16th April 2024
EIS-FELA members across Scotland should have received a fair pay award in September 2022. College Employers Scotland have so far failed to table an acceptable pay offer with assurances on job security.
EIS-FELA will never trade jobs for pay.
Following a period of Industrial Action Short of Strike (ASOS) and Strike Action, including targeted Strike Action, in 2023, a new programme of Industrial Action has begun across Scotland's colleges.
Members of EIS-FELA have been taking action short of strike since the middle of February. This is in addition to a national day of strike action and six days of targeted strike action within the parliamentary constituency areas of key Scottish Government Ministers.
The latest escalation to the dispute will involve a period of rolling strike action set to begin on Tuesday the 16th of April for three weeks, the full programme of rolling action is below.
The EIS urges the Scottish Government to intervene in this dispute, with a funding package that will deliver a decent pay settlement for college lecturers, consistent with its public sector pay policy, whilst protecting jobs and ensuring continuity of course provision for students.
Rolling Action Week One:
Tuesday 16th April: City of Glasgow College, Glasgow Clyde College & Glasgow Kelvin College
Wednesday 17th April: Borders College, Dumfries & Galloway College, Dundee and Angus College, Edinburgh College, Fife College, Newbattle Abbey College, North East Scotland College, West Lothian College
Thursday 18th April: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, UHI Argyll, UHI Inverness, UHI Moray, UHI Perth, UHI Shetland, UHI North, West and Hebrides
Friday 19th April: Ayrshire College, Forth Valley College, New College Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire College, West College Scotland
Rolling Action Week Two:
Monday 22nd April: Borders College, City of Glasgow College, UHI Inverness, UHI North, West and Hebrides
Tuesday 23rd April: Fife College, New College Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire College, UHI Moray, West Lothian College
Wednesday 24th April: Ayrshire College, Forth Valley College, Newbattle Abbey College, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, UHI Shetland
Thursday 25th April: Dundee and Angus College, Edinburgh College, Glasgow Clyde College, North East Scotland College, West College Scotland
Friday 26th April: Dumfries & Galloway College, Glasgow Kelvin College, UHI Argyll, UHI Perth
Rolling Action Week Three:
Monday 29th April: Ayrshire College, Edinburgh College, Forth Valley College, Newbattle Abbey College, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig
Tuesday 30th April: Dumfries & Galloway College, Dundee and Angus College, North East Scotland College, UHI Perth, UHI Shetland
Wednesday 1st May: Glasgow Kelvin College, UHI Argyll, UHI Inverness, UHI Moray, West College Scotland
Thursday 2nd May: Borders College, New College Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire College, West Lothian College
Friday 3rd May: City of Glasgow College, Fife College, Glasgow Clyde College, UHI North, West and Hebrides