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School leavers...where are you going?

3rd September 2011

Throughout September, Skills Development Scotland advisers will be carrying out the School Leaver Destination follow up.

Throughout September, Skills Development Scotland advisers will be carrying out the School Leaver Destination follow up.

Recent school leavers across Scotland will soon receive a telephone call, email or letter from advisers at SDS. Many school pupils across the country will now have made their post exam results career choices. SDS advisers want to find out if they have successfully moved on into courses at college, university, a job or further training.
Last year SDS reported on over 54,000 school leavers, 87% of whom went into a job, college, university or further training.

SDS publishes the School Leaver Destination Report on its website, and also reports to Scottish Government and to Local Authorities.

The results influence the way Scottish Government and Local Authorities plan future allocation of resources to support young people leaving school, including the funding of places and courses in education and training.

It also influences the way Skills Development Scotland develops and delivers its products and services to support all the young people it works with in schools, centres, and through its newly launched website (My World of Work).

SDS Chief Executive Damien Yeates said: "The School Leaver Destination process is vital to help SDS and its partners determine what support is required for the next generation of young people"

"Every leaver is important to us."

"You can help us by completing the follow up questionnaire on our website, just follow the link, telling us about the job, university or college course you are now doing."We are especially keen to hear from the leavers who have not yet managed to secure a place in education or the job opportunity yet, and we will contact them to offer our support."More information is available from the Skills Development Scotland website at: