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Water or AI? Is that the choice we face? And We Thought It Was Just Big Amounts of Electricity

13th July 2024

Water and AI are two things that are rarely discussed together, but they should be, because in our future, our ability to use AI or artificial intelligence, is going to be severely restricted by the availability of water in the world. And what we already know is that the availability of water in this world is decidedly restricted.

Let's not for a moment take note of the fact that our water is rubbish in the UK, polluted, full of human excrement, and very often in short supply because there are so many leaks in our water system. But instead let's note that around the world water is getting very much scarcer.

Richard Murphy is Professor of Accounting Practice at Sheffield University Management School. He is director of Tax Research LLP and the author of the Funding the Future blog. His best known book is ‘The Joy of Tax'.