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HIE Empowers Graduates To Drive Economic Growth

10th July 2024

Photograph of HIE Empowers Graduates To Drive Economic Growth

Six talented young people working at Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) over the past two years have secured permanent positions, bringing fresh perspectives and valuable skills to HIE's economic and community development efforts.

Anna Fraser, 26, studied Business and Management at the University of the Highlands and Islands. She began her journey with HIE in November 2021 as a graduate programme officer, based in Inverness, to support the agency's graduate placement programme.

The programme supported organisations to drive innovation and recovery following the pandemic and gave graduates much-needed experience to advance their careers.

Since October 22, Anna has been working as part of the business improvement team as a PowerApps support officer. Her dedication and expertise have now led her to secure a permanent contract.

Anna said: "Joining HIE has been a fantastic journey. I'm thrilled to have contributed to innovation across the Highlands and Islands, and my current role as a PowerApps support officer contributes to the continuous improvement of the client management app and assists staff with any related issues.

Amy Murray, 22, hailing from Inverness has been appointed permanently as the development officer for Gaelic. Amy has been fulfilling this role since October 2022 after graduating from UHI Outer Hebrides with a Batchelor of Arts in Gaelic Language and Culture.

Since then, she has actively supported the development of Gaelic within HIE. Amy was also involved in reviewing and supporting the National Gaelic Tourism Strategy on behalf of the organisation. Beyond that, she provides a supporting role in HIE to help businesses, communities and social enterprises to develop and grow.

Amy said: "I’m delighted to be part of HIE’s Gaelic development team based in Stornoway within the Innse Gall area team. The job has allowed me to move to Lewis - where my family are from, which has been great. I’m passionate about preserving our language and supporting businesses and communities. This permanent role allows me to do just that."

Anna Campbell, 21, joined HIE as part of the graduate placement programme in October 2022 after graduating from the University of the Highlands and Islands with a BA in Business and Management. Based in the Portree office, Anna serves as a development officer on the business team for the Lochaber, Skye and Wester Ross area. Anna’s passion lies in supporting local businesses, and her dedication has already made a significant impact.

As part of their placements, Anna Campbell and Amy have also participated in the Young Scotland Programme, further enhancing their skills and knowledge.

Anna said: “As a development officer, I’m excited to help local businesses grow. My time at HIE has been rewarding, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to make a difference in the Lochaber, Skye, and Wester Ross area."

Other graduates appointed by HIE on a permanent basis after securing an 18-month place through the graduate placement programme are Kelly Harwood who is the net zero transition officer; Robyn Horton, development officer in the Argyll and the Islands area team; and Kyle Barrie, development officer in the Moray area team.

To acknowledge their achievements, some of the graduates have been nominated as champions in an international youth day campaign, which is an awareness day designated by the United Nations. It provides a platform for young people to showcase the actions they have taken to make a difference in society.

Stepanka Nicol, recruitment and resourcing manager at HIE, said: “The recent appointment of six graduates on permanent roles is testament to our commitment to developing the young workforce at HIE. The graduate placement programme is an excellent initiative enabling us to access fresh talent whilst supporting graduates in their early careers.”

HIE a' cumhachdachadh cheumnaichean gu fàs a stiùireadh san eaconamaidh

Tha sianar dhaoine òga tàlantach a th’ air a bhith ag obair do dh’Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean (HIE) thar nan dà bhliadhna a dh’fhalbh, air dreuchdan maireannach a ghleidheadh, a’ tarraing bheachdan ùra agus sgilean luachmhor gu na h-oidhirpean leasachaidh eaconamach is coimhearsnachd aig HIE.

Dh’ionnsaich Anna Fhriseal, 26, Gnothachas is Stiùireadh ann an Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean. Thòisich i air an t-slighe le HIE san t-Samhain 2021 mar oifigear prògraim cheumnaichean, stèidhichte ann an Inbhir Nis, gus taic a chur ri prògram greis-gnìomhachais cheumnaichean a’ bhuidhinn.

Bha am prògram a’ cur taic ri buidhnean gus ùr-ghnàthachadh agus ath-shlànachadh a stiùireadh a’ leantainn air a’ phandamaig, a’ toirt eòlas fìor riatanach do cheumnaichean airson adhartachadh nan dreuchdan.

On Dàmhair 2022, tha Anna air a bhith ag obair mar phàirt den sgioba leasachaidh a' ghnothachais mar oifigear taic PowerApps. Tha a dealas agus a h-ealantas air leantainn dhi a-nis gu cùmhnant maireannach fhaotainn.

Thuirt Anna: “Tha a bhith ag obair aig HIE air a bhith na shlighe iongantach. Tha mi air mo dhòigh glan a bhith a’ cur ri ùr-ghnàthachadh tarsainn na Gàidhealtachd ’s na h-Eileanan, agus tha mo dhreuchd làithreach mar oifigear taic PowerApps a’ cur ri leasachadh leantainneach air app stiùiridh an neach-dèiligidh agus a’ cuideachadh luchd-obrach le cùisean sam bith a tha co-cheangailte.

Tha Amy Mhoireach, 22, a tha à Inbhir Nis, air a fastadh gu dreuchd mhaireannach mar oifigear leasachaidh don Ghàidhlig. Tha Amy air a bhith a’ coileanadh na dreuchd seo on Dàmhair 2022 an dèidh ceumnachadh bho UHI Innse Gall le ceum Baidsealar Ealain ann an Cànan is Cultar na Gàidhlig.

On uair sin, tha i air taic ghnìomhach a chur ri leasachadh na Gàidhlig taobh a-staigh HIE. Bha Amy an sàs cuideachd ann an ath-sgrùdadh air agus taic don Ro-innleachd Turasachd Ghàidhlig Nàiseanta às leth a’ bhuidhinn. Seachad air sin, tha dreuchd taic aice taobh a-staigh HIE ann an cuideachadh le leasachadh fàis air gnothachasan, coimhearsnachdan agus iomairtean sòisealta.

Thuirt Amy: “Tha mi air leth toilichte a bhith mar phàirt de sgioba leasachaidh Gàidhlig HIE, stèidhichte ann an Steòrnabhagh ann an sgioba sgìreil Innse Gall. Tha an obair air ceadachadh dhomh gluasad a Leòdhas - às a bheil mo theaghlach, agus tha sin air a bhith fìor mhath. Tha mi dìoghrasach mu ghleidheadh a’ chànain againn agus taic a chur ri gnothachasan agus coimhearsnachdan. Tha an dreuchd mhaireannach seo a’ ceadachadh dhomh dìreach sin a dhèanamh.”

Thàinig Anna Chaimbeul, 21, gu HIE mar phàirt den phrògram greis-gnìomhachais cheumnaichean san Dàmhair 2022 an dèidh ceumnachadh bho Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean le BA ann an Gnothachas is Stiùireadh. Stèidhichte ann an oifis Phort Rìgh, tha Anna a’ frithealadh mar oifigear leasachaidh ann an sgìre Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois. Tha ùidh Anna gu mòr an lùib taic do ghnothachasan, agus tha a dealas air buaidh chudromach a choileanadh mar-thà.

Mar phàirt de an greisean-gnìomhachais, tha Anna Chaimbeul agus Amy air com-pàirteachadh cuideachd ann am Prògram Òigridh Alba, a’ toirt barrachd àrdachaidh air an sgilean agus an eòlas.

Thuirt Anna: “Mar oifigear leasachaidh, tha mi air bhioran a bhith a’ cuideachadh ghnothachasan ionadail gu fàs. Tha m’ ùine aig HIE air a bhith feumail, agus tha mi taingeil an cothrom fhaotainn air diofar a dhèanamh ann an Loch Abar, An t-Eilean Sgitheanach agus Taobh Siar Rois.”

Am measg cheumnaichean eile air am fastadh le HIE air bhunait mhaireannach airson 18 mìosan, an dèidh àite fhaotainn tron phrògram greis-gnìomhachais, tha Kelly Harwood mar oifigear eadar-ghluasad neoini iomlan; Robyn Horton, oifigear leasachaidh ann an sgioba sgìreil Earra-Ghàidheal ’s nan Eilean; agus Kyle Barrie, oifigear leasachaidh ann an sgioba sgìreil Mhoireibh.

Gus aithne a thoirt do an euchdan, tha cuid de na ceumnaichean air an ainmeachadh mar ghaisgich ann an iomairt latha òigridh eadar-nàiseanta, a tha na latha mothachaidh a tha comharraichte leis na Dùthchannan Aonaichte. Tha sin a’ toirt àrd-ùrlar do dhaoine òga airson nan gnìomhan aca a thaisbeanadh, a tha iad air a ghabhail os làimh gus diofar a dhèanamh sa chomann-shòisealta.

Thuirt Stepanka Nicol, am manaidsear trusaidh is goireasachaidh aig HIE: “Tha am fastadh air sianar cheumnaichean gu dreuchdan maireannach o chionn ghoirid na theisteanas air ar dealas a thaobh sgioba-obrach òg a leasachadh aig HIE. Is e iomairt sàr-mhath a th’ anns a’ phrògram greis-gnìomhachais cheumnaichean, a tha gar comasachadh gu tàlant ùr a ruigsinn fhad ’s a tha sinn a’ cur taic ri ceumnaichean nan dreuchdan-beatha tràth.”


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