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Business Mentoring - Helping businesses to grow

2nd April 2011

Thursday 7th April 2011
Venue: Mackays Hotel, Wick
Time: 12:30 - 14:30

Business Mentoring is a service that is provided through the partnership of Scottish Chambers of Commerce (SCC), Highlands & Islands Enterprise (HIE) and the European Social Fund (ESF) through the Highlands & Islands Partnership Programme (HIPP). The service is being led locally by Caithness Chamber of Commerce and the strategic aims are to contribute to the improved performance of Highlands & Islands businesses and the economy by assisting and encouraging more businesses that are seeking to develop
and grow, within the Highlands, throughout the UK and abroad.

Come along and learn more about the programme. Hear from existing mentors and those businesses that are currently or have been benefiting from one to one mentoring. Mentors provide their time on a voluntary basis and the service is provided free to businesses that meet the criteria.

High Growth - One to One Mentoring
The 'one to one' business mentoring service aims to match an ambitious and growing business leader with a suitable mentor, taking into account the skills, background, experience, sector and personality of the individuals involved. You don't have to be a Chamber member to get the benefit of this programme.

Become a mentor & assist others to succeed
The Business Mentoring programme is looking to recruit experienced, successful mentors across the Highlands from a wide range of business sectors, all of whom are willing to invest their time and energy to enable other leaders and businesses to benefit from their knowledge and experience.

For further information email info[AT] or tel 01847 890076