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UHI North, West And Hebrides Celebrate Launch As Scotland's Newest College

11th September 2023

Photograph of UHI North, West And Hebrides Celebrate Launch As Scotland's Newest College

UHI North, West and Hebrides is celebrating its launch as Scotland's newest college following the merger of UHI North Highland, UHI Outer Hebrides and UHI West Highland.

UHI North, West and Hebrides will create an anchor institution connecting rural and island communities through distinctive education and research shaped by the culture, location, and landscapes of the North and West Highlands, Skye, and Outer Hebrides.

By coming together, the college will have combined capacity, resource, and expertise to better meet the needs of its local communities, enhance the student experience, provide equity of opportunity, and drive economic growth in the region.
It will play a key role in enabling people to live, work and study in the area and become more sustainable at a time when colleges are being challenged to do more, with less.

This week marks the start of a series of launch celebrations. The college's website launches tomorrow (Tuesday 12th September 2023) ahead of a visit by Graeme Dey MSP, the Scottish Government Minister for Higher and Further Education, to its Stornoway campus on Thursday (14th September). HRH The Princess Royal, and Chancellor of UHI, will visit Thurso on Friday (15th September) for the graduation and celebration of success and achievement ceremony for North Highland students. Activities to mark the launch of the new college in campuses and centres will take place throughout this month as part of student freshers' events.

With around 9000 enrolled students, 600 staff and 19 campuses and centres stretching from Caithness and Sutherland, Ross and Cromarty to Lochaber, Wester Ross, Skye and the Outer Hebrides, UHI North, West and Hebrides is different from other colleges, covering an area larger than Wales and around 40% of Scotland's coastline.

It is well placed to provide an effective skills pipeline to meet current and future workforce needs, particularly in key growth sectors like renewable energy, net zero, engineering, advanced manufacturing and technology, space, environmental science, land and sea-based industries, tourism, food and drink, creative industries, and Gaelic.

Graeme Dey MSP, the Scottish Government Minister for Higher and Further Education, said: "I would like to offer my congratulations to the students, staff and the board of the newly created UHI North, West and Hebrides.

This merger of the well-regarded UHI Outer Hebrides, North Highland and West Highland colleges will increase choice and make for a better experience for students. The new college, with its experienced workforce, is in a good position to take advantage of the region's exciting economic opportunities and I very much look forward to visiting Stornoway campus on Thursday and talking to the students and staff."

Lydia Rohmer, Principal and Chief Executive of UHI North, West and Hebrides, said: "This would not have been possible without the incredible teamwork, dedication, and visionary leadership of many, who have worked tirelessly to bring our three colleges together to create lasting benefits for our diverse student body, staff, and the communities we serve.

As a stronger, more sustainable organisation with combined capacity, resource, and expertise, we can play a key role in unlocking the social, cultural, and economic potential of our region. I look forward to working with everyone at UHI North, West and Hebrides and our partners to build on the rich legacy of our founding colleges and the opportunities ahead for our region."

Mike Cantlay, Chair of the Scottish Funding Council, said: "Colleges play an important part in Scotland's future. They make it possible for people to learn and flourish, they develop skills within the workforce, and they support regional economies. I am confident that UHI North, West and Hebrides will help to drive economic growth in its communities, change lives, help business and bring people together in all kinds of ways."  

Shannon MacCallum, Depute President for the Highlands and Islands Students' Association at UHI North, West and Hebrides (West), said: "This merger has been a labour of passion for improving and strengthening opportunities for all students within these rural areas. It could not have been done without the meticulous work completed by staff across the region and the careful consideration of students. Throughout the process, it has been imperative that students have been the centre of the project. As the students’ association, we have supported the merger from the beginning and have seen the benefit this will have to all students."

UHI North, West and Hebrides become one of the largest partners in UHI, a further and higher education partnership serving the communities of the Highlands and Islands, Moray, and Perthshire.
Following its launch this week, UHI North, West and Hebrides will celebrate 70 years of learning, training, and research in the Outer Hebrides later this month.

UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh a bhith air a stèidheachadh mar a’ cholaiste as ùire ann an Alba

UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh a bhith air a stèidheachadh mar a’ cholaiste as ùire ann an Alba
Tha UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh a bhith air a stèidheachadh mar a’ cholaiste as ùire ann an Alba an dèidh co-aonadh UHI Taobh Tuath na Gàidhealtachd, UHI Innse Gall agus UHI Taobh Siar na Gàidhealtachd.

Stèidhichidh UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall buidheann acaire ùr, a bhios a’ ceangal choimhearsnachdan dùthchail agus eileanach tro fhoghlam agus rannsachadh comharraichte air a chumadh a rèir cultar, àite agus seallaidhean-tìre Taobh Tuath agus Siar na Gàidhealtachd, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Innse Gall.

Le bhith a’ tighinn ri chèile, bidh comas co-aonaichte, stòras agus ealantas aig a’ cholaiste gus a bhith a’ coinneachadh nas fheàrr ri feumalachdan a coimhearsnachdan ionadail, a bhith ag àrdachadh fèin-fhiosrachadh nan oileanach, a bhith a’ tabhann co-ionannachd cothroim agus a’ stiùireadh fàs eaconamach san roinn.

Cluichidh e prìomh àite ann a bhith ga dhèanamh comasach do dhaoine a bhith a’ fuireach, ag obair agus ag ionnsachadh san roinn agus a bhith nas seasmhaich aig àm an uair a tha dùbhlan ro cholaistean a bhith a’ dèanamh barrachd le nas lugha.
Tha an t-seachdain seo a’ comharrachadh toiseach sreath de chomharrachaidhean mun cho-aonadh. Bidh làrach-lìn na colaiste air a chur air bhog a-màireach mus tadhail Graeme Dey BPA, Ministear Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson Àrd Fhoghlam agus Foghlam Leantainneach, air a champas ann an Steòrnabhagh air Diardaoin (14 Sultain) agus HRH A’ Bhana-phrionnsa Rìoghail a’ tadhal air Inbhir Theòrsa Dihaoine (15 Sultain) airson a’ cheumnachadh agus airson comharrachadh soirbheas agus coileanadh oileanaich Taobh Tuath na Gàidhealtachd. Bidh tachartasan gus a bhith a’ comharrachadh cur air bhog na colaiste ùire a’ dol air adhart ann an campasan agus ionadan tron mhìos seo mar phàirt de thachartasan tòiseachaidh nan oileanach.

Le mu 9000 oileanach clàraichte, 600 luchd-obrach agus 19 campasan agus ionadan a’ ruith bho Gallaibh agus Cataibh, Ros agus Crombaidh gu Loch Abar, Taobh Siar Rois, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Innse Gall, tha UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall eadar-dhealaichte ri colaistean eile, agus a’ còmhdach roinn nas motha na A’ Chuimrigh agus mu 40% de dh’iomall fairge na h-Alba.
Tha i air a deagh shuidheachadh gus a bhith mar mheadhan air sgilean èifeachdach a lìbhrigeadh gus coinneachadh ri feumalachdan obrach làithreach agus san àm ri teachd, gu sònraichte ann am prìomh earrannan fàis mar lùth ath-nuadhachail, net zero, einnseanaireachd, saorachadh adhartach agus teicneòlas, fànas, saidheans àrainneachd, gnìomhachasan air tìr agus aig muir, turasachd, biadh agus deoch, gnìomhachasan cruthachail agus Gàidhlig.

Thuirt Graeme Dey BPA, Ministear Riaghaltas na h-Alba airson Àrd Fhoghlam agus Foghlam Leantainneach: "Bu mhath leam meal an naidheachd a chur air na h-oileanaich, luchd-obrach agus bòrd na colaiste a tha air a stèidheachadh às ùr, UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall. Meudaichidh an co-aonadh seo de UHI Innse Gall, Taobh Tuath na Gàidhealtachd agus Taobh Siar na Gàidhealtachd aig an robh deagh chliù, an taghadh a bhios aca, agus bidh fèin-fhiosrachadh nas fheàrr aig na h-oileanaich. Tha a’ cholaiste ùr, le sgioba-obrach fiosraichte, ann an deagh àite gus buannachd fhaighinn à cothroman inntinneach eaconamach na roinne agus tha mi gu mòr a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ tadhal air campas Steòrnabhaigh Diardaoin agus a bhith a’ bruidhinn ris na h-oileanaich agus an luchd-obrach."

Thuirt Lydia Rohmer, Prionnsapal agus Ceannard UHI A Tuath, An Iar is Innse Gall: "Cha bhiodh seo air a bhith comasach às aonais an deagh obair sgioba, diorras agus ceannardas lèirsinneach mhòran dhaoine, a tha air obrachadh gu dìcheallach gus na trì colaistean againn a thoirt ri chèile gus buannachdan maireannach a chruthachadh airson ar n-oileanaich agus luchd-obrach eadar-mheasgte agus na coimhearsnachdan a tha sinn a’ frithealadh. Mar bhuidheann a tha nas làidir agus nas seasmhaich le comas, stòras agus ealantas co-aonaichte, is urrainn dhuinn prìomh dhreuchd a chluich ann a bhith a’ fuasgladh comas sòisealta, cultarail agus eaconamach ar roinne. Tha mi a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith ag obair còmhla ris a h-uile neach aig UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall agus ar com-pàirtichean gus togail air deagh dhìleab nan colaistean a bha ann roimhe agus na cothroman a romhainn mar roinn."
Thuirt Mike Cantlay, Cathraiche Comhairle-maoineachaidh na h-Alba: "Tha àite cudromach aig colaistean ri chluich san àm ri teachd ann an Alba. Tha iad ga dhèanamh comasach do dhaoine a bhith ag ionnsachadh agus a’ fàs, bidh iad a’ leasachadh sgilean an sgioba-obrach, agus bidh iad a’ toirt taic do dh’eaconamaidhean roinneil. Tha mi misneachail gun cuidich UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall ann a bhith a’ stiùireadh fàs eaconamach sna coimhearsnachdan aice, ag atharrachadh beatha dhaoine, a’ cuideachadh ghnothachasan agus a’ toirt dhaoine ri chèile ann an iomadh dòigh.”

Thuirt Shannon MacCallum, Leas Cheann-suidhe Comann Oileanach na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean aig UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall (Siar): "Tha an co-aonadh seo air a bhith na shaothair mhòr a thaobh a bhith a’ leasachadh agus a’ neartachadh chothroman do na h-oileanaich air fad sna raointean dùthchail seo. Cha bhiodh e air a bhith air a choileanadh às aonais a’ mhion obair a chaidh a dhèanamh le luchd-obrach thar na roinne agus deagh bhreithneachadh nan oileanach. Tron phròiseas air fad, tha e air a bhith deatamach gun robh na h-oileanaich aig teis-mheadhan na pròiseict. Mar chomann nan oileanach, tha sinn air taic a thoirt don cho-aonadh on toiseach agus tha sinn air faicinn a’ bhuannachd a bhios aig seo dha na h-oileanaich air fad.”

Tha UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall mar aon de na com-pàirtichean as motha ann an UHI, com-pàirteachas foghlam adhartach agus àrd-ìre a tha a’ frithealadh choimhearsnachdan na Gàidhealtachd is nan Eilean, Moireibh agus Siorrachd Pheairt.
An dèidh a bhith air a chur air bhog an t-seachdain seo, bidh UHI a Tuath, an Iar is Innse Gall a’ comharrachadh 70 bliadhna de ionnsachadh, trèanadh agus rannsachadh ann an Innse Gall nas fhaide air adhart air a’ mhìos seo.


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