth sectors including the economic opportunities around net zero decarbonisation, renewable energy, engineering, advanced manufacturing, and aquaculture. Gaelic provision will also be a priority for the merged college.

The decision by boards follows a 10-week public consultation and a successful visit by the Scottish Funding Council to campuses in Fort William, Stornoway and Thurso.

The public consultation found the majority of staff, students, external stakeholders and members of the public were supportive of the case for merger, and the vision, mission, and values of the merged college. More than three quarters of staff who responded believed it would positively impact and strengthen the activities of the colleges, while the majority of students surveyed felt it would impact on their student experience positively.

Other positives associated with merger included increased opportunities for staff development, an enhanced student experience, financial sustainability, more course options for students and the opportunity to focus the collective strengths of all three colleges to better support our local communities. The willingness of key stakeholders to support the merger was also noted.

Dr Michael Foxley, Chair of the Partnership Board leading the merger programme,
said: "This decision is testament to the great teamwork and positive energy of the executive team, merger programme team, board members, staff, and students. We have a clear vision for our merged college and have growth ambitions to develop our partnerships and create new learning and training opportunities that directly benefit our communities, encouraging more people to live, study and work across the North and West Highlands and Hebrides. This is a tremendously exciting and positive time for our three colleges, and we look forward to working collaboratively with all our stakeholders as we move towards a vesting date next year."

Heather Innes, President of the Highlands and Islands Students' Association (HISA), added: "HISA are pleased with the decision made to proceed with the merging of UHI North Highland, UHI West Highland and UHI Outer Hebrides to become one stronger and sustainable institution.  As a student-led organisation we are proud that the students were given such encouragement to provide their views and opinions

regarding the proposal. We plan to continue working closely with UHI staff and students to ensure the student voice continues to be a major part of the process in creating the best college for our current and future students."

The three colleges have already confirmed:

 There will be no compulsory redundancies as a direct result of merger.
 Staff will keep their current terms and conditions of employment when they transfer into the merged college.
 The merged college will have incorporated status, ensuring access to public sector pension schemes. The colleges have already committed to adopting national bargaining on pay.
 A distributed management model will be adopted, ensuring senior leadership is distributed across the merged college area.
 The formation of local advisory committees to ensure the views of local stakeholders are heard.

Work will now continue to ensure the three colleges are ready for merger in August 2023. Consultation on the name of the merged college continues.

Tha bùird-stiùiridh UHI Gàidhealtachd a Tuath, UHI Innse Gall agus UHI Gàidhealtachd an Iar air bhòtadh gu h-aon ghuthach airson co-aonadh.

Choinnich na bùird gu foirmeil an t-seachdain a chaidh gus aontachadh ris a'mholadh airson co-aonadh agus ris a' chùis gnothachais, a tha a-nis air a dhol gu Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson aonta ron cheann-latha co-aonaidh a tha air a mholadh airson ceann-latha san Lùnastal 2023.

Tha taic aig a’ mholadh airson co-aonadh agus aig a’ chùis gnothachais bho UHI, mar am Buidheann Roinneil Ro-innleachdail, cho math ri na prìomh bhuidhnean, eagrachasan agus riochdairean poilitigeach a’ gabhail a-steach nam BPAan airson raon na colaiste co-aontaichte - Alasdair Allan BPA nan Eilean Siar, Ceit Fhoirbeis, BPA An Eilean Sgiathanaich, Loch Abair agus Bàideanach agus Maree Todd BPA airson Gallaibh, Cataibh agus Ros - Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean (HIE) agus Leasachadh Sgilean Alba.

Le bhith a’ tighinn ri chèile, cruthaichidh UHI Gàidhealtachd a Tuath, UHI Innse Gall agus UHI Gàidhealtachd an Iar buidheann nas seasmhaich le comas agus stòras co-aonaichte gus an curraicealam, rannsachadh agus ùr-ghnàthachas fhàs; ar com-pàirteachasan a leasachadh gus taic a thoirt do luchd-fastaidh a bhith a’ dèiligeadh ris a’ ghainnead sgilean san sgìre againn; agus a bhith a’ fàs nas so-fhreagrach ris na cothroman sòisealta, cultarail agus eaconamach sna roinnean againn.

Le 9000 oileanach, 600 luchd-obrach agus 19 ionadan-ionnsachaidh bho Gallaibh, Cataibh agus Ros is Crombaidh gu Loch Abar, An Eilean Sgiathanach agus Na h-Eileanan an Iar, tha a’ cholaiste co-aonaichte ann an deagh àite gus freagairt air prìomh earrannan fàis na roinne a’ gabhail a-steach nan cothroman eaconamach a tha an cois neoni-dì-charbonachadh, lùth ath-nuadhachail, einnseanaireachd, sàr shaorachadh agus tuathanachas uisge.

Tha an co-dhùnadh le na bùird a’ leantainn air 10 seachdainean de cho-chomhairleachadh poblach agus cuairt shoirbheachail le Comhairle-maoineachaidh na h-Alba gu campasan anns a’ Gearasdan, Steòrnabhagh agus Inbhir Theòrsa.

Fhuair an co-chomhairleachadh poblach a-mach gun robh a’ mhòr-chuid den luchd-obrach, oileanaich, luchd-ùidh on taobh a-muigh agus buill den phoball taiceil dhan chùis airson co-aonadh, agus mu lèirsinn, misean agus luachan na colaiste co-aonaichte. Bha còrr air trì chairteal den luchd-obrach a fhreagair dhan bheachd gum biodh buaidh dheimhinneach aige agus gu neartaicheadh e gnìomhan nan colaistean, agus bha a’ mhòr chuid de na h-oileanaich a chaidh a cheasnachadh dhan bheachd gum biodh buaidh dheimhinneach aige air am fèin-fhiosrachadh oileanach.

Bha nithean deimhinneach eile co-cheangailte ris a’ cho-aonadh a’ gabhail a-steach cothroman a bharrachd airson leasachadh luchd-obrach, fèin-fhiosrachadh oileanach àrdaichte, so-sheasmhachd ionmhasail, tuilleadh roghainnean cùrsa do dh’oileanaich agus an cothrom cuimseachadh air na neartan coitcheann aig na trì colaistean gus taic nas fheàrr a thoirt do ar coimhearsnachdan ionadail. Chaidh sùim a ghabhail cuideachd de cho deònach ’s a bha prìomh luchd-ùidh taic a thoirt dhan cho-aonadh.

Thuirt Mìcheal Foxley, Cathraiche Bòrd a’ Chom-pàirteachais a tha a’ stiùireadh prògram a’ cho-aonaidh: "Tha an co-dhùnadh seo mar dhearbhadh air an deagh obair sgioba agus neart dheimhinneach an sgioba gnìomha, sgioba a’ phrògraim aonaidh, buill bùird, luchd-obrach agus oileanaich. Tha lèirsinn soilleir againn airson ar colaiste co-aonaichte agus the amasan fàis againn gus a bhith a’ leasachadh ar com-pàirteachasan agus gus a bhith a’ stèidheachadh cothroman ionnsachaidh agus trèanaidh ùra a bhios nam buannachd dhìreach dha na coimhearsnachdan againn, a’ brosnachadh barrachd dhaoine a thighinn a dh’fhuireach, a dh’ionnsachadh agus a dh’obair air feadh Ceann a Tuath agus Siar na Gàidhealtachd agus ann an Innse Gall. Is e àm air leth inntinneach agus deimhinneach a tha seo airson nan trì colaistean againn, agus tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair gu com-pàirteachail leis an luchd-ùidh againn air fad agus sinn a’ gluasad air adhart gu ceann-latha stèidheachaidh an ath bhliadhna."

Thuirt Heather Innes, Ceann-suidhe Comunn Oileanaich na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HISA): "Tha HISA toilichte leis a’ cho-dhùnadh a chaidh a dhèanamh a dhol air adhart le bhith a’ co-aonadh UHI Gàidhealtachd a Tuath, UHI Gàidhealtachd an Iar agus UHI Innse Gall gu bhith na aon stèidh nas làidir agus nas seasmhaich. Mar bhuidheann air a stiùireadh le oileanaich tha sinn pròiseil gun deach oileanaich a mhisneachadh gu bhith a’ toirt am beachdan agus an smuaintean seachad mun mholadh. Tha sinn airson leantainn oirnn ag obair gu dlùth le luchd-obrach agus oileanaich UHI gus dèanamh cinnteach gum bi guth nan oileanach a’ leantainn air ann a bhith mar phàirt mhòr dhen phròiseas ann a bhith a’ cruthachadh a’ cholaiste as fheàrr airson nan oileanach a tha againn an-dràsta agus an fheadhainn a bhios againn san àm ri teachd."

Tha na trì colaistean air dearbhadh a-cheana:

 Nach bi neach sam bith air a phàigheadh dheth gu h-èigneachail sam bith ann mar thoradh dìreach air a’ cho-aonadh.
 Gun cùm an luchd-obrach na teirmichean is cumhaichean fastaidh làithreach aca an uair a bhios iad a’ dol dhan cholaiste co-aonaichte.
 Bidh inbhe corpaichte aig a’ cholaiste cho-aonaichte, a’ dearbhadh cothrom airson sgeamaichean peinnsein na h-earrainn phoblaich. Tha na colaistean a-cheana air gealltainn gabhail ri barganachadh nàiseanta a thaobh pàigheadh.
 Thèid gabhail ri modail de rianachd sgaoilte, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum biàrd-cheannardas sgaoilte thairis air raon na colaiste cho-aonaichte.
 Thèid comataidhean comhairleachaidh ionadail a stèidheachadh gus d1eanamh cinnteach gum bi beachdan luchd-ùidh ionadail air an cluinntinn.

Leanaidh an obair air adhart a-nis gus dèanamh cinnteach gum bi na trì colaistean deiseil airson a’ cho-aonaidh san Lùnastal 2023. Tha co-chomhairleachadh a’ leantainn mu ainm na colaiste co-aonaichte.

Debbie Murray, Principal of UHI North Highland


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