24th March 2023
DINGWALL, Dingwall & Highland Marts Ltd, (March, 22nd) sold 16 Young Farmers over-wintered cattle at their annual sale, kindly sponsored by John M Munro Butchers, Craiglands Quarry, Cloy Farm & Animal Health Highland.
Bullocks (7) averaged 342.3p and sold to 539.0p per kg and £2,400 gross for the Overall Supreme Champion, Haltered Champion and 1st Prize Purchased Haltered Bullock a 445kg British Blue cross from Tilly Munro, Invercharron Mains, Ardgay.
Heifers (9) averaged 351.7p and sold to 557.0p per kg and £2,450 gross for the Homebred Champion and 1st Prize Homebred Haltered Heifer a 440kg British Blue cross from Tilly Munro, Invercharron Mains, Ardgay.
The judge Mr I Grant, Slattadale chose as his Overall Supreme Champion, Haltered Champion and 1st Prize Purchased Haltered Bullock a 11-month-old 445kg British Blue cross bullock from Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay selling at £2.400 gross to Mr Sean Marsh, Frith Farm Lodge, Dover and also awarded Highest Gross Margin.
Overall Reserve Supreme Champion, Unhaltered Champion and 1st Prize Unhaltered Bullock went to a 12month old 510kg Limousin cross bullock from Callum MacIver, 9 Ordale, Muir of Ord selling at £1,550 to D A Budge, Brae Edge Farm.
Other results
Bought in Unhaltered Bullock:
1st - Callum MacIver, 9 Ordale.
2nd - Adam MacKillop, Cairnglass.
3rd – Ross MacKenzie, 43 Newton Park, Kirkhill.
Bought in Unhaltered Heifer:
1st – Alex Shearer, Croughly Farm, Tomintoul.
2nd – Callum MacIver, 9 Ordale.
3rd – Adam MacKillop, Cairnglass
Unhaltered Overall:
Champion – Callum MacIver, 9 Ordale.
Reserve – Alex Shearer, Croughly Farm, Tomintoul.
Homebred Haltered Heifer:
1st Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay.
2nd – Georgia Fraser, Little Croy.
Homebred Haltered Overall:
Champion - Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay.
Reserve - Georgia Fraser, Little Croy.
Bought in Haltered Bullock:
1st – Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay.
2nd – Carrie Hamilton, The Crossings, Tore.
3rd – David Dingwall, Clashoch, Balblair.
Bought in Haltered Heifer:
1st – Bruce Forbes, Little Kildrummie.
2nd – Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay.
3rd – Amy McCord, Lower Gaich, Dulnain Bridge.
Haltered Overall:
Champion – Tilly Munro, Invercharron, Ardgay.
Reserve – Carrie Hamilton, The Crossings, Tore.
Highest Daily Weight Gain:
David Dingwall, Clashoch, Balblair at 1.46 kg a day.
Amy McCord, Lower Gaich, Dulnain Bridge.
"The annual young farmers show and sale took place under its new format. For 2023 anyone from the ages of 14-30 could compete in the competition and didn't have to be associated with a particular club. The conclusion of this discussion was that it was a roaring success! Numbers doubled on the year with many a new face competing and the stock that they turned out resulted in one of the best shows we’ve witnessed at the centre for many a year. A large crowd gathered at last night’s pre show sale and even bigger crowd were out in force to support the next generation at the ring side. Our judge for this year Mr Ian Grant, Slattadale who is no stranger to the show ring. After much deliberation he tapped out his champion to Miss Tilly Munro, Invercharron who won the top accolade for the second year running. This purchased British Blue Cross bullock bred by Shewglie was knocked down after an array of bidding to a telephone bid from Messrs Marsh & Sladden, Dover for £2,400. This animal also won the gross margin price.
The reserve overall ticket was awarded to first time exhibitor Mr Callum Maciver, 9 Ordale with his Unhaltered Limousin Cross bullock champion which was bred by K Sinclair, Lochussie and realised £1,550.
The top price of the day went to Miss Tilly Munro with a homebred British Blue Cross heifer which was also knocked down to Messrs Marsh & Sladden, Dover for £2,450.
The price for the best daily liveweight gain was awarded Mr David Dingwall, Clashnoch whose Charolais bullock gained 1.46kg per day. This was closely followed by Miss Amy McCord’s Limousin Cross heifer which gained 1.41kg per day."