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SAC Appoints New North East Beef Specialist

31st May 2006

Photograph of SAC Appoints New North East Beef Specialist

A new beef specialist, Ian Pritchard, is due to join Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) at its Thainstone Office, near Inverurie, on 13 June. This new post has been established by SAC to further strengthen its services to beef farmers in the north and north-east of Scotland. The move also reinforces SAC's commitment to farmers in the area.

Ian will join SAC's Beef and Sheep specialist team bringing with him a wealth of livestock experience both from his time working with MLC and latterly with Signet, where he was employed as a livestock breeding specialist. Prior to this Ian worked as a beef and sheep specialist and his understanding of enterprise costings, and the commercial and pedigree beef and sheep sectors will enhance the services that SAC offers. The move marks a return to his north east roots for Ian, originally from Huntly, who has been based in England for most of his career.

SAC Beef and Sheep team leader Iain Riddell explains the decision to strengthen SAC's beef expertise in the north,

"large attendances at recent events in the north east and feedback from local SAC consultants persuaded us that there was a need to locate a member of the team in the north east. The livestock industry is going through a period of transition, and Ian will be able to help beef and sheep farmers make the best decisions about future strategies
through individual consultancy, group meetings and training courses."

Alister Laing Principal Consultant & Regional Manager of SAC's Farm Business Services in the north east has welcomed the move. He says, "Having a specialist in the area gives us the opportunity to work up some new initiatives that can benefit the industry. Although appointed as a beef specialist Ian can also offer sheep consultancy, particularly on breeding issues. The north east base makes travel to the Northern Isles and north Scotland relatively easy."

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