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A Chance To Visit The Faroe Islands

31st March 2011

Photograph of A Chance To Visit The Faroe Islands

We received this item offering the possibility to share a chartered flight to the Faroes. the flight is already booked but has spare seats and the writer is trying to fill the spare capacity.

Hello, Scotland, Shetland and Orkney

I am not sure if you are the right person for this, if not - would you please forward it to someone who might be interested

or maybe suggest another address to contact.

You might be surprised to get an e-mail from the Faroes, but we have a very good reason for contacting you.

For many years there were regular routes between the Faroes and Scotland, and a lot of people visited and made friends.

Unfortunately there hasn´t been any flights or ferries between Scotland and the Faroes for some years now.

We are two "garden nerds" who have chartered a plane (Atlantic Airways) to take us to Inverness in May.

The plane is full outbound, but it returns empty to the Faroes and goes empty back to Inverness to take us home again.

So why not offer other people a cheap ticket to the Faroes?

There is a minium of handling fees - even for one or two passengers along with taxes, and since the outbound tour is "paid for",

we can offer return tickets at 1500 Dkr.. (about £170 - check rate of exchange to make sure).

We are not making money on this tour - we only want all costs to be covered.

But if anyone is interested we would be happy to help with information about the Faroes - accom., local transport, hiking etc.

The main reason for the tour is that about 80 people from the Faroes want to have a long weekend visiting gardens and parks in Invernessshire.


Inverness - The Faroes - Inverness - May 18th to May 22nd. Return tickets incl. all taxes, fees etc. Dkr. 1500 (app.£170)

Departure Inverness about 3 pm - return from the Faroes about 5 pm.

Times might change a little + / - 30 minutes.

For further information please contact: eva.andersen[AT]

The photo shows one of the gardens in Faroe Islands belonging to the organisers