Beatrice Offshore Windfarm - Public Information Event In Wick
3rd November 2011
Beatrice Offshore Windfarm Limited (BOWL) is the joint venture partnership formed between SSE Renewables (75%) and Repsol (25%) (formerly SeaEnergy Renewables). In February 2009. The company was awarded an exclusivity agreement by the Crown Estate to develop the Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm in Scottish Territorial Waters.
SSE Renewables is responsible for the development of SSE's renewable energy projects
across Europe. SSE is the leading generator of renewable energy in the UK, with over 2,450 Megawatts of renewable energy projects consented.
Repsol Nuevas Energias UK was formed following Repsol's purchase of 100% of SeaEnergy Renewables Limited in June 2011. It has development rights for a total of 1,190 megawatts (MW) in the United Kingdom, equivalent to a third of the offshore wind capacity currently installed worldwide.
Public information events to provide people with the opportunity to learn more about our proposals and raise any questions they may have about the project.
The exhibitions will be held as follows:
TUESDAY 8 NOVEMBER - 13:00 - 19:00
WEDNESDAY 9 NOVEMBER - 13:00 - 18:00
THURSDAY 10 NOVEMBER - 13:00 - 19:00
FRIDAY 11NOVEMBER - 09:00 - 17:00
Transmission works proposals have already been put in place. See here -
The Wind Fam Proposals
The Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm site is located as follows.
On the north western most point of the Smith Bank in the Outer Moray Firth.
Approximately 13.5 km from the Caithness coastline.
This site is approximately 19 km long and 9 km wide.
There are a number of features located nearby.
The existing Beatrice demonstrator turbines 11 km to the south west.
The existing Jacky oil platform is located just outside the site to the south west.
The proposed Moray Firth Round 3 offshore wind farm zone is located directly to the east.
What are the key wind farm components?
The wind farm will comprise the following -
Up to 277 turbines (tower, nacelle, rotors and hub).
Turbine substructures and foundations.
Up to 3 offshore electricity substations.
Electricity cables at the site connecting turbines to the substations.
Up to 3 meteorological masts.
Cable connection to the mainland and onwards to Blackhillock.
Maintenance and operational facilities on the mainland.
Design Details?
A number of scenarios are being assessed. The wind farm will have a generating capacity of c. 1000MW and in order to reach this capacity a number of turbines are being considered, ranging from 277 turbines of 3.6MW capacity to 142 turbines of
7MW capacity.
The 3.6 MW turbine would have a tip height of approximately 140 m, the 6 MW 183 m and the 7 MW would have a 198 m tip height.
Foundations could be pin piles, suction piles or gravity base.
Substructures could be lattice, tripod or quadrapod.
Approximate Timetable
Exclusivity agreement received from the Crown Estate
February 2009
Agree on approach and scope of Environmental Impact Assessment with
the Government and consultees
Summer 2010
Undertake baseline surveys and Environmental Impact Assessment
Ongoing until autumn 2011
Wind farm public exhibitions Summer
2010/Autumn 2011
Submit completed application and Environmental Statement for Statutory
Consent and Licenses
Winter 2011
Consent potentially granted Anticipated
Autumn/Winter 2012
Construction commencing Anticipated 2014/2015
Fully operational
Anticipated 2017/2018