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Nuclear Fusion Body Reviews Challenges To Expanding Workforce

11th November 2023

Photograph of Nuclear Fusion Body Reviews Challenges To Expanding Workforce

Delivering fusion energy will require expertise from a wide range of people and industries. This report by The Fusion Cluster is a first-of-a-kind, designed to start conversations that will evolve as fusion moves from the research era to delivering power plants. It does not
proclaim to have all the answers - these will emerge with more focused work.

Instead, this report outlines some of the challenges the fusion energy industry faces, as it seeks to expand its workforce in existing areas and augment it with new skills, and point ways forward. It was
compiled from evidence provided at a roundtable workshop attended by fusion energy companies, suppliers, recruiters, and training providers that are part of The Fusion Cluster in the UK.

Its findings will help to realise the UK government's plan to invest £56 million in a fusion skills programme as part of Fusion Futures, the UK's alternative to the Euratom Research & Training programme.

The UK has a distinguished history of pioneering fusion energy, beginning with the establishment of the UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) in the 1950s.

Today, Oxfordshire is a thriving centre of innovation and collaboration, where some of the brightest minds from around
the world come together to tackle the complex challenges of achieving sustained fusion power.

The region is also home to two of the world's most exciting and innovative fusion energy companies, Tokamak Energy and First Light Fusion, who have attracted more than £280 million
in investment according to the Fusion Industry Association.

With a solid foundation of skills laid down by the UKAEA, the UK is presented with a remarkable chance to capitalise on its achievements and ascend as a world leader in fusion.

However, having the correct breadth and depth of skills is crucial for UKbased organisations to make progress, and a talented workforce will attract inward investment from overseas fusion companies looking to advance their missions.

This report highlights challenges and makes suggestions to ensure that careful consideration is given to the talent needed to sustain a growing and highly technical workforce.

Read the report HERE
Pdf 13 Pages