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Ftse 100 Earnings: 999 Ambulance Call Handler Would Need To Work For Almost 150 Years To Match Average CEO Pay

5th January 2023

NHS workers and others are being forced onto the picket lines while these fat cats get the cream, says GMB Union

A 999 ambulance call handler would need to work for almost 150 years to match the pay of the average CEO, GMB analysis of new figures shows. [1]

Research from the High Pay Centre think tank, released today, estimates that the median FTSE 100 CEO's pay is £3.41 million - a 39 per cent increase on median CEO pay levels as of January 2022. [2]

The figures mean a 999 call handler - who are set to take strike action over pay with other ambulance colleagues on 11 January - would have to work almost 150 years to match what an average FTSE 100 CEO takes home in just 12 months.,

Gary Smith, GMB General Secretary, said. "A hard up 999 call handler would have to work for 150 years to earn what a CEO boss trousers in just 12 months. It's an utter disgrace.

"NHS workers and others are being forced onto the picket lines just to make ends meet while these fat cats get the cream.

"Instead of hiding behind imaginary independent pay bodies, Ministers need to speak to NHS workers about what they want to talk about – pay."

[1] Figures are for an experienced Band 3 Ambulance Emergency Call Taker on a Band 3 salary. For an example job advert, see:

An experienced (top of Band 3) NHS worker is paid £23,177 a year FTE. The median CEO salary (at £3.41 million, according to the High Pay Centre) was 147.1 times that amount.
