University Highlands And Islands, North, West And Hebrides Looking For New Directors
6th September 2023
Would you like to make a positive change to the lives of learners in your local community and help shape future education and training needs?.
Are you passionate about education and keen to use your enthusiasm, leadership skills and expertise to make a difference in your local community?.
If the answer is yes, Scotland's newest college would love to hear from you.
UHI North, West and Hebrides celebrates its launch this month following the merger of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides and UHI West Highland.
It is now recruiting for the following vacancies on its Board of Management:
Board members
Vice Chair (living in the Outer Hebrides)
Applicants with a range of skills are wanted to support the development and growth of the new college, including those with experience in secondary, further, or higher education, industry and commerce, the third sector, public sector, trade unions, business, law, human resources, finance, IT, marketing and public relations.
To support the work of the Board of Management, UHI North, West and Hebrides is also looking to establish local advisory committees in each of its founding college areas. Local advisory committees will meet twice a year, providing local oversight, accountability, and a strong link between the board and its communities.
Members of the public with an interest in their local area, education or industry are encouraged to apply to the following committees:
Local Advisory Committee for the North Highlands
Local Advisory Committee for the Outer Hebrides
Local Advisory Committee for the West Highlands
With around 9000 enrolled students, 600 staff and 19 campuses and centres stretching from Caithness and Sutherland, Ross and Cromarty to Lochaber, Wester Ross, Skye and the Outer Hebrides, UHI North, West and Hebrides covers an area larger than Wales and around 40% of Scotland’s coastline.
Proudly rooted in the culture, location and landscapes of the North and West Highlands, Skye and Outer Hebrides, UHI North, West and Hebrides is creating an anchor institution connecting rural and island communities through distinctive and relevant learning and research opportunities.
With combined capacity, resource, and expertise, the new college is more able to meet the needs of its local communities, enhance the student experience, and drive economic growth in key sectors including the net zero transition.
For more information about all roles and to apply, visit:
Am bu toil leat atharrachadh deimhinneach a dhèanamh air beatha luchd-ionnsachaidh nad choimhearsnachd ionadail agus cuideachadh ann a bhith a’ toirt cumadh air feumalachdan foghlaim agus trèanaidh san àm ri teachd? A bheil thu dìoghrasach mu fhoghlam agus dèidheil a bhith a’ cleachdadh do dhìorras, sgilean ceannardais agus ealantas gus diofar a dhèanamh nad choimhearsnachd ionadail?
Mas e ‘tha’ do fhreagairt, bu chaomh leis a’ cholaiste as ùire ann an Alba cluinntinn bhuat.
Tha UHI a Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh gun deach a stèidheachadh air a’ mhìos seo an dèidh co-aonadh UHI Taobh Tuath na Gàidhealtachd, UHI Innse Gall agus UHI Taobh Siar na Gàidhealtachd.
Thathar a-nis a’ sireadh bhall airson nam beàrnan a leanas air a Bhòrd Rianachd:
Buill a’ Bhùird
Iar Chathraiche (a’ fuireach an Innse Gall)
Thathar a’ sireadh thagraichean le raon de sgilean gus taic a thoirt do leasachadh agus fàs na colaiste ùire, a’ gabhail a-steach feadhainn le eòlas ann am foghlam àrd-sgoile, foghlam adhartach no foghlam aig àrd-ìre, gnìomhachas agus malairt, an treas earrann, an earrann phoblach, aonaidhean ciùird, gnothachas, lagh, stòrasan daonna, ionmhas, IT, margaidheachd agus dàimhean poblach.
Gus taic a thoirt do dh’obair a’ Bhùird Rianachd, tha UHI a Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall cuideachd a’ coimhead ri bhith a’ stèidheachadh comataidhean comhairleachaidh ionadail anns gach roinn de na colaistean. Bidh na comataidhean comhairleachaidh ionadail a’ coinneachadh dà thuras sa bhliadhna, a’ tabhann lèirsinn ionadail, cunntasachd agus ceangal làidir eadar am bòrd agus a choimhearsnachdan.
Thathar a’ misneachadh bhuill den phoball le ùidh san roinn ionadail aca, ann am foghlam no gnìomhachas, iarrtas a chur a-steach airson nan comataidhean a leanas:
Comataidh Comhairleachaidh Ionadail na Gàidhealtachd a Tuath
Comataidh Comhairleachaidh Ionadail Innse Gall
Comataidh Comhairleachaidh Ionadail Taobh Siar na Gàidhealtachd
Le mu 9000 oileanach clàraichte, 600 neach-obrach agus 19 campasan agus ionadan eadar Gallaibh agus Cataibh, Ros is Crombaidh gu Loch Abair, Taobh Siar Rois, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Innse Gall, tha UHI a Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall a’ còmhdach roinn nas motha na A’ Chuimrigh agus mu 40% de dh’iomall fairge na h-Alba.
Air a fhreumhachadh gu pròiseil ann an cultar, suidheachadh agus seallaidhean-tìre Taobh Tuath agus Siar na Gàidhealtachd, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Innse Gall, tha UHI a Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall mar bhuidheann stèidhichte a tha mar acair a’ ceangal choimhearsnachdan dùthchail agus eileanach tro chothroman ionnsachaidh suaicheanta agus iomchaidh agus cothroman rannsachaidh.
Le co-mheasgachadh de chomas, stòras agus ealantas, tha a’ cholaiste ùr nas comasaiche coinneachadh ri feumalachdan a coimhearsnachdan ionadail, fèin-fhiosrachadh an oileanach àrdachadh, agus fàs eaconamach ann am prìomh earrannan a stiùireadh a’ gabhail a-steach an t-eadar-ghluasad net-zero.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu na dreuchdan air fad agus gus cur a-steach air an son, tadhail air:
An deireadh
For more information, please contact Helen Aird, UHI North, West and Hebrides, by emailing or telephone 01847 889 000.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, cuir fios gu Helen Aird, UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall. Post-dealain no cuir fòn gu 01847 889 000.
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