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Update On Caithness NHS Redesign Now On Hold Indefinitely - Comments At The End

11th February 2024

The Scottish Government announced last month that funding for all NHS construction projects was to be paused for at least two years.

Despite this, work will continue on planning and implementing the redesign of health and social care services in Caithness.

It is vital we continue to develop plans to reshape services across the far north of Scotland and address key issues such as workforce planning.

The redesign of Caithness Health services has been going on for 20 years. The snails pace of meeting after meeting across the county seems like an Alice in Wonderland story - In that direction New Services - In that direction Reduce Maternity services and on and on but the sheer length of consultations and meeting means nothing much gets done

Louise Bussell, NHS Highland's Director of Nursing, said: "It was hugely disappointing when we heard about capital funding being paused. We understand the frustration that our communities and colleagues will feel as they have worked very hard on the project for a long time.

"While we are unable to progress the construction elements of our projects in Caithness, we can continue planning how we can improve services.

"This work has never been more important for us and the people we care for, and strengthening these plans will better inform the design changes when funding for capital projects become available.

"As with all elements of the redesign project, we will continue to engage with communities, organisations and our colleagues to help us understand how we make our services affordable, sustainable and fit for both now and in the future."

Councillor Ron Gunn, Chair of The Highland Council's Caithness Area Committee and Chair of Caithness Health Action Team (CHAT), said: "I am delighted that NHS Highland Caithness Redesign project team called this meeting to give an update. I think it's fair to say that everyone in the room was very disappointed that the funding has been paused by Scottish Government for how long we don't really know.

"I think it's important that the point was made that this situation was not the fault of NHS Highland and that the community is supportive of the Redesign project including the improvements planned for Caithness General Hospital. It was reassuring to hear that they are continuing to work on how the hubs will operate so as they will be ready to go should the funding become available."

Councillor Willie Mackay said: "I was quite disappointed when I heard the news that capital investment by the Scottish Government towards the ongoing Caithness health service redesign was to be paused .

"A terrific amount or consultation over several years had taken place involving professional local NHS staff, Local councillors Doctors and a very good representation of the general public."

"The plan drawn up and the vision was the best possible in redesigning our local health services and every encouragement is required now to support our NHS in Caithness in their continuing fight to get back on track and seeing the vision of the planned Hubs becoming that much needed reality."

Councillor Matthew Reiss said: "This was a very frank meeting where I felt there was real shock at what has happened and a determination to somehow move forward.

"We need to support NHS Highland, who were basically instructed to stop all the capital projects, including our new Hubs, for an indefinite period which will be years. I will try and help the NHS with this rather daunting challenge."

Read more about Caithness health and social care redesign
Read more about Caithness health and social care redesign

Bill Fernie comments
The redesign of Caithness Health services has been going on for 20 years. The snails pace of meeting after meeting across the county seems like an Alice in Wonderland story - In that direction New Services - In that direction Reduce Maternity services and on and on but the sheer length of consultations and meeting means nothing much gets done. The Scottish Government has now put the big spanner in the works across all health boards on funding but if things had progressed much sooner we might have had all this done and dusted. So did we all waste our time attending meetings and consultations over two decades.

And er........We may soon no longer have an NHS Highland if the Scottish Government moves forward with plans to merge health boards - perhaps only 3 to cover all of Scotland. Who knows but will it push the NHS plans even further into touch and will an even bigger health board start again with consultations for another 20 years.

Alice said "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. And contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn't be, and what it wouldn't be, it would.