SAC Gets New Funding For Courses In HIE Area
29th May 2006
SAC has been awarded nearly �152,000 by the European Social Fund (ESF) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise to fund the continuation of a training project in the highlands and islands area. The renewed funding will support the project from August 2006 to July 2007.
This most recent award follows on from similar support awarded last year which enabled SAC to initiate a series of subsidised training courses.
In the first year of operation the courses have attracted more than 1000 trainees - well in excess of the number who were originally expected to participate.
Inverness-based SAC Consultant, Siobhan Macdonald will continue to drive the project forward and will work together with other agencies in the Highlands and Islands to make best use of the funds to cut costs for individuals. From Shetland to Bute, farmers and crofters will be able to take advantage of the financial help and organisation of many
locally held courses.
Most popular courses to date have been the beef cattle events, beginners courses on livestock and chainsaw courses. Also in increasing demand are beginners courses in small scale horticulture, land management contracts and pollution prevention, now being
planned for the coming year.
Many courses are held in conjunction with the Scottish Crofting Foundation, NFUS, machinery rings, FWAG and the Crofters Commission in order to reach as many farmers and crofters as possible.
SAC Training Services
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SAC is organising a series of meetings throughout the Highlands and Islands which aim to help farmers and crofters understand how the new Single Farm Payment Scheme works. The meetings will take place over the next six weeks (see below for times and venues) prior to the deadline for IACS applications on 16 May 2005.