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Time To Hit The Ground Running

13th July 2024

Mike Brewer at the Resolution Foundation looks at the challenges facing the new Labour government.

We're now a week into a seismic political shift in UK politics, with Labour returning to office for the first time in 14 years.

This is a Parliament that's more new than old - 335 of the 650 MPs sworn in this week have never been one before. It's also more representative than the ballot papers were, with Sarah soaring up the rankings to be the second most popular name in Parliament (h/t London Playbook). But whatever their makeup, the Government has a huge political mandate, and a similarly substantial task ahead if they’re to deliver the economic turnaround that Britain’s families need.

We started discussing how the new Government should approach that challenge with some of Britain’s leading political scientists, policy experts, and political and economics editors at an event yesterday, which is well worth a watch. We’ll have plenty more to say in the autumn when we launch a series of deep dives into Britain’s key economic challenges and opportunities. To whet your appetite, here’s a five-chart guide to what could make - or break - Labour’s economic record in office.

Read the five points HERE