Wick River Path Maintenance Abandoned
29th August 2011
Recent adverse weather conditions have deterred most of the Caithness Countryside Volunteers taking on path maintenance work at the Wick Riverside.
A couple of brave souls turned up on Sunday (28 August) but work had to be abandoned due to the gale force winds and torrential rain showers.
The volunteers had planned to clear drains and cut back encroaching vegetation along the path. Many of the culverts could not be seen due to the extensive flooding and much of the path was under water. The volunteers managed to cut back some vegetation and unblock two culverts before the day was abandoned for health and safety reasons.
The event had been organised by The Highland Council Countryside Rangers and supported by Scottish Natural Heritage through Action Earth organised by CSV (Community Service Volunteers). As part of this year's campaign, SNH (Scottish Natural Heritage) are supporting 155 projects in Scotland through three different grant awards, aimed at groups that will help support and encourage Scottish biodiversity and encourage volunteers through practical environmental projects.
Marina Swanson, Highland Council Countryside Ranger and event organiser said: "We were very disappointed with the horrendous weather on Sunday. It was so wet, the path was mostly flooded and we were not able to complete the planned work safely. It felt like a winter's day and we did not expect such poor weather for August. We appreciate the support through the Action Earth Awards."
The Caithness Countryside Volunteers is organised through the Council's Planning and Development Service Countryside Rangers and is always looking for new members. For further information about joining the group, please contact Marina Swanson on 01955607758 or e-mail marina.swanson[AT]highland.gov.uk